magistrsko delo
Alenka Stražar (Avtor), Vesna Ferk Savec (Mentor), Marija Kavkler (Komentor)


Učni načrt za kemijo v osnovni šoli vključuje uporabo eksperimentalnega dela za doseganje standardov znanja, vezanih na učne cilje. Učni načrt prav tako predvideva učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo v fazah načrtovanja in izvedbe pouka ter tudi pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja (Bačnik idr., 2011). V slovenskem prostoru je primanjkljaj raziskav na področju učne diferenciacije in individualizacije kemijskega eksperimentalnega dela v šolski praksi, zato je ta tema obravnavana v magistrski nalogi. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je predstavljena literatura na temo eksperimentalnega dela pri pouku kemije ter učne diferenciacije in individualizacije. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je razvita metodologija za učiteljevo spremljanje napredka učencev med kemijskim eksperimentalnim delom, upoštevajoč učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo (UDKED). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 45 učencev osmega razreda. Na osnovi uporabe vprašalnikov UDKED na celotnem vzorcu 45 učencev s strani dveh učiteljev, ki vsaj 6 mesecev strnjeno poučujeta učence pri predmetih, ki temeljijo na eksperimentalnem delu učencev in njihovih analizah, so bile sestavljene skupine učencev za učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo. Učna enota s področja kemijskih vsebin za uresničevanje učne diferenciacije in individualizacije pri učencih je bila razvita v sodelovanju z učiteljico kemije in specialno pedagoginjo iz izbrane osnovne šole, ter bila uporabljena na naravoslovnem dnevu. Naravoslovni dan ob uporabi učne enote je izvedla učiteljica kemije. V enem tednu po izvedbi naravoslovnega dne je učiteljica odgovorila na vprašanja strukturiranega intervjuja. Osnova za izdelavo magistrske nalogo so bili analizirani delovni listi iz naravoslovnega dneva s kemijskim eksperimentalnim delom, upoštevajoč učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo ter odgovori strukturiranega intervjuja z učiteljico. Rezultati kažejo na raznolikosti med učenci pri usvajanju znanja ob uporabi eksperimentalnega dela tudi znotraj skupin učencev prve in druge skupine ter ne omogočajo izpeljave sklepov glede uspešnosti reševanja nalog I., II. in III. taksonomske stopnje. Prav tako ne omogočajo zapisa opažanj in sklepov za celotne skupine, pač pa lahko iz zapisov sklepov na primeru treh izbranih učencev sklepamo, da učna enota omogoča usvajanje znanj izbranim učencem tretje skupine. V prihodnosti bi bilo mogoče raziskavo še nadgraditi, predvsem bi bilo potrebno izvesti raziskavo na več kot treh eksperimentalnih vajah, za ocenjevanje napredka pa bi bilo potrebno uporabiti anketni vprašalnik UDKED. Raziskavo bi bilo smiselno nadaljevati z večjim vzorcem učencev iz različnih šol, ki bi jih spremljali skozi daljše obdobje, in z vključitvijo več učiteljev v intervju.

Ključne besede

eksperimentalno delo;nadarjeni učenci;otroci tujci;učenci s primanjkljaji;učna diferenciacija in individualizacija;učenci z učnimi težavami;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Stražar]
UDK: 54:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12164681 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 615
Št. prenosov: 133
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Differentiation and individualization of experimental work in chemistry in primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: The curriculum for chemistry in the elementary school includes the use of experimental work for achieving the standards of knowledge, connected with the learning objectives. The curriculum also anticipates learning differentiation and individualization in the phases of planning and performing the school lessons and also in the assessment of knowledge (Bačnik et al., 2011). In the Slovenian space, there is the lack of research in the field of learning differentiation and individualization of the chemical experimental part in the school practice. Therefore, this topic is discussed in the master’s thesis. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, the literature on the topic of the experimental part within the school lessons of chemistry, learning differentiation, and individualization is presented. In the empirical part of the master’s thesis, the methodology for the teacher’s following the progress of students between the chemical experimental part is developed with respect to the learning differentiation and individualization (UDKED). 45 students of the eighth grade were included in the research. On the basis of the use of the questionnaires UDKED in the entire sample of the 45 students by a couple of teachers who teach the students continuously for at least six months within the subjects which are based on the experimental work of the students and their analyses, the groups of students were composed for learning differentiation and individualization. The learning unit from the field of chemical contents for the realization of the learning differentiation and individualization in students was developed in cooperation with the teacher of chemistry and a special teacher from the selected elementary school and was engaged during a natural science day. The teacher of chemistry performed the natural science day by the use of the learning unit. The teacher answered the questions of the structured interview in a week after the performance of the natural science day. The basis for the production of the master’s thesis was the analyzed worksheets from the natural science day with chemical experimental work considering the learning differentiation and individualization and the answers of the structured interview with the teacher. The results show the varieties between the students in assimilating knowledge within the use of experimental work also within the groups of the first and the second group and do not enable carrying out the resolutions considering the successfulness of performing the tasks of the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd group of the taxonomic rate. They also do not enable the recording of observations and resolutions for the whole groups. We can conclude on the basis of the recordings of the resolution, however, that the learning unit enables the assimilation of knowledge to the selected students of the third group. In the future, it would be possible perhaps to upgrade the research even more. Mostly, a research would have to be performed in more than three experimental exercises. In order to evaluate the progress, the survey questionnaire UDKED would have to be used. It would make sense to continue the research with a larger sample of the students from different schools who would be followed for a longer period of time and by including a larger number of teachers in the interview.
Sekundarne ključne besede: chemistry;primary education;kemija;osnovnošolski pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predmetno poučevanje: Biologija-kemija
Strani: 95 str., [62] str. pril.
ID: 10976069