diplomsko delo


Zaznavanje športovzgojnega procesa učencev 2. triade v šolah spodnjeposavske regije

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Colarič]
UDK: 796:373.3(497.433)(043.2)
COBISS: 9695049 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 708
Št. prenosov: 178
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 from the Spodnjaposavska region
Sekundarni povzetek: How the pupils perceive the sport-educational process is a very important piece of information for teachers in order for them to plan sport education lessons. In my work I surveyed how Physical Education (PE) is perceived by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 in the Srednjeposavska region. In the theoretical part I discussed physical competencies, which are to be developed throughout schooling years, factors that influence the youngsters' way of life and how those affect their lifestyle, I thoroughly surveyed obesity and physical competencies and the role of Physical education in the life of a youngster. With the last I focused on the aims of Physical education, the role of the PE teacher, the grading and the popularity of the subject and the importance of the quality of the PE lessons. For the empirical part I conducted a survey using the questionnaire method, which included 994 pupils aged between 9 and 11in 17 school of Srednjeposavska region. The results show that PE is mostly taught by the PE teachers (75,6%), the class teachers (21,1%), only a small number of pupils are taught by both (2,7%). PE is the favourite subject for pupils. 45,8% of pupils ranked PE as number one, 18,1% as number two and 13,7 % as number three. 95,2% of pupils like PE. Among the subjects that pupils find important for life in the long run are Mathematics (39,1%), followed by Slovene (23,9 %), PE is ranked as number three (16,3%). Results show that in terms of popularitypupils aged between 9 and 11 ranked football as number one (53,0%), it is followed by volleyball (40,2 %), basketball (34,4%) and handball (31,7%). Among the least popular sports pupils ranked basketball as number one (32,0%), followed by handball (29,6%), football (27,4%) and volleyball (20,0%). When asked about the popularity of the PE activities and methods of work school camps were ranked as favourite with 63,3%, followed closely by the game Between two fires (Med dvema ognjema) with 60,6%. Sports day also received almost half of the votes (47,5%). Furthermore results show that dance is the least popular activity (48,1%), followed closely by gymnastics (42,0%) and athletics (40,0%). The fact that pupils perceive PE differently than other subjects can be explained by the result showing that 60,1% of the pupils chose »We choose what we are going to do« factor. Some of the factors, PE activities and methods of work that reduce pupils' positive perception of PE are the following. Pupils dislike when the teacher is angry with them (45,0%), when classmates shout (42,1%), that the teacher punishes them, if they are not obedient (37,2%), if PE lessons are performed in the classroom (30,4%), if they are late for PE lessons (28,8%) and if other pupils laugh at them (25,6%). Factor: PE is performed in the classroom (30,4%), we don't have a gymnasium (20,7%), when we have PE lessons outdoors (18,8%) were ranked as number 5, 9 and 13, which means that most pupils do not find a bad spatial and financial capabilitiesof the school disturbing, as only rare schools do not have a gymnasium. Most pupils of the 5th and the 6th grade were graded with the highest grade 5 (69,1%) in the school year of 2011/12, 90,2% of the pupils were satisfied with the grade, 26,2 % of the pupils wish they did not receive grades at all, 20,3 % of the pupils are scared of grading. If pupils wereleft to choose PE activities, most of them would play football (34,5%) and Between two fires (Med dvema ognjema) (25,8%).
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;primary school;športna vzgoja;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: VIII f., 73 str., [4] str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The perception of the sport-educational process by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 from the Spodnjaposavska region
Ključne besede (ePrints): 2. triletje
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): pupils aged between 9 and 11
Povzetek (ePrints): Kako učenci zaznavajo športnovzgojni proces, je pomemben podatek za učitelja, saj si s tem lahko pomaga pri načrtovanju športne vzgoje. Z diplomskim delom sem preverila, kako učenci 2. triletja v spodnjeposavski regiji doživljajo športnovzgojni proces. V teoretičnem delu sem se dotaknila gibalnih kompetenc, ki naj bi jih učenci razvijali skozi šolanje, dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na način življenja mladih in zaznamujejo njihov življenjski slog, podrobneje sem raziskala debelost in gibalne sposobnosti ter vloge šolske športne vzgoje pri razvoju mladega človeka. Pri slednjem sem se poglobila v cilje športne vzgoje v drugem triletju, v vlogo učitelja pri športni vzgoji, v ocenjevanje in priljubljenost tega predmeta in pomen kakovostnega poučevanja športne vzgoje. Pri izvedbi empiričnega dela sem kot merski inštrument uporabila anketo, na katero je odgovorilo 994 učencev 2. triletja 17 šol spodnjeposavske regije. Ugotovila sem, da športno vzgojo poučuje pretežno učitelj športa (75,6 %), razredni učitelji (21,1 %), le zelo majhno število otrok pa poučujeta oba skupaj (2,7 %). Najljubši predmet učencev je športna vzgoja. Na prvo mesto je predmet športno vzgojo razvrstilo 45,8 % učencev, na drugo mesto 18,1 % učencev, na tretje mesto pa 13,7 % učencev. Športno vzgojo ima rado 95,2 % učencev. Med predmeti, ki se zdijo učencem pomembni za življenje, je najpomembnejša matematika z 39,1 %, sledi slovenščina s 23,9 %, na tretjem mestu pa je športna vzgoja s 16,3 %. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo učenci 2. triletja najraje nogomet (53,0 %), sledijo mu odbojka (40,2 %), košarka (34,4 %) in rokomet (31,7 %). Med najbolj nepriljubljene športe spada košarka (32,0 %), sledijo ji rokomet z 29,6 %, nogomet s 27,4 % in odbojka z 20,0 %. Pri priljubljenosti športnih vsebin in oblik dela pri športni vzgoji najbolj izstopata šola v naravi s 63,3 % in igra med dvema ognjema s 60,6 %. Tudi športni dan je dobil skoraj polovico glasov (47,5 %). Rezultati kažejo, da je ples najbolj nepriljubljen (48,1 %), tesno mu sledita gimnastika (42,0 %) in atletika (40,0 %). Da učenci športno vzgojo dojemajo drugače kot ostale predmete, nam lahko pojasni tudi rezultat, ki pove, da je izbralo dejavnik Sami izbiramo, kaj bomo počeli kar 60,1 % učencev. Nekateri ostali dejavniki, športne vsebine in oblike dela, ki učencem manjšajo pozitivno mnenje o športni vzgoji, so naslednji. Učenci ne marajo, da se učitelj jezi na njih (45,0 %), da sošolci vpijejo (42,1 %) in da jih učitelj kaznuje, če niso pridni (37,2 %). Moti jih še, da jim športna vzgoja odpade, če niso pridni (33,3 %), če imajo športno vzgojo v razredu (30,4 %), če k športni vzgoji zamujajo (28,8 %) in če se jim drugi smejijo (25,6 %). Dejavniki: ŠV imamo v razredu (30,4 %), da nimamo telovadnice (20,7 %) in kadar imamo ŠV zunaj (18,8 %), so pristali na 5., 9. in 13. mestu, kar pomeni, da večino učencev ne moti slaba prostorska in materialna zmožnost šole, saj so le redke šole brez telovadnice. Večina učencev 5. in 6. razreda je bila v šolskem letu 2011/12 ocenjena z oceno 5 (69.1 %), zadovoljnih s pridobljeno oceno je bilo 90,2 % učencev, 26,2 % učencev si ne želi ocenjevanja, 20,3 % učencev pa je ocenjevanja pri športni vzgoji strah. Če bi učencem prepustili izbiro aktivnosti pri športni vzgoji, bi jih največ igralo nogomet (34,5 %) ali igro med dvema ognjema (25,8 %).
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): How the pupils perceive the sport-educational process is a very important piece of information for teachers in order for them to plan sport education lessons. In my work I surveyed how Physical Education (PE) is perceived by the pupils aged between 9 and 11 in the Srednjeposavska region. In the theoretical part I discussed physical competencies, which are to be developed throughout schooling years, factors that influence the youngsters' way of life and how those affect their lifestyle, I thoroughly surveyed obesity and physical competencies and the role of Physical education in the life of a youngster. With the last I focused on the aims of Physical education, the role of the PE teacher, the grading and the popularity of the subject and the importance of the quality of the PE lessons. For the empirical part I conducted a survey using the questionnaire method, which included 994 pupils aged between 9 and 11in 17 school of Srednjeposavska region. The results show that PE is mostly taught by the PE teachers (75,6%), the class teachers (21,1%), only a small number of pupils are taught by both (2,7%). PE is the favourite subject for pupils. 45,8% of pupils ranked PE as number one, 18,1% as number two and 13,7 % as number three. 95,2% of pupils like PE. Among the subjects that pupils find important for life in the long run are Mathematics (39,1%), followed by Slovene (23,9 %), PE is ranked as number three (16,3%). Results show that in terms of popularitypupils aged between 9 and 11 ranked football as number one (53,0%), it is followed by volleyball (40,2 %), basketball (34,4%) and handball (31,7%). Among the least popular sports pupils ranked basketball as number one (32,0%), followed by handball (29,6%), football (27,4%) and volleyball (20,0%). When asked about the popularity of the PE activities and methods of work school camps were ranked as favourite with 63,3%, followed closely by the game Between two fires (Med dvema ognjema) with 60,6%. Sports day also received almost half of the votes (47,5%). Furthermore results show that dance is the least popular activity (48,1%), followed closely by gymnastics (42,0%) and athletics (40,0%). The fact that pupils perceive PE differently than other subjects can be explained by the result showing that 60,1% of the pupils chose »We choose what we are going to do« factor. Some of the factors, PE activities and methods of work that reduce pupils' positive perception of PE are the following. Pupils dislike when the teacher is angry with them (45,0%), when classmates shout (42,1%), that the teacher punishes them, if they are not obedient (37,2%), if PE lessons are performed in the classroom (30,4%), if they are late for PE lessons (28,8%) and if other pupils laugh at them (25,6%). Factor: PE is performed in the classroom (30,4%), we don't have a gymnasium (20,7%), when we have PE lessons outdoors (18,8%) were ranked as number 5, 9 and 13, which means that most pupils do not find a bad spatial and financial capabilitiesof the school disturbing, as only rare schools do not have a gymnasium. Most pupils of the 5th and the 6th grade were graded with the highest grade 5 (69,1%) in the school year of 2011/12, 90,2% of the pupils were satisfied with the grade, 26,2 % of the pupils wish they did not receive grades at all, 20,3 % of the pupils are scared of grading. If pupils wereleft to choose PE activities, most of them would play football (34,5%) and Between two fires (Med dvema ognjema) (25,8%).
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): pupils aged between 9 and 11
ID: 8311609