magistrsko delo
Anja Dolenc (Avtor), Simona Pulko (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu Tipologija nalog v berilih zadnjega triletja osnovnih šol smo se osredotočili na tipologijo nalog v treh berilih Mladinske knjige. Ključ takšnega izbora je bil predvsem to, da smo se osredotočili na eno založbo, prav to pa smo izbrali, ker so ta berila pogosto rabljena v šolski praksi in zato, ker so bile v knjižnici dostopne prenovljene izdaje njihovih beril. Pregledali smo literaturo ter teorije o berilih in zapisali tipologije beril različnih avtorjev, prav tako smo preučili tipologije nalog in Bloomovo taksonomijo. Natančno smo se ukvarjali z berilom za 7. razred, Sreča se mi v pesmi smeje, za 8. razred, Dober dan, življenje in za 9. razred, Skrivnostno življenje besed. V izbranih berilih smo predstavili njihovo zgradbo, oblikovanost in vizualno podobo. Nato smo pregledali in analizirali posamezne razdelke z nalogami ter zapisali rezultate o tipu nalog, ki se pojavljajo v izbranih berilih. Upoštevali smo Bloomovo taksonomijo ter pregledali, kako so naloge sestavljene in razdeljene glede na taksonomske stopnje. Pri analizi oz. določanju smo upoštevali število nalog; naloge smo analizirali glede na taksonomijo, zgradbo ter natančnost navodil, proučili smo, kako so naloge zgrajene in ali si sledijo po načelu postopnosti. Pri analizi smo upoštevali priporočila, in sicer pri tipologiji nalog smo se oprli na tipologijo, ki je prisotna ob navodilih za pisno preverjanje znanja, ob tem pa še na teoretična izhodišča različnih avtorjev, predvsem Leona Zormana. Izkazalo se je, da se v vseh treh izbranih berilih pojavijo podobni tipi nalog. Berila so zgrajena na podoben način, zato tudi temu ustreza tipologija nalog. V berilih se pojavi največje število nalog tipa kratkih odgovorov, prisotni so še drugi tipi, vendar v manjšem številu. Pri analizi števila tipov nalog ob enem besedilu smo upoštevali priporočila Državnega izpitnega centra za pripravo preizkusov znanja v osnovni šoli. Ugotovili smo, da v enem besedilu ni prisotnih več kot treh različnih tipov nalog. Pri analizi Bloomove taksonomije smo to izpeljali glede na priporočila Državnega izpitnega centra za pripravo preizkusov znanja v osnovni šoli. Navodila za reševanje nalog smo analizirali glede na teoretična izhodišča L. Zormana. Ta so ustrezna, vsebujejo vse potrebne podatke, pomembno pa je, da so jasna, natančna in enoznačna, predvsem pa, da učenci vedo, kako nalogo rešiti in kaj se od njih zahteva. Naloge so ustrezno razvrščene, tako da prehajajo od lažje proti zahtevnejši, s tem učenci postopoma prehajajo na višje ravni znanja.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;berila;tipologija nalog;Bloomova taksonomija;navodila;zgradba nalog;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Dolenc]
UDK: 37.091.3:811.163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 23639560 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1017
Št. prenosov: 176
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Classification of exercises in the textbooks of the last three grades in primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: In the Master's thesis titled Classification of exercises in the textbooks of the last three grades in primary school we focused on the classification of exercises in three textbooks from the publisher Mladinska knjiga. We have chosen this selection because we wanted to focus on one publishing house with available renewed issues of textbooks in the library and also because of their frequency of use in schools. We have reviewed different books and theories about textbooks from different authors, theories about classification of exercises and Bloom's taxonomy. We have specifically taken an interest with the textbooks for 7th grade, Sreča se mi v pesmi smeje (Happiness laughs at me in the poem), 8th grade, Dober dan življenje (Good day, life) and with the 9th grade textbook called Skrivnostno življenje besed (The secret life of words). We have presented them, their structure, design, and their visual image. Later we have checked and analysed individual parts of exercises and we have also written down all the results about types of exercises that have appeared in the texts. We have also taken note of the Bloom's taxonomy and we have also examined the structure of the exercises based on the taxonomic stages. This analysis takes into consideration the number of exercises. Exercises were analysed based on the taxonomy, their structure and accuracy of the instructions. We have looked at the structure of exercises and if they follow on step-by-step approach. This analysis therefore takes full account of recommendations, for example when defining the typology of exercises, we took into consideration the typology which is usually present at the instructions for written exam verification and also the theoretical approaches of different authors, mostly from Leon Zorman. It appeared that the same types of exercises were used in all three textbooks. These textbooks are structured in a similar manner, therefore types of exercises correspond to that. The majority of exercises are those looking for short answers; there is also only a small number of other types of exercises. At the analysis of the number of types of exercises we took into consideration the recommendations of the State examination centre for the preparation of written texts in the primary school. We have established that one text does not contain more than three types of exercises. While analysing Bloom's taxonomy we used the recommendations from the State examination centre for the preparation of examination in the primary school. The instructions for solving the exercise were analysed based on the theoretical basis of L.Zorman. These were suitable, because they contain all the necessary data, they are clear, precise and unique. It is also very important that pupils know how to resolve the exercise and what is required. Exercises are adequately classified, from easier to more difficult ones, so pupils can gradually shift to higher levels of knowledge.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;textbooks;classification of exercises;Bloom's taxonomy;instructions;structure of exercises;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Strani: VI, 88 f.
ID: 10875944