diplomsko delo
Sara Spasenić (Avtor), Andreja Mihelič Zajec (Recenzent), Albina Bobnar (Mentor)


Uvod: Smrt in oskrba umrle osebe sta v življenju neizogibni, še posebej pa je potrebno poudariti celostni pristop k oskrbi umrle osebe, ki je pogosto zanemarjen. Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo medicinske sestre, vključno s študenti zdravstvene nege, posledično je potrebno razumeti in analizirati njihov odnos do smrti ter oskrbe umrle osebe. Raziskovanje težav (strah, izogibanje, neznanje, premalo izkušenj in podpore, rutinsko delo), s katerimi se soočajo študenti zdravstvene nege pri oskrbi umrle osebe, izboljšuje kakovost formalnega izobraževanja na področju zdravstvene nege in izvajanja v kliničnem okolju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti način dojemanja oskrbe umrle osebe študentov zdravstvene nege, in sicer glede na izkušnje znotraj področja ter števila let formalnega izobraževanja na področju zdravstvene nege. Metode dela: Izvedena je bila neeksperimentalna kvantitativna raziskava. Za raziskavo smo pripravili pilotno testiran anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil marca 2019 prek elektronske pošte poslan 291 študentom zdravstvene nege. Na anketni vprašalnik je prostovoljno in anonimno odgovorilo 138 študentov drugega in tretjega letnika, prav tako pa so odgovarjali študenti vpisani v dodatno leto na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Svoje dojemanje so ocenili s štiristopenjsko lestvico strinjanja pri 27 trditvah. Podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo programa SSPS 23.0 in Excel. Pomembne statistične razlike so bile preverjene z Mann-Whitneyevim in Kruskal-Wallisovim testom na ravni p ? 0,05. Rezultati: Odzvalo se je 47 % anketirancev. Iz drugega letnika je bilo 42 %, tretjega 50 % in dodatnega leta 8 % anketirancev. Izkušnje s smrtjo je imelo 75 %, z oskrbo umrle osebe 69 %. Anketiranci z izkušnjami imajo bolj nevtralen odnos (p = 0,02) in jih je manj strah oskrbe umrle osebe (p = 0,016) kot tiste brez izkušenj na tem področju. Drugih statistično pomembnih razlik ni, so se pa kot bolj usposobljene za oskrbo umrle osebe ocenili anketiranci drugega letnika. Razprava in zaključek: Sklepamo, da imajo študenti zdravstvene nege z izkušnjami s smrtjo in oskrbo umrle osebe nevtralen odnos do oskrbe umrle osebe, ne glede na drugo, tretje ali dodatno leto formalnega izobraževanja na področju zdravstvene nege. Za usposobljenost študentov zdravstvene nege, da bodo lahko izvedli kakovostno oskrbo umrle osebe, bo potrebno pridobiti dodatna znanja in praktične izkušnje, ki bodo podprte s strani zdravstvenih delavcev. Ugotovitve raziskave bodo pripomogle k izboljšanju sposobnosti učiteljev in kliničnih mentorjev za podporo študentom zdravstvene nege pri oskrbi umrle osebe.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;odnos do oskrbe umrle osebe;usposobljenost;potrebe;kakovost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Spasenić]
UDK: 616-083
COBISS: 16868867 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 650
Št. prenosov: 373
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Nursing students' perceptions of caring for the deceased person
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Death and care of a deceased person are unavoidable in life. Therefore, a complete care approach is needed. However, this part is often neglected. Nurses as well as nursing students play an important role in this which is why their relationship to death needs to be understood and analyzed as well as their relation to the deceased person. The research of these problems (fear, avoidance, ignorance, too little experience, no support, routine work) that nursing students face when faced with the care of a deceased person improves the quality of formal education in nursing as well as its implementation in a clinical setting. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to determine the way in which the care of the deceased is perceived among nursing students based on the experience in this field and the number of years (second, third and enrolled in an additional year) of formal education in nursing. Methods: A non-experimental quantitative survey was conducted specifically, and a pilot test questionnaire was prepared. In March 2019 an email was sent to 291 nursing students of year 2 and 3 enrolled in an additional year at the Faculty of Health Sciences. 138 volunteered anonymously. They rated their perceptions on a 4-point agreement scale on 27 claims. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 23.0 program and Excel.Significant statistical differences were verified by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis level tests on a p ⡤ 0.05 level. Results: 47 % of the respondents responded. 75 % have experienced death with care and 69 % with care for the deceased. From the second year there were 42 % of students and from the third year 50 %. In the additional year there was 8 % of students who took part in the survey. Significant statistical differences were verified by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis level tests on a p ⡤ 0.05 level. 47 % of the respondents responded. 75 % have experienced death with care and 69 % with care for the deceased. From the second year there were 42 % of students and from the third year 50 %. In the additional year there was 8 % of students who took part in the survey. Respondents with experience have a more neutral attitude (p = 0.02) and are less afraid of caring for a deceased person (p = 0.016) than those with no experience in the field. There were no other statistical differences, but the respondents of the second year seemed more qualified to care for the deceased. Discussion and conclusion: We conclude that nursing students with experience with death have a neutral attitude towards the care of the deceased, regardless of year 2 and 3, enrolled in an additional year of formal nursing education. However, additional skills and practical experiences will be required so they qualify for the quality care of the deceased as well as the support from the health professionals. These research findings will help improve teachers' and clinical mentors' abilities to support nursing students in the care of the deceased.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;nursing care;attitudes towards deceased person;qualification;needs;quality;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Strani: 29 str., [8] str. pril.
ID: 11729792