magistrsko delo
Lara Pernat (Avtor), Mateja Cvetek (Mentor)


Partnerski odnosi in načini, s katerimi jih vzpostavljamo in vzdržujemo, igrajo veliko vlogo v posameznikovem življenju. Zato se nam zdi pomembno, da jih nenehno raziskujemo in poglabljamo kumulativno znanje s področja medosebnih/partnerskih odnosov. Skozi magistrsko delo smo predstavili osnovne pojme s tega področja in se osredotočili na raziskovanje dinamike med tremi spremenljivkami, in sicer: ljubosumje, tip navezanosti in doživljanje partnerskega odnosa. Izvedli smo kvantitativno raziskavo, v kateri je skupno sodelovalo 117 anketirancev, od tega je bila večina udeležencev žensk (83 %). Udeleženci raziskave so v povprečju stari 32,6 let ter so v partnerski zvezi v povprečju 9,4 let. Na podlagi predstavljene teorije smo postavili enajst hipotez, ki so služile kot osnova za raziskovalni del pričujočega dela, kjer smo s pomočjo vprašalnika medosebnega ljubosumja (angl. »Interpersonal jealousy scale«, IJS), Kansaske lestvice zadovoljstva v zakonu (angl. »Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale«, KMS), vprašalnika Doživljanje odnosov z bližnjimi – revidirana različica (angl. “The Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised”, ECR-R) ter samoocenjujočega vprašalnika odnosov (angl. “The Relationship questionnaire”, RQ) potrdili devet izmed enajstih zastavljenih hipotez. Naše ugotovitve se skladajo z literaturo, ki poudarja močno soodnosnost prevladujočega stila navezovanja/vstopanja v odnose in doživljanje ljubosumja v partnerskem odnosu. Posamezniki, pri katerih prevladuje varen stil navezanosti (tip A), lažje vstopajo v partnerske odnose, v njih čutijo več zdravega in manj slabega ljubosumja, predvsem pa odnose doživljajo kot kakovostnejše; v njih se počutijo varne. Na drugi strani so rezultati potrdili, da posamezniki z ne-varnim stilom navezanosti, ne glede na spol in stan, v odnosih občutijo več negativnega ljubosumja, anksioznosti in teženj po izogibanju, kar posledično pomeni tudi manjši občutek kakovosti samega odnosa. Za posameznike z višjo stopnjo ljubosumja sta značilna nezaupanje v druge ter njihov strah, da jih bodo drugi prizadeli in razočarali. 56 Nova dognanja s področja ljubosumja, medosebnih odnosov, stilov navezanosti in doživljanja partnerskega odnosa terapevtom omogočajo vpogled v partnerske odnose z novega zornega kota, kar omogoča kakovostnejšo in strokovnejšo obravnavo klientov.

Ključne besede

partnerski odnosi;stili navezanosti;ljubosumje;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Pernat]
UDK: 159.942:316.36(043.2)
COBISS: 8066138 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1290
Št. prenosov: 625
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Jealousy, attachment and experience of partnership
Sekundarni povzetek: Interpersonal relationships and the way in which we establish and maintain them play an essential role in every individual's life, since we are, by our nature, social beings. Therefore we strongly feel it is important to constantly explore in widen the cumulative body of knowledge in the field of interpersonal / partner relations. Through the Master's thesis, we presented the basic theoretical concepts in this area focusing specifically on exploring the dynamics between the three following components: Attachment type, jealousy and quality of the partnership. We carried out a quantitative survey, which involved 117 respondents, of which the majority were female participants (83%). The average age of respondents was 32.6. The average of partnership of participants was 9.4 years. Based on the presented theory, we set the eleven hypotheses which also served as the basis for the experimental part of the thesis. With the use of Interpersonal jealousy scale (IJS), Relationship questionnaire (RQ), Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised questionnaire (ECR-R) and Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS), we confirmed nine out of eleven set hypotheses. Our findings are consistent with the literature, which highlights the strong correlation of predominant attachment style and feelings of jealousy in a relationship. Individuals with a predominantly Secure attachment style (type A), are more open to entering into partner relationships, feel a higher degree of positive jealousy, and less of negative jealousy along with experiencing higher relationship quality. On the other hand, the results confirmed that individuals with an Insecure attachment style, regardless of gender and marital status, experience more negative jealousy, anxiety and avoidance tendencies,, which also means a lower sense of quality of the relationship itself. Individuals with a higher degree of jealousy are characterized by mistrust in others and their fear that others will hurt and disappoint them. 58 Research and knowledge in the field of jealousy, interpersonal relationships and attachment styles, provide therapists with a powerful insight into partner relationships from a new angle, enabling them to provide a higher quality of professional attention and treatment for their clients.
Sekundarne ključne besede: partner relationships;attachment styles;jealousy;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Strani: V, 69 str.
ID: 11004700