magistrsko delo
Janja Zupan (Avtor), Danijela Trškan (Mentor), Patrizia Farinelli (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo ugotavlja, katere zgodovinske vsebine so vključene v Dekameron – temeljno delo italijanske srednjeveške novelistike ter na kakšen način se jih lahko vključi v pouk zgodovine v osnovni šoli. Zgodovinske teme, ki prevladujejo v Boccaccievem delu, so: zaton viteških vrednot in vzpon trgovcev, kritika nemoralnega obnašanja določenega dela duhovščine, položaj žensk ter epidemija kuge; v pouk zgodovine pa jih lahko vključimo prek besedne demonstracije, izkustvenega učenja ali metodo dela s pisnim virom. Temi vzpon trgovcev in epidemija kuge smo kot primer dela s pisnim virom uporabili na dva načina: frontalno in z delom po skupinah s pomočjo delovnega lista. Učenci, ki delajo s pisnimi viri, postanejo bolj občutljivi na zaznavanje subjektivnega podajanja dejstev ter imajo večjo motivacijo. V učnem načrtu so prisotne teme: plemstvo, meščanstvo in življenje ljudi v srednjeveških mestih,Dekameron ali njegov avtor pa nista omenjena; v učbenikih je najbolje predstavljen viteški sloj, zelo malo ali nič pa kuga, trgovci in položaj žensk. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomen vključevanja pisnih virov in literature v pouk zgodovine, saj imajo pozitiven vpliv na učence: obogatijo njihovo znanje in v njih vzbudijo zanimanje za zgodovino. Uporaba Dekamerona, ki se uvršča med klasike evropske literature, pa pripomore tudi k splošni razgledanosti učencev.

Ključne besede

Dekameron;Boccaccio;nastanek novele;delo s pisnim virom;pouk zgodovine;osnovna šola;bolonjska magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Zupan]
UDK: 37.091.3:93/94
COBISS: 199876867 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 53
Št. prenosov: 13
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Decameron in history lessons in elementary school
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this master’s thesis was to determine the historical content present in the Decameron – the fundamental work of Italian medieval novella writing. Furthermore, we discussed teaching methods suitable for including this work in elementary school history lessons. The main topics present in Boccaccio’s work are: the decline of the old nobility and the rise of the merchants, the criticism of the immoral behaviour of a certain part of the clergy, the status of women, and the plague epidemic. The implementation of the Decameron into history lessons is possible with the method of verbal demonstration, the method of working with a written source and the experiential learning method. Two historical topics, the rise of merchants and the plague epidemic, were used in the history lessons as examples of the method of working with a written source. They were taught with two different methods: frontal teaching and group teaching. The last one also included providing a working sheet for each student. Students who work with a written source become more sensitive to perceiving subjective presentation of facts and show increased interest in the presented history topics. The seventh-grade national curriculum for history includes topics such as the nobility, the bourgeoisie, and the lives of the people in the medieval cities; the Decameron or its author are not mentioned. The nobility is the best-presented topic in the schoolbooks, while the opposite goes for the plague, the merchants, and the status of women. This master’s thesis emphasises the importance of the inclusion of written sources and literature in history lessons because of their positive influence on students: they enrich students’ knowledge and motivate them for further research. What is more, the use of the Decameron, one of the classics of European literature, contributes to students’ general knowledge.
Sekundarne ključne besede: the Decameron;Boccaccio;creation of the novella;working with a written source;history lessons;elementary school;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1011048
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino, Oddelek za romanske jezike in književnost
Strani: 126 str.
ID: 24467387