doktorska disertacija
Robert Radkovič (Avtor), Andrej Anžič (Mentor), Miroslav Žaberl (Komentor)


Disertacija obravnava področje strokovnega in internega nadzora nad izvajanjem policijskih pooblastil v policiji in v drugih represivnih organih. Za učinkovito izvajanje nalog iz svojega področja dela policija in drugi represivni organi potrebujejo različna pooblastila, s katerimi posegajo v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine posameznika. Z izvajanjem pooblastil pa je mogoča tudi nevarnost za njihovo prekoračitev oziroma zlorabo. Ravno zato morajo biti pri izvajanju pooblastil vzpostavljeni ustrezni in učinkoviti mehanizmi notranjega in zunanjega nadzora. Država je de facto odgovorna za vzpostavitev tovrstnih nadzornih mehanizmov oziroma sistemov, ki preprečujejo in odkrivajo kršitve dovoljenega posega represivnih organov v temeljne pravice. Predstavljeno področje nadzora je v sodobnih demokratičnih družbah, poleg ostalih elementov upravljanja represivnih organov, velik družbeni izziv in tudi ključnega pomena za razvoj in obstoj demokracije. Policija in drugi represivni organi potrebujejo stalen proces nadzora, s katerim se ocenjuje in preverja zakonitost njihovega dela, kakovostno implementira družbena pričakovanja, predvsem pa se povečuje pravna varnost ljudi. Tovrstne nadzorne dejavnosti, ki opravljajo strokovni in interni nadzor nad izvajanjem pooblastil, potrebujejo tudi ustrezno regulativo in pravo mesto nadzorstvenih organov v pozitivno pravne okvire. Osrednja razprava doktorske disertacije je vzpostavitev najprimernejšega modela učinkovitega in uspešnega strokovnega nadzora nad policijo in drugimi represivnimi organi pri izvajanju policijskih pooblastil v Republiki Sloveniji. V tem trenutku nadzorni sistem nad represivnimi organi nedvomno deluje, vendar potrebuje temeljito razpravo o morebitni nadgradnji in izboljšavi. Podatki za predlagane rešitve oziroma predloge so bili zbrani pri kritičnem pregledu slovenske in tuje literature na področju nadzora nad policijo in drugimi državnimi organi z represivnimi pooblastili, analizi zakonodaje ter organizacijske sheme s področja nadzora, usmeritev, nadzornih institucij ter pooblastil in pristojnosti nadzornikov. Na podlagi proučevanj priporočil in predlogov avtorjev sodobne doktrine iz področja nadzora, predvsem nad policijo in tudi nekaterimi drugimi državnimi organi z represivnimi pooblastili, so kot nacionalna rešitev predstavljeni nekateri modeli, kot so samostojni, neodvisni nadzorni organi ali celo državne nadzorne institucije. Tovrstne nadzorne institucije omogočajo celostno ureditev posebnih pooblastil (sui generis) oziroma pristojnosti nadzornikov na področju nadzorstva in pritožbenih postopkov posameznikov. Tovrstni problem sodobni teoretiki izpostavljajo predvsem v neenakosti urejanja strokovnega nadzorstva tako med policijami kot drugimi represivnimi organi pri izvajanju pristojnih pooblastil. Zato se upravičeno porajajo določena vprašanja glede strokovnega nadzora nad temi organi, saj so različni mehanizmi in postopki pristojnih nadzorstvenih državnih organov med seboj dokaj nepovezani in tako tudi manj učinkoviti. Ob tem ne smemo prezreti mnenja sodobnih znanstvenih raziskovalcev, da so povezave med državnimi organi z represivnimi pooblastili in operativnimi nosilci izvršilne veje oblasti dokaj pogoste in z organizacijsko operativnega vidika, včasih tudi z vidika javnosti, dvoumne. Zato je potrebno tudi v slovenskem nacionalnem prostoru