diplomsko delo
Janez Moder (Avtor), Primož Južnič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo, v katerem se avtor posveča informacijski politiki Kanade, se najprej loti splošnega vprašanja informacijske družbe in družbe znanja v Kanadi ter pregleda programov kanadske vlade in njene informacijske politike. V tem okviru se ustavi pri vprašanju odprtega dostopa. V nadaljevanju avtor pripravi zgodovinski pregled razvoja odprtega dostopa do znanstvenih vsebin v Kanadi. Kanadske knjižnice si od začetka prizadevajo za univerzalni odprti dostop do znanstvenih spoznanj. Delo se nadaljuje z analizo referenčne kanadske revije in ugotavlja, da je prišlo do povečanja števila dokumentov o razvoju knjižnic in izobraževanju bibliotekarjev, zmanjšalo pa število dokumentov o odprtem dostopu. Avtorja zanima tudi, ali je razširjenost interneta vplivala na uporabo sive literature. Diplomsko delo zaokroža predstavitev izobraževanja bibliotekarjev in informacijskih strokovnjakov v Kanadi. Avtor ugotavlja, da je izobraževanje bodočih rodov, ki bodo tako ali drugače vplivali na razvoj bibliotekarske stroke, pomembna tema. Informacijska politika je pomemben element v izobrazbi LIS, ki študente pripravi na izzive, ki jih čakajo v službi. Potreba po večjem poudarku na informacijski politiki v izobraževanju študentov LIS izhaja iz gospodarskih in družbenih zahtev informacijske družbe. Globlje udejstvovanje z informacijsko politiko je priložnost za umestitev širšega političnega, gospodarskega in družbenega okvira študija LIS.

Ključne besede

informacijska družba;Kanada;informacijska politika;odprti dostop;diplomska dela;bibliometrijske analize;bibliometrija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Moder]
UDK: 027:314.176(71)(043.2)
COBISS: 62464098 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 478
Št. prenosov: 123
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis addresses the information policy of Canada and starts with the general issue of information society and knowledge society in Canada and a survey of Canadian governmental programs and their information policy. In this context, the open access is addressed, followed by historic overview of open access to scientific content development in Canada. From the start Canadian libraries strive for universal access to scientific development. Thesis follows with analysis of reference Canadian journal and notes an increase in the number of documents concerning the development of libraries and librarian education and a decrease in the number of documents on open access. The question of internet penetration influencing the usage of grey literature is also addressed. Presentation of library education in Canada concludes the thesis. Education of future generations, capable of influencing the development of librarianship is an important topic. Information policy is an important element of LIS education, preparing the student for the challenges of day to day work situation. A need for more emphasis on information policy in LIS education springs from economic and social requirements of information society. Deeper engagement in information policy is an opportunity for broader political, economical and social frame of LIS education.The thesis addresses the information policy of Canada and starts with the general issue of information society and knowledge society in Canada and a survey of Canadian governmental programs and their information policy. In this context, the open access is addressed, followed by historic overview of open access to scientific content development in Canada. From the start Canadian libraries strive for universal access to scientific development. Thesis follows with analysis of reference Canadian journal and notes an increase in the number of documents concerning the development of libraries and librarian education and a decrease in the number of documents on open access. The question of internet penetration influencing the usage of grey literature is also addressed. Presentation of library education in Canada concludes the thesis. Education of future generations, capable of influencing the development of librarianship is an important topic. Information policy is an important element of LIS education, preparing the student for the challenges of day to day work situation. A need for more emphasis on information policy in LIS education springs from economic and social requirements of information society. Deeper engagement in information policy is an opportunity for broader political, economical and social frame of LIS education.
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo
Strani: 54 f.
ID: 11283409
Priporočena dela:
, načrt za vzpostavitev sistema odprtega dostopa do raziskovalnih podatkov v Sloveniji
, Informačné technológie a verejná správa