delo diplomskega projekta
Ines Knuplež (Avtor), Karin Širec (Mentor)


Rast podjetja je pojav, ki nastane v trikotniku med količino proizvedenega blaga, cenami in v podjetju zaposleno delovno silo ter proizvajalnimi sredstvi. Rast podjetja je smiselna takrat, kadar je njegova velikost manjša od optimalne velikosti, to je od tiste velikosti, pri kateri lastniki podjetja zaslužijo maksimalni profit. Trdimo pa lahko, da podjetje raste tudi takrat, ko zmanjšuje svojo velikost, če se lahko na ta način približa optimalni velikosti. Osnovni fazni model ima naslednje štiri faze: faza rojstva, faza preživetja, faza rasti in faza zatona podjetja ali posla (Tajnikar, 2006). Izbrano podjetje Impol d. o. o. smo primerjali s tremi konkurenti s konkurenčno in tržno analizo. Analizirali smo sredstva, čiste prihodke od prodaje, povprečno število zaposlenih na podlagi delovnih ur, dodano vrednost na zaposlenega in čisti poslovni izid obračunskega obdobja. Pri konkurenčni analizi smo izbrano podjetje Impol d. o. o. primerjali s tremi konkurenti – Talum, Cimos in LTH Castings. Te konkurente smo definirali na podlagi podatkovne baze GVIN, ki smo jih izbrali glede na panogo. Primerjavo smo naredili za leta 2014, 2015 in 2016. Največji konkurent je LTH Castings, ki pri kar treh kazalnikih dosega prvo mesto. Najslabši pa je konkurent Cimos, ki pri treh analizah dosega negativno povprečno stopnjo rasti. Pri tržni analizi smo analizirali podjetje Impol. d. o. o. glede na izbrane kazalnike po kraju – Slovenska Bistrica, regiji – Podravska in dejavnosti – C 24.350. Izvedli smo primerjavo za povprečje na veliko podjetje, za lažjo in bolj realno primerjavo. Podjetje Impol d. o. o. je rastlo na podlagi poslovnega izida. Prihodki so bili konstantni. Obe povprečni stopnji rasti sta bili pozitivni, vendar prevladuje poslovni izid. Uspeli so povečati prodajo izdelkov na vseh segmentih. Ostajajo vodilni dobavitelj palic za kovanje v Evropi. Povečali so delež prodaje profilov po naročilih, sklenili dolgoročne pogodbe in razvili nov segment prodaje profilov, namenjenih avtomobilski industriji. Povečali so obseg povpraševanja za folije. Uspeli so obdržati vse kupce. Pri nekaterih so tudi povečali obseg prodaje. Utrdili so ugled znamke Impol. Impol d. o. o. je v letih ves čas rastel. Sklenemo torej lahko, da je podjetje v fazi rasti. Še vedno vsako leto zaposli več ljudi. Velik pomen pripisujejo razvoju. Vsako leto povečujejo prodajo izdelkov in s tem tudi dobiček. Imajo jasno zastavljene cilje in strategijo, ki jih bodo uresničili do leta 2025. Da pa smo se prepričali, če je Impol d. o. o. res v fazi rasti, smo se udeležili predavanja o podjetju in o tem povprašali direktorico Kadringa, ki je predstavljala podjetje. Potrdila je, da je Impol v fazi rasti, saj vsako leto z razvojem, cilji in strategijami nadgrajuje rast. Najpomembnejši cilj je povečanje letnega prihodka na več kot milijardo evrov: povečati dobiček na 86 milijonov evrov v letu 2025, povečati obseg proizvodnje z 241 tisoč ton v letu 2017 na 406 tisoč ton v letu 2020.

Ključne besede

rast podjetja;konkurenčnost;tržna analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [I. Knuplež]
UDK: 005.412
COBISS: 13277468 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1064
Št. prenosov: 148
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Growth analysis of company Impol, Ltd.
Sekundarni povzetek: Growth of a company is a phenomenon that arises in the triangle of the quantity of goods produced, the prices, and the workforce employed by the company and the means of production. The growth of a company makes sense when its size is smaller than the optimal size, i.e. from the size at which the business owners earn maximum profit. However, we can maintain that the company grows even when it decreases its size, if only in this way it can approach the optimal size. The basic phase model has the following four phases: the phase of birth, the survival stage, the growth phase and the phase of closure of a company or a business (Tajnikar, 2006). We compared the selected company Impol Ltd. with three competitors, the competitive, and the market analysis. We analyzed assets, net sales revenues, average number of employees based on working hours, added value per employee, and net profit for the accounting period. In the competitive analysis, we compared the company Impol Ltd. with three competitors – Talum, Cimos, and LTH Castings. These competitors were defined on the basis of the GVIN database, which we selected according to the industry. We made a comparison for 2014, 2015 and 2016. The biggest competitor is LTH Castings, which achieves the first place in three indicators. The worst competitor is Cimos, which had a negative average growth rate in three analyses. In the market analysis, we analyzed Impol Ltd. according to the selected indicators by location – Slovenska Bistrica, region – Podravska and activities – C 24.350. We made a comparison for the average of a large company, for easier and more realistic comparison. The company Impol Ltd. grew on the basis of a business outcome. Revenues were constant. Both average growth rates were positive, but the operating result was predominant. They were able to increase the sales of products in all segments. They remain the leading supplier of forging sticks in Europe. They increased the proportion of sales of profiles by order, concluded long-term contracts, and developed a new segment of sales of profiles for the automotive industry. They increased the demand for foil. They managed to keep all customers and some also increased the volume of sales. They strengthened the reputation of the Impol brand. Impol Ltd. was growing over the years. We conclude, therefore, that the company is in the growth phase. They still employ more people every year, they invest a lot in development, increase sales of products every year, and, thus, also the profit. They have clearly set goals and the strategy that they will realize by 2025. To be sure, however,, if Impol Ltd. really is in the growth phase, we attended a lecture on the company and asked about this the director of Kadring, who represented the company. She confirmed that Impol is in the growth phase, as every year, with development, goals, and strategies, growth is upgraded. The most important goals are to increase annual revenue to more than one billion euros, to increase the profit to 86 million euros in 2025 And to increase the production volume from 241 thousand tones in 2017 to 406 thousand tones in 2020.
Sekundarne ključne besede: company growth;competitive analysis;market analysis;company Impol Ltd.;competitor.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 62 str.
ID: 10937834
Priporočena dela:
, delo diplomskega projekta
, delo diplomskega projekta
, delo diplomskega projekta