vzpostaviti ravnovesje med strokovnim nadzorom in represivnimi organi, saj je v prvi vrsti dolžnost države, da vzpostavi sistemsko in učinkovito nadzorstvo nad tovrstnimi organi. S samostojnim in transparentnim nadzorom pa država izkazuje, da je pravna, demokratična država, ki ji ni vseeno za varstvo človekovih vrednot posameznika. Združitev nadzorstvenih pooblastil je paradigma časa pristojnih organov in področja dela (ministrstva, direktorata, inšpektorata itd.), ki so jih teoretiki identificirali v nekaterih delih kot znanstveni problem umestitve samostojnega nadzornika v obstoječi državni sistem. Morda bi v kontekstu strokovnega nadzora nad organi z represivnimi pooblastili morali teoretiki razmišljati bolj restriktivno, usmerjeno v spoštovanje moralno etičnih načel demokracije v sodobnih družbah. Predvideti bi morali neodvisnost v nadzoru nad temi organi. Ravno ta element demokracije lahko pripomore k ustanovitvi samostojnega in neodvisnega organa nadzora nad izvajanjem policijskih in drugih pooblastil nekaterih organov. Morda bi ga bilo treba vključiti v drug, že obstoječi tovrstni (nadzorstveni) organ in zagotavljati ustrezno umestitev v demokratični sistem, sprejeti ustrezno regulativo in zagotoviti učinkovite organizacijske pogoje za njegovo delovanje v sodobni demokratični družbi. Na podlagi znanstvenih spoznanj je bilo npr. ugotovljeno, da noben med notranjimi nadzorstvenimi mehanizmi v represivnih organih ne obravnava morebitnih posegov v operativno avtonomnost posameznih nadzornih organov. Predvsem ni strokovnega organa, ki bi ustrezno in učinkovito reagiral na poseg avtonomnosti določenega nosilca organa (minister, župan, generalni direktor itd.). Za potrebe oblikovanja najučinkovitejšega, neodvisnega nadzora nad represivnimi organi oziroma nad izvajanjem področnih pooblastil, ki bi glede na slovenske razmere sodila v obstoječ družbeno politični sistem Republike Slovenije, so bili podrobno analizirani modeli nadzora v nekaterih izbranih tujih demokratičnih državah znotraj in zunaj evropskega prostora. Predlagane so bile nekatere rešitve oziroma modeli strokovnega in internega nadzora nad policijo. Pri kvalitativni znanstveni metodi smo dobili dokaj dobro oceno o strokovnem nadzoru nad policijo oziroma nepopolno oceno nad drugimi organi z represivnimi pooblastili. Ob vsem tem se pojavlja tudi vprašanje o zagotavljanju ustreznega strokovnega kadra (prehodi iz sedanjih organov v novi organ ali z nižjega nivoja na višji nivo strokovnosti), ki bi za izvajanje svojih nalog moral imeti tudi posebna znanja, kompetence in pooblastila (sui generis). S pomočjo sinteze komparativnih znanstvenih spoznanj sledi aplikacija nekaterih modelov samostojnega, neodvisnega nadzornika nad izvajanjem policijskih pooblastil v policiji oziroma v drugih državnih organih z represivnimi pooblastili, ki bi gradil in prikazoval učinkovit, demokratičen, enovit sistem nadzora. Za učinkovit poseg v človekove pravice bi tovrsten sistem vzpostavil demokratičen pristop k varovanju človekovih pravic, ki so z vso skrbnostjo implementirane v mednarodnih pravnih aktih in v Ustavi Republike Slovenije. Disertacija pomembno prispeva k področju nadzora nad policijo pri izvajanju policijskih pooblastil oziroma nad drugimi državnimi organi z represivnimi pooblastili. Ponuja tudi rešitev praktične uporabe nadzorstva vsem vejam izvršilnih represivnih organov oblasti v Sloveniji, ki pri izvajanju svojih pooblastil kakor koli posegajo v človekove pravice.

