diplomsko delo
Nuša Zidarič (Avtor), Alenka Polak (Mentor)


Timski pristop pri delu z vedenjsko motečimi učenci v osnovni šoli

Ključne besede

socialni pedagog;svetovalna služba;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Zidarič]
UDK: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 9635913 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1182
Št. prenosov: 171
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Team approach in working with behaviourally disruptive students in primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: Working in primary school and most of all working with behaviourally disruptive students, requests cooperation of different professionals and a team approach to the problems. Behaviourally disruptive students have deficits in different areas of their development and only one expert is often not competent enough for the whole and successful treatment of these students and offering appropriate help. In the diploma we analyze the work of school social service in regular primary school and we stress the team approach on dealing with behaviourally disruptive students. The empirical research within the diploma involves a qualitative analysis of six questionnaires with social service workers, who work in a primary school, where they deal with students that are behaviourally disruptive. Social pedagogs are experts in area of emotional and behavioural problems. That is why we were interested in their role in teams for dealing with students who have behavioural issues and also, what problems the team deals with and their strategies for solving them in their work. We found out that the lack of social pedagogs in primary school system means that behaviourally disruptive students common do not get appropriate social-pedagogical treatment and that a team dealing with students often does not include a social pedagog. The social service workers that were involved in the questionnaire see the team work as necessary but have a different opinion about the efficiency of team work in their schools. Most of them agree on possibilities of improvement. From the interviews it is obvious, that they deal with problems by communicating and that the lack of time makes it difficult for the team to develop and to deepen the relationships between various experts. It is important for experts in primary schools to be aware of the advantages of the team work and that they see the obstacles as a possibility for development and strengthening of the team. Social pedagogs, competent for dealing with behaviourally disruptive students, should be involved in a team for dealing with such students and insure them an appropriate treatment.
Sekundarne ključne besede: behaviour disorder;team teaching;primary school;motnje vedenja;timski pouk;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 85 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Team approach in working with behaviourally disruptive students in primary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): timsko delo
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teamwork
Povzetek (ePrints): Delo v osnovni šoli in predvsem delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami zahteva od različnih strokovnjakov sodelovanje oziroma timski pristop k problemom. Učenci s posebnimi potrebami imajo primanjkljaje na različnih področjih razvoja in en sam strokovnjak pogosto ni dovolj kompetenten za celostno in uspešno obravnavo teh učencev ter nudenje ustrezne pomoči. V diplomskem delu analiziramo delo šolske svetovalne službe v osnovni šoli in izpostavimo timski pristop pri obravnavi vedenjsko motečih učencev. Empirično raziskovanje v okviru diplomskega dela zajema kvalitativno analizo šestih intervjujev šolskih svetovalnih delavk, zaposlenih na osnovni šoli, na kateri imajo vedenjsko moteče učence z izdano odločbo o usmerjanju. Socialni pedagogi so strokovnjaki na področju čustvene in vedenjske problematike, zato nas je zanimalo kakšna je vloga socialnih pedagogov v timu za obravnavo vedenjsko motečega učenca, s kakšnimi problemi se tak tim sooča in kakšne strategije reševanja problemov uporablja pri svojem delu. Ugotovili smo, da zaradi premalo socialnih pedagogov v šolstvu, vedenjsko moteči učenci pogosto ne dobijo ustrezne socialnopedagoške obravnave in da tim za obravnavo vedenjsko motečih učencev socialnega pedagoga pogosto ne vključuje. Intervjuvane svetovalne delavke timsko delo vrednotijo kot nujno potrebno, o učinkovitosti timskega dela na njihovi šoli pa imajo različna mnenja. V večini se strinjajo, da bi se na tem področju dalo še več narediti in izboljšati. Iz intervjujev smo ugotovili, da težave v timu rešujejo s komunikacijo in da pomanjkanje časa timu pogosto otežuje, da bi se tim lahko dodatno razvijal in da bi se odnosi med različnimi strokovnjaki poglobili. Pomembno je, da se strokovnjaki na osnovni šoli zavedajo prednosti timskega dela in da na ovire pri timskem delu gledajo kot na možnost za razvoj in krepitev tima. Socialne pedagoge, ki so kompetentni za delo z vedenjsko motečimi učenci, bi bilo potrebno vključevati v tim za obravnavo vedenjsko motečega učenca in učencu s tem zagotoviti ustrezno obravnavo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Working in primary school and most of all working with behaviourally disruptive students, requests cooperation of different professionals and a team approach to the problems. Behaviourally disruptive students have deficits in different areas of their development and only one expert is often not competent enough for the whole and successful treatment of these students and offering appropriate help. In the diploma we analyze the work of school social service in regular primary school and we stress the team approach on dealing with behaviourally disruptive students. The empirical research within the diploma involves a qualitative analysis of six questionnaires with social service workers, who work in a primary school, where they deal with students that are behaviourally disruptive. Social pedagogs are experts in area of emotional and behavioural problems. That is why we were interested in their role in teams for dealing with students who have behavioural issues and also, what problems the team deals with and their strategies for solving them in their work. We found out that the lack of social pedagogs in primary school system means that behaviourally disruptive students common do not get appropriate social-pedagogical treatment and that a team dealing with students often does not include a social pedagog. The social service workers that were involved in the questionnaire see the team work as necessary but have a different opinion about the efficiency of team work in their schools. Most of them agree on possibilities of improvement. From the interviews it is obvious, that they deal with problems by communicating and that the lack of time makes it difficult for the team to develop and to deepen the relationships between various experts. It is important for experts in primary schools to be aware of the advantages of the team work and that they see the obstacles as a possibility for development and strengthening of the team. Social pedagogs, competent for dealing with behaviourally disruptive students, should be involved in a team for dealing with such students and insure them an appropriate treatment.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teamwork
ID: 8311374