magistrsko delo
Maja Platnjak (Avtor), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Razlog za sklenitev fiduciarnih poslov je največkrat v zavarovanju, zato za takšne oblike zavarovanj uporabljamo izraz fiduciarna zavarovanja. Med tipična fiduciarna zavarovanja uvrščamo prenos lastninske pravice v zavarovanje, odstop terjatve v zavarovanje in prenos finančnih instrumentov v zavarovanje. Skupna značilnost fiduciarnih zavarovanj je zaupnost razmerja, neakcesornost in možnost zunajsodne uveljavitve prednostnega poplačilnega upravičenja. Nadaljnja značilnost fiduciarnih zavarovanj je prenos »polne« pravice, saj fiduciar na predmetu zavarovanja pridobi popolno imetništvo oziroma popolno lastninsko pravico. Fiduciarna zavarovanja tako dajejo več pravne oblasti, kot je to gospodarsko potrebno, zato pravni red ta presežek oziroma preobdarovanost kompenzira v primeru stečaja. Fiduciarju se v primeru fiduciantovega stečaja prizna manj kot polno imetništvo oziroma polna lastninska pravica, in sicer le ločitvena pravica. V primeru neplačevitosti fiducianta, fiduciarna zavarovanja gravitirajo k pravnim učinkom zastavne pravice in ne k polnemu imetništvu oziroma polni lastninski pravici. Temu ustrezen je tudi pravni položaj fiducianta v primeru stečaja fiduciarja. Fiduciantu je namreč priznan položaj izločitvenega upnika. Začetek stečajnega postopka ne vpliva na ločitveno pravico in terjatev, zavarovano s to ločitveno pravico ter na izločitveno pravico. Uveljavitev ločitvene pravice se lahko opravi v sodnem postopku ali pa v zakonsko določenih primerih tudi izvensodno. V primerih fiduciarnih zavarovanj je mogoča izvensodna prodaja, ki zagotavlja hitrejše poplačilo zavarovane terjatve, in ne vsebuje stroškov, ki so povezani z vodenjem sodnega postopka.

Ključne besede

fiduciarna zavarovanja;prenos lastninske pravice v zavarovanja;odstop terjatve v zavarovanje;prenos finančnih instrumentov v zavarovanja;insolventnost;stečaj;izločitvena pravica;izločitveni upnik;ločitvena pravica;ločitveni upnik;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: M. Platnjak]
UDK: 347.763:347.133.8(043.3)
COBISS: 5690923 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1788
Št. prenosov: 203
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Fiduciary relationships in insolvency proceedings
Sekundarni povzetek: The reason behind the conclusion of a fiduciary deal is mostly in the security, therefore we use the term fiduciary security for his tipe of securities. The transfer of ownership to insurance, assignment of claims to insurance and the transfer of financial instruments to insurance are the typical fiduciary securities. A common characteristic of fiduciary securities is the confidentiality of the relationship, non-accessor and the possibility of an extrajudicial preferential repayment entitlement. An additional characteristic of the fiduciary securities is the transfer of a »complete« right. As the fiduciary actually acquires the full title or full ownership rights on the object of insurance. Therefore the fiduciary securities give more legal authorities as is economically necessary, which is compensated by the legal order in case of a bankruptcy. In case of a bankruptcy of the fiduciant, the fiduciary is entitled to less than the full ownership or the full property right but is only entitled to the separation right. In case of non-payment by the fiduciant, the fiduciary securities gravitate towards the legal effects of the lien and not to a full ownership or a full property right. The legal position of the fiduciary in the case of a fiduciary insolvency is also appropriate, as the fiduciant is granted the status of an exclusionary debtor. The beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings does not affect the exclusionary right, the claim, which is secured with the separation right and the exclusionary right. Enforcement of the exclusionary right can only be made in a legal proceeding or in legally defined cases also extra judiciary. In cases of fiduciary securities, there is a possibility of an out of court sale, which provides a faster repayment of the secured claim without the costs, that are connected with litigation.
Sekundarne ključne besede: fiduciary securities;assignment by way of security;ownership by way of security;transfer of financial instruments to securities;insolvency;bankruptcy;exclusion right;exclusion debtor;separation right;separatory creditor;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 52 str.
ID: 10984626