Ključne besede

policija;interni nadzor;strokovni nadzor;policijska pooblastila;represivna pooblastila;nadzornik;človekove pravice;samostojni nadzorni organ;disertacije;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: EVRO-PF - Evropska pravna fakulteta v Novi Gorici
Založnik: [R. Radkovič]
UDK: 351.741:005.584(043.2)
COBISS: 2053260214 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3
Št. prenosov: 3
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The dissertation deals with the field of professional and internal supervision over the exercise of police powers in the Police and other repressive bodies. Police and other repressive bodies, in order to effectively carry out tasks, need various powers that interfere with the human rights and fundamental freedoms of an individual. Exercise of power therefore poses a risk of abuse. That is why repressive authorities, in order to exercise police powers, must have adequate and effective control mechanisms in place with external and internal controls. The state is de facto responsible for the establishment of such control mechanisms or systems that prevent and detect violations of the permitted intervention by the repressive body into human rights and fundamental freedoms. Presented field of control is, in modern democratic societies, next to other elements of the management of repressive bodies, a great social challenge and crucial to the development and existence of a democratic society. Police and other repressive bodies need a continuous process of supervision to assess and verify the legality of their work, effective implementation of social expectations, and above all to increase the legal security of citizens. Such supervisory activities that carry out professional and internal supervision over the exercise of police powers therefore need appropriate regulation and placement of supervisory bodies in positive legal frameworks. The main discussion of the doctoral dissertation is the establishment of the most appropriate model of effective and successful professional supervision of the police and other repressive authorities in the exercise of police powers in the Republic of Slovenia. At the moment, the control system over the repressive authorities undoubtedly works, but needs a thorough discussion of the possible upgrade and improvement. Data for the proposed solutions were collected in a critical review of Slovenian and foreign literature in the field of police supervision and other repressive authority bodies, legislation analysis and organizational scheme in the field of supervision, guidelines, supervisory institutions and the powers and competencies of supervisors. Based on the study of the recommendations and proposals by the authors of the modern doctrine in the field of supervision, especially over police and some other state authorities with repressive powers, some models, such as independent supervisory bodies or even state control institutions, are presented as a national solution. Such supervisory institutions enable the overall regulation of special powers (sui generis) or the powers of supervisors in the field of supervision and complaints procedures of individuals Contemporary theorists point out this type of problem mostly in the inequality of regulating professional supervision in the police as well as other repressive authorities in the exercise of competent powers. Certain questions regarding the professional supervision of these authorities are therefore justified, since various mechanisms and procedures of the competent supervisory state bodies are relatively unrelated to each other and therefore less effective. At the same time, we should not ignore the opinion of contemporary scientific researchers that the connections between state authorities with repressive powers and operational bearers of the executive branch, are quite frequent and from organizational operational point of view and sometimes even from the perspective of the public, ambiguous. It is therefore necessary, also in the Slovenian national area, to establish a balance between professional supervision and repressive authority bodies, since it is primarily the duty of the state to establish a supervisor of such bodies, which will be systematic and efficient. With independent and transparent supervision, the state shows that it is a legal, democratic state, which cares about protecting human values of the individual. The merging of supervisory powers is a paradigm of time of work area and the competences of various authorities (the ministry, directorates, inspectorates, etc.), that have been in some parts identified by some theorists as a scientific problem of the placement of an independent supervisor in the existing state system. Perhaps, in the context of professional supervision of authorities with repressive powers, theorists should think more restrictively, aimed at respecting the morally ethical principles of democracy in modern societies. This should foresee the independence of the control these authorities. It is precisely the latter element of democracy that can contribute to the establishment of an independent expert authority over the exercise of police powers of the repressive authority bodies, which might need to be included in another already existing (supervisory) body and ensure proper placement in the democratic system, adopt appropriate regulations and ensure adequate organizational conditions for its functioning in a modern democratic society. Based on scientific knowledge, it was found that, for example, none of the internal supervisory mechanisms in the repressive authority bodies treats possible disturbances with the operational autonomy of individual supervisory authorities. In particular, there is no professional authority, which would react adequately and effectively to the interference with the autonomy of a particular body holder (minister, mayor, general director, etc.). For the purposes of creating the most efficient, independent supervision of the repressive authority bodies and over the exercise of their powers, which, according to the Slovene situation, would be part of the existing social and political system of the Republic of Slovenia, the control models in some selected foreign democratic countries, both inside and outside the European area have been analyzed in details. Some solutions or models of professional and internal control over the exercise of police powers - the police have been proposed. In the qualitative scientific method, we received a fairly good assessment of professional supervision of the police and an incomplete assessment of other authorities with repressive powers. In addition, the question about providing adequate professional staff arises (transitions from existing bodies to a new authority or from a lower level to a higher level of professionalism), who should have special skills, competences and powers to perform their duties (sui generis). Using the synthesis of comparative scientific findings, the application of some models of an independent supervisor over exercising police powers in the police or other state authorities with repressive powers, will follow, that would build and demonstrate an effective, democratic, uniform control system. In order for the system to be effective at interventions in human goods, it would establish a democratic approach of the protection of human rights that have been carefully implemented in international legal acts and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The dissertation importantly contributes to the field of supervision over police in the exercise of police powers or other state bodies with repressive powers. It also offers a solution to the practical application of supervision to all branches of executive repressive authorities in Slovenia who in any way interfere with human rights in exercising their powers.
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Evropska pravna fak.
Komentar vira: Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Strani: XIII, 240 str.
ID: 11053080