doktorska disertacija


Tipologija in značilnosti skupin za samopomoč in podpornih skupin v Sloveniji

Ključne besede

samopomoč;skupine za samopomoč;podporne skupine;strokovna pomoč;krepitev moči;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. M. Klemenčič Rozman]
UDK: 316(043.3)
COBISS: 8889417 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1842
Št. prenosov: 796
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Typology and Characteristics of Self-Help Groups and Support Groups in Slovenia
Sekundarni povzetek: Self-help is defined as emphasising inner resources and potentials of strengths of the self-help unit, which can be an individual, (small) group or nation. Nowadays self-help is mainly implemented in the form of self-help groups and support groups, both of them representing an important field of mutual help and support among individuals facing distress. With their group helping characteristics the groups enable possibilities of forming a different, positive identity and offer chances of discussing and reaching the improvement of positions of discriminated groups in the society. Meanwhile self-help groups are very well known in the world for quite some time and co-exist parallel to professional help, they began to burgeon fully in our country only a decade and a half ago. At the beginnings self-organized and autonomous self-help groups started slowly the process of professionalization and bureaucratization which has led towards institutionalization of self-help in the forms of self-help organizations, self-help clearinghouses especially specific among them. From the chronological point of view support groups emerged out of self-help groups. Support groups usually work without ideology and are aimed at informing and supporting their participants and usually coordinated or leaded by a professional. The aim of the present research was to discover what kind of self-help and support groups exist in Slovene environment, to form a typology on the basis of their organizational characteristics and to find out whether correlation between the level of professionalization of the group and some chosen aspects of group functioning can be found and how group functioning in perceived by their members. In a cross-sectional study a quantitative methodological approach was undertaken. For the purpose of sampling data base of currently active groups had been formed. The sample of group leaders and members had been stratified upon the criteria of numbers of existing groups of the same kind. In a formed typology four types of self-help groups and support groups were constructed: non-institutional opened and closed and institutional opened and closed groups. The results show that with growing professionalization of the group more probably some organizational characteristics emerge (smaller frequency of meetings, more permanent role of the leader, shorter participation in the groups and evaluating the effectiveness of the group), more likely the leaders positively characterise professionals’ attitudes towards the groups (for a quality group work cooperation with professionals in foreseen and estimate that professionals know the groups well and are favourably disposed towards them) and it is more plausible that some factor which make group work more difficult occur (overloaded leaders; members disturbing the functioning of the group; lack of funds and information how to get them; lack of qualified leaders, public awareness and networks with other groups). Results also lead to the findings that all researched group processes are interrelated. Satisfaction with the group, group-helping characteristics, experiencing the empowerment and possibilities of influencing the group are positively correlated. At the same time some (rare) aspects of these processes are influenced by the frequency of participation at the meetings (connected to satisfaction of the members with the group and the feeling of acceptance and equality), duration of membership in the group (helps to rise the knowledge of society) and member’s age (less experienced group-helping characteristics and empowerment among the oldest members). I close the work with the encouragement for respectful cooperation between professional help and self-help, with a wish for establishing national self-help clearinghouse for self-help groups and support groups, with a question about the direction in which self-help movement will be heading on in Slovenia and with a finding about the needs of further researching the field and with a metaphor of narrative for existential longing which reflects the essence of self-help and support groups.
Sekundarne ključne besede: group work;skupinsko delo;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za socialno pedagogiko
Strani: 203 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Typology and Characteristics of Self-Help Groups and Support Groups in Slovenia
Ključne besede (ePrints): skupine za samopomoč
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): self-help groups
Povzetek (ePrints): Samopomoč pomeni poudarjanje notranjih virov in potencialnih moči enote samopomoči, ki je lahko posameznik, (mala) skupina ali narod. V sodobnem času je pogosto implementirana v obliki skupin za samopomoč in podpornih skupin, ki so pomembno polje nudenja medsebojne pomoči in podpore med posamezniki v stiski. Skupine s svojimi značilnostmi skupinske pomoči omogočajo posameznikom gradnjo drugačne, pozitivne identitete ter nudijo priložnosti za polemiziranje in doseganje izboljšanja položaja diskriminiranih skupin v družbi. Medtem ko so se skupine za samopomoč in podporne skupine pri nas v polnosti razvile v zadnjem desetletju in pol, pa so po svetu že dolgo znana stalnica, ki obstaja vzporedno s strokovnim delom. Sprva samoorganizirane in avtonomne skupine za samopomoč so se počasi profesionalizirale in birokratizirale, kar je vodilo do institucionalizacije (tj. profesionalizacije in birokratizacije hkrati) samopomoči v obliki organizacij za samopomoč, med njimi še posebej v obliki specifičnih matičnih središč. S kronološkega vidika so se iz skupin za samopomoč razvile podporne skupine, ki se od prvih razlikujejo po tem, da v njihovem delovanju običajno ni prisotne ideologije, namenjene pa so obveščanju in podpori, pogosto jih koordinira ali vodi strokovnjak. Namen pričujoče raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšne skupine za samopomoč in podporne skupine delujejo v slovenskem prostoru, izdelati tipologijo na osnovi njihovih organizacijskih oblik in ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med stopnjo profesionalizacije skupine in