diplomsko delo
Adam Zagorec (Avtor), Stanislav Pinter (Recenzent), Marko Šibila (Mentor), Marko Pocrnjič (Komentor)


Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti značilnosti igre nogometnega kluba Nafta 1903 v jesenskem delu sezone 2016/17 v 3. slovenski nogometni ligi vzhod. Primerjali smo izvedbo tehnično-taktičnih elementov nogometne igre v napadu in obrambi lendavskega kluba z njegovimi nasprotniki. Analizirali smo pet tekem, ki jih je NK Nafta 1903 odigrala v jesenskem delu sezone 2016/17. Opazovali smo osem spremenljivk, na podlagi katerih smo sklepali o značilnostih igre v napadu in obrambi ekipe NK Nafta 1903. Nasprotniki Nafte 1903 so bili NK Lušt Beltinci, NŠ Mura, NK Hotiza, NK Odranci in NK Čarda. Vsako tekmo smo analizirali ter primerjali določene spremenljivke obeh ekip. Nafta 1903 je bila na koncu jesenskega dela sezone na vrhu prvenstvene lestvice. Po koncu analize značilnosti igre smo prišli do določenih pomembnih ugotovitev. NK Nafta 1903 je bila boljša od večine nasprotnikov v posesti žoge in si je največ priložnosti ustvarila po hitrih kontinuiranih napadih na krilnih položajih. Največ zadetkov je dosegla v kazenskem prostoru po predložku ali povratni podaji. Analize kažejo, da je imela Nafta 1903 veliko število protinapadov, iz katerih so poskušali hitro doseči zadetek. Ugotovili smo, da je največ udarcev uspešno zaključila znotraj kazenskega prostora in le malo iz večje razdalje. Izkazalo se je tudi, da je naredila manj prekrškov in imela več kotov od svojih nasprotnikov. Prav tako so bili igralci NK Nafte uspešni po izvedbi dveh enajstmetrovk. Največ žog pa so izgubili zaradi napačnih in neprevidnih podaj. Značilnosti igre obrambe kažejo, da je pridobila Nafta 1903 največ žog v svoji obrambni tretjini. Veliko žog je bilo pridobljenih na sredini igrišča. Obramba je bila postavljena bolj proti zadnjemu delu igrišča. Nasprotnikom od sredine igrišča ni dovolila, da razvijejo svojo igro ali daljši kontinuiran napad. Največ žog si je priborila zahvaljujoč napačni podaji nasprotnika in s prestreženimi podajami. Največje težave so se pojavljale pri organizaciji obrambe po protinapadu nasprotnika, saj je prav po protinapadu Nafta 1903 prejela največ zadetkov. V povprečju je bila Nafta 1903 v dvobojih uspešnejša od nasprotnikov.

Ključne besede

šport;nogomet;sodoben model;analiza značilnosti igre;napad;obramba;NK Nafta 1903;primerjava;nasprotniki;3. slovenska nogometna liga;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Založnik: [A. Zagorec]
UDK: 796.332
COBISS: 5258161 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 942
Št. prenosov: 386
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Characteristics of the game of FC Nafta 1903 in the fall part of the 2016/17 season
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this undergraduate thesis was to assess the characteristics of the game of the football club Nafta 1903 in the fall part of the 2016/17 season in the 3rd Slovenian football league east. We compared the football club’s execution of technical-tactical elements of the game, in both offense and defense, to its opponents. We analysed the five matches that FC Nafta 1903 played in the fall part of the 2016/17 season. We were observing eight variables, on the basis of which we inferred the characteristics of the game, in both offence and defense, of the FC Nafta 1903 team. Nafta 1903 opponents were Lušt Beltinci, FC Hotiza, FC Odranci, and FC Čarda. We analysed each game and compared certain variables of both teams. By the end of the fall part of the season, Nafta 1903 was at the top of the championship ladder. After the analysis of the characteristics, we came to certain important conclusions. FC Nafta 1903 was better with regard to ball possession than most of its opponents and created the most chances after quick and continuous attacks on the wing. The club scored most goals in the penalty area through return passes and crosses. The analyses show that Nafta 1903 had a great number of counter attacks with which they tried to score goals quickly. We found out that the club scored the most goals inside the penalty area and a few from a greater distance. It also turned out that FC Nafta 1903 made the fewest fouls and had the more corner kicks than its opponents. Furthermore, they successfully executed two penalty kicks. They lost the most balls due to incorrect and unwary passes. The characteristics of the game show that Nafta 1903 acquired most balls in its defensive third. Many balls were acquired in the middle of the field. The defense was positioned more to the backmost part of the field. From the middle of the field, Nafta 1903 did not allow its opponents to develop their game or have a longer continuous attack. Most balls were acquired due to the opponent’s incorrect passes and due to intercepted passes. The most difficulties were had with the organising of the defense after a counterattack. It was through counterattacks that Nafta 1903 received the most goals. The opponents scored most goals inside the penalty area. With regards to duels, Nafta 1903 was, on average, more successful than its opponents. Nafta 1903’s players gained most balls through successful duels. They were successful in both clearing the balls and duels in the air.
Sekundarne ključne besede: football;game analysis;characteristics of the game;football club Nafta 1903;3rd Slovenian football league;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10910441