diplomsko delo
Špela Kresonja (Avtor), Jernej Belak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo s pomočjo literature podrobneje predstavili družinska podjetja. Družinsko podjetje smo opredelili z definicijo in se poglobili v značilnosti družinskih podjetij. Podorbneje smo prikazali kako se družinsko podjetje razlikuje od nedružinskega in kateri so glavni dejavniki, ki ju ločujejo. V teoretičnem delu smo preučili tudi prednosti in slabosti samega družinskega podjetja. Posebej smo predstavili tudi nasledstvo v družinskem podjetju, kako je opredeljeno, kako ga je potrebno načrtovati in kdaj s tem pričeti. Dotaknili smo se tudi kako pomemben je naslednik v družinskem podjetju. Navedli in razložili smo tudi dejavnike za uspešen prenos podjetja na naslednike in opozorili na morebitne razloge za neuspen prenos podjetja. V praktičnem delu smo prestavili in opisali izbrano družinsko podjetje Pro Žak d. o. o. . podorobno smo opisali njegov nastanek, s čim se ukvarja in katere družinske člane zaposluje. Izdelali smo načrt kako naj bi družinsko podjetje predalo vodenje nasledni generaciji po fazah za predajo podjetja in se s pomočjo vprašalniki in intervjuja s posameznimi zaposlenimi v podjetju dokopali do informacij kako odnosi vplivajo na delovanje v podjetju, kako so vloge v podjetju porazdeljene glede na člane družine. Ključne ugotovitve, ki smo jih pri diplomskem delu ugotvili so, da je načrtovanje predaje podjetja ključnega pomena za obstoj podjetja in, da moramo z načrtovanjem začeti dovolj zgodaj, kot se tega lotevajo tudi v obravnavanem družinskem podjetju. Na primeru podjetja Pro Žak d. o. o. smo ugotovili, da je podjetje zaradi zaposlovanja družinskih članov bolj povezano in uspešnejše, saj med njimi poteka harmonija in prepletanje dobrih družinskih odnosov, to smo podprli tudi z pogovorom z zaposlenimi, ki niso člani družine.

Ključne besede

družinsko podjetje;prenos podjetja;nasledstvo;lastništvo;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: Š. Kresonja
UDK: 334.722.24
COBISS: 212275203 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 0
Št. prenosov: 4
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Family business and successions planning in family business Pro Žak d.o.o.
Sekundarni povzetek: In the bachelor thesis, we presented family businesses in more detail with the help of literature. We defined a family business by definition and delved into the characteristics of family businesses. In more detail, we have shown how a family business differs from a non-family business and what are the main factors that separate them. In the theoretical part, we also examined the advantages and disadvantages of the family business itself. We also specifically presented succession in a family business, how it is defined, how it needs to be planned and when to start it. We also touched on how important a successor is in a family business. We also listed and explained the factors for the successful transfer of the company to successors and pointed out the possible reasons for the unsuccessful transfer of the company. In the practical part, we have presented and described the selected family company Pro Žak d. o. o. . We have described in detail its creation, what it does and which family members it employs. We have developed a plan of how the family business should hand over the management to the next generation in phases for the handover of the company and, with the help of questionnaires and interviews with individual employees in the company, we have obtained information on how relationships affect the functioning of the company, how roles in the company are distributed according to family members. The key findings that we found in the thesis are that planning the handover of the company is crucial for the existence of the company and that we need to start planning early enough, as is also the case in the family business in question. On the example of the company Pro Žak d.o.o., we found that the company is more connected and successful due to the employment of family members, because there is harmony and intertwining of good family relationships between them, which we also supported by talking to employees who are not family members.
Sekundarne ključne besede: family business;handover of succession;successor;planning;family;relationships;company;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (44 str.))
ID: 24881060