diplomska naloga
Ana Benčina (Avtor), Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov (Mentor), Dušan Žagar (Član komisije za zagovor), Alenka Mauko (Komentor)


Uporaba ruševin s področja stare Cinkarne v betonskih kompozitih

Ključne besede

gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;VOI;gradbeni odpadki;ruševine stare Cinkarna Celje;recikliran kontaminiran opečni agregat;vključevanje recikliranega agregata v betonske kompozite;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [A. Benčina]
UDK: 69.059.64(043.2)
COBISS: 6318945 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1977
Št. prenosov: 501
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Use of ruins from the area of the old Cinkarna zinc works in concrete composities
Sekundarni povzetek: The abandoned area of the old Cinkarna zinc works, which ceased their operations in 1970, after decades of roasting zinc ore and melting zinc, is now polluted with heavy metals, mainly zinc, lead and cadmium. This area is loaded with large quantities of building waste, such as bricks, tiles, concrete, etc. Considering the environmental problems, the area needs urgent rehabilitation in order to prevent further pollution of nature and to protect human health. The graduation thesis focuses on the waste bricks resulting from the demolition of masonry structures from the area of the old Cinkarna works. The aim was to find answers to the questions, whether waste bricks are appropriate to be used as recycled aggregate for the manufacturing of structural concretes, and if cement binder is capable of immobilizing hazardous substances present in the brick material. The specimens for material testing were prepared in the laboratories of the Slovenian national Building and Civil Engineering Institute, where all the tests were carried out as well. First, we checked which toxic heavy metals are present in a sample of waste brick. Among heavy metals present in the area of the old Cinkarna works the limit was exceeded only for lead. In the next step waste bricks were crushed and then used as aggregate fraction for concrete. We determined typical physical properties of the recycled aggregate (grain size distribution, shape modulus, water absorption, density of grains, resistance to salt crystallisation and freezing), as required to estimate the aggregate adequacy for concrete preparation and for the design of concrete mixes. The recycled brick aggregate was then used in concrete mixes, i.e. by replacing 30 %, 60 % or 90 % of natural mineral aggregate. We checked the properties of concrete mixes in fresh (slump, flow diameter, density, air content, water-cement ratio) and hardened state (compressive strength at different ages of concrete, resistance against water ingress under pressure) and performed chemical analysis of leachate from concretes with recycled brick aggregate. It was established that lead, which was exceeded in the leachate of the recycled aggregate from waste bricks, was successfully immobilised in the cement matrix, since the value of lead in the leachate was below detection value. Based on the performed analysis of the results of tests carried on the recycled brick aggregate and fresh and hardened concretes, finally I prepared recommendations about buildings and engineering structures that could be made from concretes, where part of the natural mineral aggregate is replaced by recycled brick aggregate from the area of the old Cinkarna works.
Sekundarne ključne besede: graduation thesis;civil engineering;building waste;ruins of the old Cinkarna Celje zinc works;recycled contaminated brick aggregate;including recycled aggregate in concrete composities;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: X, 79 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Use of ruins from the area of old zinc works in concrete composites
Ključne besede (ePrints): gradbeni odpadki;ruševine stare Cinkarna Celje;recikliran kontaminiran opečni agregat;vključevanje recikliranega agregata v betonske kompozite
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): building waste;ruins of the old Cinkarna Celje zinc works;recycled contaminated brick aggregate;including recycled aggregate in concrete composites
