diplomsko delo


V diplomski nalogi želimo izpostaviti področje izgorelosti v športu. Raziskavo bomo usmerili na ugotavljanje stopnje izgorelosti med teniškimi igralci. Raziskava bo vsebovala prisotnost in pogostost izgorelosti pri teniških igralcih ter kratkoročne/dolgoročne posledice sindroma. Raziskavo bomo izvajali s pomočjo tehnike polstrukturiranega intervjuja. S pomočjo diplomske naloge želimo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način se pri teniških igralcih zaznava pojav sindroma izgorelosti, ki bo teoretično opredeljen v začetnem delu zaključnega dela. Tekom raziskave bomo izvajali primerjavo med zastavljenimi spremenljivkami in sindromom izgorelosti. Tenis je ravno tako kot ostali športi zahteven, saj od igralcev zahteva veliko predanosti, časa in energije. S teoretičnim in raziskovalnim delom diplomske naloge bomo izpostavili glavne kazalnike izgorelosti v tenisu ter zastavili predloge in priložnosti za izboljšavo. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo analizirali teniško igro in opredelili pojme izgorelosti, pretreniranosti in stresa. V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge smo raziskovali pojavnost, poznavanje, zavedanje ter najpogostejše pokazatelje izgorelosti pri profesionalno usmerjenih teniških igralcih. Želeli smo pridobiti mnenje teniških igralcev ter igralk o dejavnikih, kot so spol, starost in vpliv sindroma na ostale teniške igralce. S pomočjo raziskovalnega vzorca smo ugotavljali morebitne ukrepe oz. nasvete za izboljšanje trenutnega stanja. Analiza raziskave je pokazala, da je sindrom izgorelosti v karieri profesionalno usmerjenih teniških igralcih večinsko prisoten. Minimalno en simptom sindroma je prisoten pri vsakem teniškem igralcu tekom njegove/njene kariere, ob tem so razlike v spolih nedvoumne. Večina teniških igralcev in športnikov ne ukrepa na primeren in učinkovit način. Zaradi tega so ukrepi, kot so načrtovanje treningov in počitkov, spopadanje s stresom, poslušanje lastnega telesa (opažati simptome) in druga ravnanja, uspešni pri preprečevanju nastanka izgorelosti.

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [R. Gospodjinački]
UDK: 159.93/.94
COBISS: 89858563 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 253
Št. prenosov: 37
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Tennis burnout
Sekundarni povzetek: In the thesis, we would like to highlight the field of burnout in sports. We will focus our research on determining the degree of burnout among tennis players. The research will include the presence and frequency of burnout in tennis players and the short-term/long-term consequences of the syndrome. The research shall be conducted using the technique of semi-structured interviews. With the help of the thesis, we want to determine to what extent and in what way the phenomenon of the burnout syndrome is perceived within tennis players, which will in theory be defined in the initial part of the research area of the document. Throughout the research, we shall perform comparisons between the set variables and the burnout syndrome. Tennis, just like other sports, is demanding, as it requires a lot of dedication, time and energy from the players. With the theoretical and research part of the thesis, we will highlight the main indicators of burnout in tennis and set suggestions as well as opportunities for improvement. Within the theoretical part of the thesis, we analyzed the game of tennis and defined the concepts of burnout, overtraining and stress. In the research part of the thesis, we investigated the incidence, knowledge, awareness as well as the most common indicators of burnout in professionally oriented tennis players. We also wanted to gather opinions from tennis players regarding factors such as gender, age and the impact of the syndrome on other tennis players. With the help of a research sample, we identified possible measures and/or tips required to improve the current situation. Analysis of the research showed that the burnout syndrome is predominantly present in the careers of professionally oriented tennis players. At least one symptom of the syndrome is present in each tennis player during his/her career, and the gender differences are unambiguous. Most tennis players and athletes do not act in an appropriate and effective way. As a result, measures such as planning workouts and rest, coping with stress, listening to your own body (observing symptoms), and other actions are successful in preventing burnout.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Izgorelost (psihologija);Šport;Utrujenost;Tenis;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: VI, 54 f.
ID: 13290788