izbranimi vidiki delovanja skupine in kako skupinsko dogajanje v teh skupinah doživljajo njihovi člani. V presečni študiji je bil uporabljen kvantitativni metodološki pristop. Za namene vzorčenja je bila vzpostavljena zbirka podatkov delujočih skupin. Vzorec vodij in članov je bil stratificiran glede na številčnost posameznih vrst skupine. V oblikovani tipologiji skupin so nastopili štirje tipi skupin za samopomoč in podpornih skupin – neinstitucionalizirane odprte in zaprte skupine ter institucionalizirane zaprte in odprte skupine. Rezultati kažejo, da bolj ko so skupine profesionalizirane, verjetnejše je pojavljanje določenih organizacijskih značilnosti (kot so manjša pogostost srečanj, stalnejša vloga vodje, krajše trajanje udeležbe in izvajanje vrednotenja učinkovitosti skupine); verjetnejše je tudi, da vodje naravnanost stroke do teh skupin dojemajo kot bolj pozitivno (za kakovostno delovanje skupine predvidevajo sodelovanje s strokovnimi delavci in ocenjujejo, da ti dobro poznajo skupine in so do njih naklonjeni) ter verjetneje nastopajo določeni dejavniki, ki otežujejo delo skupine (preobremenjeni vodje; člani, ki motijo delovanje skupine; pomanjkanje sredstev in informacij, kako priti do njih; pomanjkanje usposobljenosti vodij ter javne ozaveščenosti o tematiki skupine in mreže z drugimi skupinami). Rezultati tudi vodijo do ugotovitev, da so vsa raziskovana skupinska dogajanja med seboj povezana. Zadovoljstvo s skupino, značilnosti skupinske pomoči, doživljanje krepitve moči in ocena možnosti vplivanja na skupino so med seboj pozitivno povezani. Obenem pa na nekatere (redke) vidike teh dogajanj vplivajo pogostost udeležbe na srečanjih skupine (povezana z zadovoljstvom članov s skupino ter z občutkom sprejetosti in enakovrednosti), trajanje članstva v skupini (prispeva k večanju poznavanja družbe) in starost članov (manj doživetih značilnosti skupinske pomoči in krepitve moči pri starejših članih). Delo zaključujem s spodbudo za spoštljivo sodelovanje med strokovno pomočjo in samopomočjo, z željo po ustanovitvi nacionalnega matičnega središča za skupine za samopomoč in podporne skupine, z vprašanjem, v katero smer se bo razvila dinamika gibanja za samopomoč pri nas, in z ugotovitvijo o potrebah po nadaljevanju raziskovanja tega polja ter z metaforo pripovedi o eksistencialnem hrepenenju, ki naj bi odražala gibalo skupin za samopomoč in podpornih skupin.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Self-help is defined as emphasising inner resources and potentials of strengths of the self-help unit, which can be an individual, (small) group or nation. Nowadays self-help is mainly implemented in the form of self-help groups and support groups, both of them representing an important field of mutual help and support among individuals facing distress. With their group helping characteristics the groups enable possibilities of forming a different, positive identity and offer chances of discussing and reaching the improvement of positions of discriminated groups in the society. Meanwhile self-help groups are very well known in the world for quite some time and co-exist parallel to professional help, they began to burgeon fully in our country only a decade and a half ago. At the beginnings self-organized and autonomous self-help groups started slowly the process of professionalization and bureaucratization which has led towards institutionalization of self-help in the forms of self-help organizations, self-help clearinghouses especially specific among them. From the chronological point of view support groups emerged out of self-help groups. Support groups usually work without ideology and are aimed at informing and supporting their participants and usually coordinated or leaded by a professional. The aim of the present research was to discover what kind of self-help and support groups exist in Slovene environment, to form a typology on the basis of their organizational characteristics and to find out whether correlation between the level of professionalization of the group and some chosen aspects of group functioning can be found and how group functioning in perceived by their members. In a cross-sectional study a quantitative methodological approach was undertaken. For the purpose of sampling data base of currently active groups had been formed. The sample of group leaders and members had been stratified upon the criteria of numbers of existing groups of the same kind. In a formed typology four types of self-help groups and support groups were constructed: non-institutional opened and closed and institutional opened and closed groups. The results show that with growing professionalization of the group more probably some organizational characteristics emerge (smaller frequency of meetings, more permanent role of the leader, shorter participation in the groups and evaluating the effectiveness of the group), more likely the leaders positively characterise professionals’ attitudes towards the groups (for a quality group work cooperation with professionals in foreseen and estimate that professionals know the groups well and are favourably disposed towards them) and it is more plausible that some factor which make group work more difficult occur (overloaded leaders; members disturbing the functioning of the group; lack of funds and information how to get them; lack of qualified leaders, public awareness and networks with other groups). Results also lead to the findings that all researched group processes are interrelated. Satisfaction with the group, group-helping characteristics, experiencing the empowerment and possibilities of influencing the group are positively correlated. At the same time some (rare) aspects of these processes are influenced by the frequency of participation at the meetings (connected to satisfaction of the members with the group and the feeling of acceptance and equality), duration of membership in the group (helps to rise the knowledge of society) and member’s age (less experienced group-helping characteristics and empowerment among the oldest members). I close the work with the encouragement for respectful cooperation between professional help and self-help, with a wish for establishing national self-help clearinghouse for self-help groups and support groups, with a question about the direction in which self-help movement will be heading on in Slovenia and with a finding about the needs of further researching the field and with a metaphor of narrative for existential longing which reflects the essence of self-help and support groups.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): self-help groups
ID: 8307925