Povzetek (ePrints): Zapuščeno območje celjske stare Cinkarne, ki je prenehala obratovati leta 1970, na katerem je desetletja potekala proizvodnja praženja cinkove rude in taljenje cinka je onesnaženo s težkimi kovinami, predvsem cinkom, svincem in kadmijem. Na območju najdemo velike količine gradbenih odpadkov, kot so opeka, ploščice, beton,… Glede na okoljsko problematiko je območje nujno potrebno sanacije, da bi preprečili nadaljnje zastrupljanje narave in zaščitili zdravje ljudi. V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila na odpadno opeko, ki je posledica rušenja zidanih objektov z območja stare Cinkarne. Želela sem odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je odpadna opeka ustrezen vir za recikliran agregat za izdelavo konstrukcijskih betonov in ali je cementno vezivo sposobno imobilizirati nevarne snovi, prisotne v opečnem materialu. Priprava vzorcev in preiskave materialov so potekale v laboratorijih Zavoda za gradbeništvo Slovenije. Najprej smo preverili, katere strupene težke kovine so prisotne v vzorcu odpadne opeke. Izmed težkih kovin, prisotnih na območju stare Cinkarne je bila meja presežena le pri svincu. V naslednjem koraku smo opeko zdrobili in tako pripravili frakcijo agregata za beton. Določili smo tipične fizikalne lastnosti agregata (zrnavostna sestava, modul oblike zrn, vpijanje vode, prostorninska masa zrn, odpornost na kristalizacijo soli in zmrzovanje), ki jih potrebujemo za oceno primernosti agregata za izdelavo betona ter za projektiranje betonskih mešanic. Recikliran opečni agregat smo nato vključili v betonsko mešanico in sicer smo z njim nadomestili 30 %, 60 % ali 90 % naravnega mineralnega agregata. Preverili smo lastnosti betonskih mešanic v svežem (posed, razlez, prostorninska masa, delež zajetega zraka, vodocementno razmerje) in strjenem stanju (tlačna trdnost pri različnih starostih betona, odpornost proti prodoru vode pod pritiskom) ter kemijsko analizo izlužka iz betonov z recikliranim opečnim agregatom. Ugotovili smo, da je svinec, ki je bil v izlužku recikliranega agregata iz opeke presežen, v cementni matrici uspešno imobiliziran, saj je bila vrednost svinca v izlužku pod mejo detekcije. Na podlagi opravljene analize rezultatov preiskav recikliranega opečnega agregata ter svežih in strjenih betonov sem na koncu podala priporočila glede objektov, pri gradnji katerih bi lahko uporabili betone, pri katerih je del naravnega mineralnega agregata zamenjan z recikliranim opečnim agregatom z območja stare Cinkarne.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The abandoned area of the old Cinkarna zinc works, which ceased their operations in 1970, after decades of roasting zinc ore and melting zinc, is now polluted with heavy metals, mainly zinc, lead and cadmium. This area is loaded with large quantities of building waste, such as bricks, tiles, concrete, etc. Considering the environmental problems, the area needs urgent rehabilitation in order to prevent further pollution of nature and to protect human health. The graduation thesis focuses on the waste bricks resulting from the demolition of masonry structures from the area of the old Cinkarna works. The aim was to find answers to the questions, whether waste bricks are appropriate to be used as recycled aggregate for the manufacturing of structural concretes, and if cement binder is capable of immobilizing hazardous substances present in the brick material. The specimens for material testing were prepared in the laboratories of the Slovenian national Building and Civil Engineering Institute, where all the tests were carried out as well. First, we checked which toxic heavy metals are present in a sample of waste brick. Among heavy metals present in the area of the old Cinkarna works the limit was exceeded only for lead. In the next step waste bricks were crushed and then used as aggregate fraction for concrete. We determined typical physical properties of the recycled aggregate (grain size distribution, shape modulus, water absorption, density of grains, resistance to salt crystallisation and freezing), as required to estimate the aggregate adequacy for concrete preparation and for the design of concrete mixes. The recycled brick aggregate was then used in concrete mixes, i.e. by replacing 30 %, 60 % or 90 % of natural mineral aggregate. We checked the properties of concrete mixes in fresh (slump, flow diameter, density, air content, water-cement ratio) and hardened state (compressive strength at different ages of concrete, resistance against water ingress under pressure) and performed chemical analysis of leachate from concretes with recycled brick aggregate. It was established that lead, which was exceeded in the leachate of the recycled aggregate from waste bricks, was successfully immobilised in the cement matrix, since the value of lead in the leachate was below detection value. Based on the performed analysis of the results of tests carried on the recycled brick aggregate and fresh and hardened concretes, finally I prepared recommendations about buildings and engineering structures that could be made from concretes, where part of the natural mineral aggregate is replaced by recycled brick aggregate from the area of the old Cinkarna works.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): building waste;ruins of the old Cinkarna Celje zinc works;recycled contaminated brick aggregate;including recycled aggregate in concrete composites
ID: 8312892