(magistrsko delo)
Mateja Rehar Cokan (Avtor), Nataša Marčun-Varda (Mentor), Matej Strnad (Komentor)


Izhodišča: Urgentni centri v Sloveniji so v novi razporeditvi že oblikovani, tako da bodo vsaj v popoldanskem in nočnem času sposobni oskrbeti nujne otroške primere, zato lahko Urgentni center Celje izpostavimo kot primer dobre prakse, saj je kot edini v Sloveniji z njegovim odprtjem poskrbel tudi za 24-urno neprekinjeno nujno medicinsko pomoč otrokom. Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: Po vnaprej načrtovanem vzorcu smo ugotavljali številčno strukturo bolnikov glede na čas prihoda, razlog za obisk Pediatričnega urgentnega centra, način prihoda v ambulanto pediatrične nujne medicinske pomoči ter končno obravnavo bolnikov in njihovo triažno kategorijo po Menchestreskem triažnem sistemu. Rezultati: Raziskava nam pove, da je bilo v mesecu aprilu 2018 77,6 % nenujnih in le 22,4 % nujnih obravnav. Od tega jih je bilo v modri triažni kategoriji 2,8 %, 74,8 % v zeleni, 17,0 % v rumeni, 4,8 v oranžni, in najmanj, 0,6 %, v rdeči triažni kategoriji. Največ bolnikov je bilo ambulantno obravnavanih (67,8 %), 22,2 % jih je bilo sprejetih na oddelek. Najpogosteje so prihajali zaradi težav, povezanih s povišano telesno temperaturo (27,7 %,), 17,2 % so jih pripeljali zaradi težav s prebavili, 14,2 % zaradi težav z dihanjem. Z napotnico je bilo obravnavanih 38,2 % bolnikov, večina jih je v ambulanto prišla brez napotnice (58,2 %), 3,6 % jih je bilo pripeljanih urgentno z reševalnim vozilom. Diskusija in zaključek: Pediatrični urgentni center je enovit dokaz, da je integracija otroka v sistem nujne medicinske pomoči nujna. Nedopustne so obravnave, kjer so oddelki, ki obravnavajo otroke, ki potrebujejo nujno medicinsko pomoč, dislocirani od ostalih urgentnih oddelkov v bolnišnici, saj je tam bistveno večja možnost preiskav na enem mestu s konzultacijo specialistov drugih strok.

Ključne besede

pediatrija;urgenca;pediatrična urgenca;obravnava bolnika;nujna medicinska pomoč;triaža;Manchesterski triažni sistem;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM - Univerza v Mariboru
Založnik: [M. Rehar Cokan]
UDK: 616-053.2-083.98(043.2)
COBISS: 2476708 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3322
Št. prenosov: 193
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Analysis of the treatment of patients at the Pediatric emergency center of the General hospital Celje
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: In Slovenia certain emergency centers have already been designed, so that they will be able to provide, during the afternoon and night hours, emergency care for children. The Emergency Center Celje can be used as an example of good practice, since it is the only emergency centre in Slovenia that provides 24-hour uninterrupted emergency medical care for children. Research methodology and methods: According to the planned study sample, we used data to determine the numerical structure of patients according to the time of arrival, the reason for the visit of the pediatric emergency center, the way to reach outpatient pediatric emergency medical care and the final treatment of patients in their triage category according to the Menchester triage system. Results: The survey shows that in April 2018, 77.6 % were non-urgent treatments and only 22.4 % were urgent ones. Of these, 2.8 % were treated in the blue triage category, 74.8 % in the green, 17.0 % in the yellow, 4.8 % in the orange and only 0.6 % in the red triage category. The majority of patients were treated clinically (67.8 %), 22.2 % were admitted for treatment. They most often came due to problems associated with high fever (27.7 %), 17.2 % were treated due to gastrointestinal problems, 14.2 % because of breathing problems. 38.2 % of patients were treated with a referral, but most of them treated in the outpatient clinic came in without a referral (58.2 %), and 3.6 % were brought urgently with a rescue vehicle. Discussion and Conclusion: The Pediatric Emergency Center is uniform proof that the integration of children into the emergency medical care system is necessary. Treatments are inadmissible where departments dealing with children in need of urgent medical help are dispensed from other emergency departments in the hospital, as there is a significantly greater possibility of treatment in one place, with the possibillity of consulting with specialists from other fields.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pediatrics;urgency;pediatric urgency;patient treatment;emergency medical assistance;triage;Manchester triage system;Pediatric emergency medicine;Triage;Pediatrična urgentna medicina;Triaža;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: VII, 74 f., 5 f. pril.
ID: 11001337