primer Angelinega vrtca
Ema Benec (Avtor), Olga Poljšak-Škraban (Mentor)


Sodelovanje vrtca s starši

Ključne besede

starši;vzgojitelji;komuniciranje;medosebni odnosi;pedagogika Montessori;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [E. Benec]
UDK: 373.2:048.87(043.2)
COBISS: 9627977 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 968
Št. prenosov: 735
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Kindergarten cooperation with the parents on the example of Angelin kindergarten
Sekundarni povzetek: The cooperation of the kindergarten with parents is not an easy task, but it is valuable for parents and pedagogues as well. It must always go with the level of interacting support and enrichment in the direction of successful development of the child. The most important here are warm human relation, sincere communication and qualification; it is certainly necessary to work on it all the time. On the theoretical level I represented the child attached between his family and the kindergarten. I continued with the importance of cooperation between the kindergarten and parents. I also exposed principles, methods and forms of cooperation with parents, interpersonal relation and communication. The final part of the theoretical work was meant for the presentation of Maria Montessori, its pedagogics and especially its cooperation with parents. I also represented the kindergarten of Angela and its forms of work where parents are included in its life and work. My intention of the research was to find out the obstacles of cooperation, expectations of parents and pedagogues, forms of work offered by the kindergarten, responses of parents, what importance the cooperation has for the included and in what way this cooperation is successful. I found the data with the help of three interviewed parents and pedagogues (two pedagogues and the head-mistress). The gained findings offer new opportunities for the progress and development of the cooperation with parents. In the opinion of all interviewed persons the cooperation has a very big importance. They believe that the cooperation is successful because they all make an effort for open communication and good personal relations. For successful cooperation confidence is essential and without fail it must be established at the beginning of the initiation of children in the kindergarten. They face with numerous obstacles, from different expectations, lack of time and discordance between education at home and kindergarten. Parents want to be constantly informed of the problems and its solutions, and pedagogues particularly desire the confidence of parents and their active cooperation. In its programme the kindergarten offers various forms of cooperation where parents participate in its implementation.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school education;parent-teacher relation;predšolska vzgoja;odnos med starši in učiteljem;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 98 f.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Kindergarten cooperation with the parents on the example of Angelin kindergarten
Ključne besede (ePrints): starši
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): parents
Povzetek (ePrints): Sodelovanje vrtca s starši ni lahka naloga, je pa dragocena, tako za starše kot za vzgojitelje. Vedno mora potekati na ravni medsebojne podpore in bogatitve v smeri uspešnega razvoja otroka. Najpomembnejše pri tem je topel človeški odnos, iskrena komunikacija in usposobljenost, kar je treba tudi ves čas nadgrajevati. Na teoretični ravni sem predstavila vpetost otroka med družino in vrtec. Nato sem pisala o pomenu sodelovanja vrtca s starši. Izpostavila sem tudi načela, metode in oblike sodelovanja s starši ter medosebni odnos in komunikacijo. Sklepni del teoretičnega dela je bil namenjen predstavitvi Marie Montessori, njene pedagogike, še posebej področju sodelovanja s starši. Predstavila sem tudi Angelin vrtec in oblike, preko katerih se lahko starši vključujejo v življenje in delo v vrtcu. Osrednji problem dela se je nanašal na sodelovanje vrtca s starši otrok, ki obiskujejo Angelin vrtec. Namen je bil s kvalitativno raziskavo ugotoviti, kakšne ovire se pojavljajo pri sodelovanju, pričakovanja staršev in strokovnega osebja, oblike, ki jih vrtec ponuja in odzivnost staršev na pobude vrtca ter raziskati, kakšen pomen ima sodelovanje za vse vključene in do kolikšne mere je to sodelovanje uspešno. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo intervjujev s trojimi starši in strokovnim osebjem (dve vzgojiteljici in ravnateljico). Pridobljene ugotovitve nudijo nove priložnosti za napredek in razvoj sodelovanja s starši. Sodelovanje ima po mnenju vseh intervjuvanih oseb visok pomen. Menijo, da je sodelovanje uspešno, saj se vsi trudijo za odprto komunikacijo in dobre medosebne odnose. Pri graditvi uspešnega sodelovanja je temeljno zaupanje, ki ga je potrebno vzpostaviti že v začetku uvajanja otrok. Soočajo se s številnimi ovirami, od različnih pričakovanj do pomanjkanja časa in neskladnosti z vzgojnim pristopom doma in v vrtcu. Sprotno obveščanje in reševanje težav so temeljna pričakovanja staršev, strokovno osebje pa si želi predvsem zaupanja staršev in njihovo aktivno sodelovanje. Vrtec v svojem programu nudi raznolike oblike sodelovanja preko katerih se starši vključujejo v proces soustvarjanja.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The cooperation of the kindergarten with parents is not an easy task, but it is valuable for parents and pedagogues as well. It must always go with the level of interacting support and enrichment in the direction of successful development of the child. The most important here are warm human relation, sincere communication and qualification; it is certainly necessary to work on it all the time. On the theoretical level I represented the child attached between his family and the kindergarten. I continued with the importance of cooperation between the kindergarten and parents. I also exposed principles, methods and forms of cooperation with parents, interpersonal relation and communication. The final part of the theoretical work was meant for the presentation of Maria Montessori, its pedagogics and especially its cooperation with parents. I also represented the kindergarten of Angela and its forms of work where parents are included in its life and work. My intention of the research was to find out the obstacles of cooperation, expectations of parents and pedagogues, forms of work offered by the kindergarten, responses of parents, what importance the cooperation has for the included and in what way this cooperation is successful. I found the data with the help of three interviewed parents and pedagogues (two pedagogues and the head-mistress). The gained findings offer new opportunities for the progress and development of the cooperation with parents. In the opinion of all interviewed persons the cooperation has a very big importance. They believe that the cooperation is successful because they all make an effort for open communication and good personal relations. For successful cooperation confidence is essential and without fail it must be established at the beginning of the initiation of children in the kindergarten. They face with numerous obstacles, from different expectations, lack of time and discordance between education at home and kindergarten. Parents want to be constantly informed of the problems and its solutions, and pedagogues particularly desire the confidence of parents and their active cooperation. In its programme the kindergarten offers various forms of cooperation where parents participate in its implementation.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): parents
ID: 8311351