magistrsko delo
Katarina Čurč (Avtor), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Ko govorimo o internetu stvari (angl. Internet of Things, v nadaljevanju IoT), govorimo o najpomembnejšem trendu, ki bo izoblikoval našo prihodnost. Vedno več je podjetij, ki so prepoznala potencial v IoT. Zavedati se je treba, da lahko s pomočjo IoT izboljšamo svoje poslovanje ter odnose s strankami. Zaradi vedno večje konkurence na trgu morajo podjetja nenehno slediti trendom. Podjetja se morajo zavedati, da so stranke eden od najpomembnejših dejavnikov v podjetju. Nenehno morajo skrbeti za obstoječe stranke, hkrati pa privabljati nove. Za ta ogromni izziv morajo biti podjetja inovativna in nenehno v stiku s strankami. Rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (angl. Customer Relationship Management, v nadaljevanju CRM) podjetjem omogočajo, da nenehno spremljajo in obveščajo stranke o novostih, ki so jih razvili. Magistrsko delo lahko razdelimo na dva dela. V prvem, teoretičnem delu smo se posvetili teoretičnim opredelitvam IoT, se seznanili z njegovo zgodovino ter določili prednosti in slabosti, ki jih prinaša. Pomembno je, da se seznanimo tudi z varnostjo ter navedemo področja, kjer lahko najdemo IoT. Definirali bomo arhitekturo ter zgodovino CRM rešitev. Ker morajo podjetja privabljati in ohranjati svoje stranke, smo se spoznali s prednostmi in slabostmi CRM rešitev. Navedli smo tudi, kako uvesti CRM rešitev v podjetje ter definirali najbolj popularne ponudnike CRM rešitev, ki so trenutno na trgu. Konec prvega dela smo obogatili še s trenutnimi trendi na področju CRM rešitev. Drugi del naloge smo namenili Microsoftu Dynamics 365 in Salesforcu in ju povezali z internetom stvari. Obe rešitvi smo na začetku predstavili in izpostavili nekaj primerov uporabe navedenih rešitev v praksi. Na koncu smo rešitvi med seboj primerjali in tako ugotovili, katera od navedenih rešitev je najprimernejša za podjetja.

Ključne besede

internet;elektronsko poslovanje;CRM;odnosi s strankami;upravljanje odnosov s strankami;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Čurč]
UDK: 004.77:658.89(043.2)
COBISS: 13416732 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 569
Št. prenosov: 116
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Business effects of the internet of things connected with customer relationship management
Sekundarni povzetek: When we talk about Internet of Thing short IoT, we are talking about the most important trend that will shape our future. There are companies that have recognized the potential of IoT. We need to be aware that with the help of IoT we can improve our business and customer relationships. Due to the increasing competition in the market, companies must keep up with trends. Companies need to be aware that customers are one of the most important factors in the company. They must constantly worry about existing customers, and at the same time attract new ones. For this enormous challenge, the company must be innovative and constantly in touch with customers. Customer Relationship Management short CRM enables businesses to continuously monitor and inform customers about the innovations they have developed. The master's thesis can be divided into two parts. In the first theoretical part, we devoted ourselves to the theoretical definitions of IoT, familiarized with its history, and defined its strengths and weaknesses that it brings. It is important to get acquainted with safety and to specify areas where we can find IoT. In the next part we have defined the architecture and history of CRM solutions. Since companies need to attract and maintain their customers, we have come to terms with the advantages and disadvantages of CRM solutions. We also introduced the fact how to implement a CRM solution into a business and define the most popular CRM solutions that are currently on the market. In the end, we also enriched our mission with the current trends in CRM solutions. The second part of the mission was dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce and linking them to the IoT. We presented both solutions at the very beginning. We also pointed out some examples of the application of these solutions in practice. And at the very end, they also compared each other's solutions. Thus, we have identified which of the above solutions is most suitable for businesses.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Salesforce;Customer Relationship Management;CRM;IoT;Internet Things;Microsoft Dynamics 365;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: II, 75 str.
ID: 11165015