doktorska disertacija
Jure Smole (Avtor), Boštjan Udovič (Mentor)


Današnji svet zaznamuje pojav nenadnih in globokih sprememb, ki vodijo v antagonistične procese in vplivajo na večino držav in prebivalcev sveta. Čeprav posvečajo države, ob povečani globalni negotovosti, več pozornosti varnostnim in obrambnim vidikom zunanje politike, ostaja blaginja prebivalcev pomemben vir legitimnosti politikov. In ker so male države največkrat bistveno bolj vpete in odvisne od mednarodne trgovine kot velike države, je lahko gospodarska diplomacija, zaradi enostavnosti, neposrednosti in možnosti hitrega reševanja težav, učinkovito in pomembno orodje za krepitev obstoječih dvostranskih gospodarskih povezav domačega gospodarstva in odpiranje vrat na nove, perspektivne trge. Gospodarska diplomacija je še posebej pomembna za mala in srednja podjetja, ki se, ob pomanjkanju finančnih in kadrovskih resursov, soočajo z večjo informacijsko asimetrijo in številčnejšimi omejitvami ter tveganji pri vstopu na mednarodno prizorišče. V doktorski disertaciji nas je zato zanimalo, ali so slovenska mala in srednja podjetja zadovoljna s pomočjo in storitvami slovenske gospodarske diplomacije, ob tem pa nas je zanimala tudi ocena gospodarskih diplomatov o pripravljenosti malih in srednjih podjetij in pristop slednjih k internacionalizaciji. Identificirali in ovrednotili smo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na gospodarsko diplomacijo, analizirali pomen interakcije gospodarske diplomacije z malimi in srednjimi podjetji in raziskovali pomen posameznika in kadrovske politike v gospodarski diplomaciji. Zanimalo nas je, ali se pomen gospodarske diplomacije z oddaljenostjo trgov povečuje in ali lahko gospodarska diplomacija prispeva k premostitvi internih ovir in lažji odločitvi malih in srednjih podjetij za začetek internacionalizacijskih aktivnosti. Raziskovalno delo je potekalo po fazah in z uporabo različnih znanstvenih metod. Teoretični del raziskave je deduktivne narave in je bil namenjen preučevanju obstoječe literature in dognanj. Empirični del raziskave pa sloni na študiji primera Slovenije, primera Avstrije in Srbije pa sta služila kot kontrolni spremenljivki. Glavna metoda empiričnega dela doktorata je polstrukturiran, poglobljen individualni intervju. Analiza obstoječih virov in horizontalna primerjava odgovorov relevantnih deležnikov potrjuje vzajemno nezadovoljstvo in prepad v medsebojnem razumevanju, v ponudbi in povpraševanju gospodarske diplomacije ter malih in srednjih podjetij. Ugotavljamo, da pomen gospodarske diplomacije z oddaljenostjo trgov narašča, večjo vlogo pa igra v začetnih fazah internacionalizacije malih in srednjih podjetij. Gospodarska diplomacija lahko prispeva tudi k premostitvi nekaterih internih ovir malih in srednjih podjetij in s tem k lažji odločitvi za začetek internacionalizacije. Pri tem pa igrata pomembno vlogo dolgoročna stabilnost strukture in organizacijskega modela gospodarske diplomacije ter kadrovska politika. Posamezniki, gospodarski diplomati, so namreč celo bolj pomembni kot struktura gospodarske diplomacije.

Ključne besede

gospodarska diplomacija;internacionalizacija;globalizacija;mala in srednja podjetja;Slovenija;gospodarski diplomat;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Založnik: [J. Smole]
UDK: 339.9:327(043.3)
COBISS: 177719811 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 55
Št. prenosov: 4
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Commercial diplomacy as a means of internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia
Sekundarni povzetek: Today's world is characterised by the emergence of sudden and profound changes that lead to antagonistic processes and affect most countries and populations of the world. Although, in the face of increased global uncertainty, countries are paying more attention to security and defense issues of foreign policy, the well-being of the population remains an important source of legitimacy of politicians. And since small countries are often much more involved in and dependent on international trade than large countries, commercial diplomacy, due to its simplicity, directness and the possibility of solving problems quickly, can be an effective and important tool for strengthening the existing bilateral economic links of the domestic economy and opening the door to new, promising markets. Commercial diplomacy is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises (hereafter: SMEs), which, in the absence of financial and human resources, face greater information asymmetries and more constraints, as well as risks in entering the international arena. In doctoral thesis, we therefore wanted to establish whether Slovenian SMEs are satisfied with the assistance and services provided by commercial diplomacy and we were also interested in the assessment of commercial diplomats on the readiness of SMEs and their approach to internationalisation. We identified and evaluated the factors influencing commercial diplomacy, analysed the importance of the interaction of commercial diplomacy with SMEs and explored the importance of the individual and staffing policy in commercial diplomacy. We were interested in whether the importance of commercial diplomacy increases with the distance of markets and whether commercial diplomacy can contribute to overcoming internal barriers and facilitating the decision of SMEs to start internationalisation activities. The research work was carried out in phases using different scientific methods. The theoretical part of the research was deductive in nature and aimed at examining existing literature and findings. The empirical part is based on the case study of Slovenia, whereas the case studies of Austria and Serbia serve as control variables. The main method of the empirical part is a semi-structured, in-depth individual interview. The analysis of existing sources and the horizontal comparison of the responses of relevant stakeholders confirms the mutual dissatisfaction and the gap in mutual understanding, supply and demand of commercial diplomacy and SMEs. We note that the importance of commercial diplomacy increases with the distance of markets and plays a greater role in the initial stages of internationalisation of SMEs. Commercial diplomacy can also contribute to overcoming some of the internal barriers of SMEs, thus facilitating the decision to start internationalising. The long-term stability of the structure and organisational model of commercial diplomacy, as well as staffing policies, play an important role in this respect. Individuals, commercial diplomats, are even more important than the structure of commercial diplomacy.
Sekundarne ključne besede: commercial diplomacy;internationalisation;globalisation;SMEs;Slovenia;commercial diplomat;Diplomacija;Mednarodni gospodarski odnosi;Globalizacija;Mala in srednja podjetja;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Strani: 360 str.
ID: 21599858