magistrsko delo
Martina Kramarič (Avtor), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor), Polona Šprajc (Komentor)


Vloge, ki jih imajo zaposleni v projektni pisarni Biotehniškega centra Naklo, določajo vsebino in delovne naloge njihovega dela. Ob tem je širina kompetenc zaposlenih zelo obsežna in močno razpršena. V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na t.i. poklicne kompetence in s pomočjo teorije in raziskave identificiramo in definiramo poklicno generične kompetence, ki so značilne vsem delovnim mestom v projektni pisarni in poklicno specifične kompetence, ki so značilne za posamezna delovna mesta v projektni pisarni. Z določitvijo in opisom posameznih kompetenc smo postavili prvi kompetenčni model projektne pisarne Biotehniškega centra Naklo, ki je baza podatkov o tem, katere kompetence so potrebne za področje projektnega dela in upravljanja. Natančno so opredeljene določene kombinacije znanj, sposobnosti, zmožnosti, vedenjskih in osebnostnih značilnosti, ki se od zaposlenih v projektni pisarni pričakujejo. Kompetenčni model je zasnovan z namenom upravljanja delovne učinkovitosti in uspešnosti zaposlenih z boljšim razumevanjem lastnega dela, zahtev organizacije in želene načine delovanja. Za organizacijo model predstavlja orodje za nadaljnji razvoj različnih sistemov kadrovanja in upravljanje zaposlenih v projektni pisarni. Bolj ko so kompetence posameznika povezane s pričakovanji delodajalca in kompetencami potrebnimi za delo, lahko tako posameznik, kot delodajalec pričakujeta dobre delovne rezultate, večji uspeh in zadovoljstvo pri delu.

Ključne besede

kompetenčni modeli;kompetence;diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [M. Kramarič]
UDK: 005.3
COBISS: 42604035 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 412
Št. prenosov: 62
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Competency Model of Project Management Office of the Naklo Biotechnical Centre
Sekundarni povzetek: The roles, overtaken by the employees in the Project Management Office of the Naklo Biotechnical Centre define the content and the concrete tasks of their work. With this in view the complexity of the competencies of the employees are of large range and highly dispersed. In the M.A thesis the focus has been to the so called professional competencies which are, through theoretical and research processes identified and defined professional generic competencies characteristic for all work posts in project office and professionally specific competencies, characteristic for individual work posts in the office. The definition and the description of individual competencies enables the set-up of the first competency model of the Project Management Office of the Naklo Biotechnical Centre, which includes the whole range of competencies necessary for project work and its management. In detail, those specific combinations of knowledge, abilities, skills and behaviour and personal characteristics are defined, which are expected to be mastered by the project office employees. The competency model has been developed to strengthen the management of work efficiency and success of the employees by better understanding of their own work, demands of the organisation and methods of work. For the organisation the model represents the adequate tool for further development of different staff providing systems and management of the work of the project office employees. The more the competencies of the individual employee coincide with the expectations of the employer and the competencies foreseen, the higher is the guarantee for both - good, efficient and successful work results as well as the employee’s satisfaction with the work career.
Sekundarne ključne besede: competency model;competency;competence;project office;project;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: X, 208 str.
ID: 11989207