diplomsko delo
Neja Pelan (Avtor), Tonka Tacol (Mentor)


Likovno nadarjeni učenci in pouk likovne vzgoje na razredni stopnji osnovne šole

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Pelan]
UDK: 373.32.016:74(043.2)
COBISS: 8909129 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1115
Št. prenosov: 121
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Gifted pupils in artistical lessons in primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: In theoretical part I primarily focused on general gifts of the pupils. I tried to identify all crucial methods that are important for work with them. Next I focused on the artistic talent which represents the main topic of my diploma thesis. I presented the characteristics of artistically gifted pupils, their discovery and identification, artistic development, methods of work at school and additional possibilities for artistically gifted pupils outside of school. In the empirical part I focused on implementation of learning process of art education with differentiation of artistically gifted pupils. I was interested in methods of work with artistically gifted pupils to keep them active, curious and motivated. I implemented three leassons in the first class of primary school. I started with identifiying four pupils who, based on their artistic makings, stood out as most artistically gifted. Then I prepared additional ativities for them during the normal class hours and analized how this additional activities influenced their motivation for learning, their originality and their self dependence when solving the artistic tasks. This enabled me to understand in more detail the effect of additional activities on artistically gifted pupils and possibilities of their additional engagement during lessons. The general impression regarding the effects of the additinal activities is positive since the pupils that were involved in the project responded actively and were succesfull in solving the artistic tasks. The results of my research showed that additional activities have a positive effect on artistically gifted pupils and also on other pupils in the same class. These activities also improved the overal quality of the art lessons. I also interviewed academic painter Ivan Rob about his experience as artistically gifted pupil in primary school and about his opinion on artistic talent. Through studying the literature and implementing the additional activities in class my goal was to gain a complete view of the field of artistical talent of the pupils and to introduce some possibilities for additional engagement of artistically gifted pupils and to motivate teachers to think about implementing additional activities for pupils during art lessons.
Sekundarne ključne besede: art education;gifted;primary school;likovna vzgoja;nadarjeni;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 97 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Gifted pupils in artistical lessons in primary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): nadarjenost
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): talent
Povzetek (ePrints): V teoretičnem delu sem se najprej osredotočila na splošno nadarjenost učencev. Poskušala sem zajeti vse bistvene sestavine, ki so pomembne za delo z nadarjenimi učenci. Nato sem se podrobneje usmerila na področje likovne nadarjenosti, ki predstavlja vodilno nit mojega diplomskega dela. Predstavila sem značilnosti likovno nadarjenih učencev, njihovo odkrivanje in identifikacijo, likovni razvoj ter oblike dela v šoli in dodatne možnosti za likovno nadarjene učence izven nje. V empiričnem delu sem se osredotočila na izvedbo učnega procesa likovne vzgoje z diferenciacijo likovno nadarjenih učencev. Zanimalo me je, kako v procesu likovne vzgoje ravnati z likovno nadarjenimi učenci in jih dodatno zaposliti pri pouku, da bodo aktivni, radovedni in motivirani. Izvedla sem tri učne ure v prvem razredu osnovne šole. Najprej sem na podlagi likovnih izdelkov izpostavila štiri učence, ki so izstopali po likovni nadarjenosti. Nato sem za izbrane učence pripravila dodatne aktivnosti znotraj rednega pouka likovne vzgoje in opazovala, kako ta dodatna aktivnost vpliva na njihovo motivacijo v učnem procesu ter njihovo izvirnost in samostojnost pri reševanju likovne naloge. Tako sem dobila podrobnejši vpogled o učinku dodatnih dejavnosti na likovno nadarjene učence in možnostih dodatne zaposlitve. Splošni vtis glede izvedenih dodatnih dejavnosti je pozitiven, saj so se opazovani učenci aktivno odzvali in bili uspešni pri reševanju likovnih nalog. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da dodatne dejavnosti pozitivno vplivajo na likovno nadarjene učence in tudi na ostale učence v razredu. Pripomogle so h kakovostnejši likovni dejavnosti pri pouku likovne vzgoje. Izvedla sem tudi krajši intervju z akademskim slikarjem Ivanom Robom. Zanimale so me njegove izkušnje, ki jih je imel kot likovno nadarjen učenec v osnovni šoli in njegov pogled na likovno nadarjenost. Preko prebiranja in preučevanja literature ter izvedenih dejavnosti sem želela dobiti celovit pogled v področje likovne nadarjenosti učencev. Predstaviti sem želela nekaj možnosti za dodatno zaposlitev likovno nadarjenih učencev ter spodbuditi tudi ostale učitelje k razmišljanju in oblikovanju dodatnih aktivnosti pri pouku likovne vzgoje.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In theoretical part I primarily focused on general gifts of the pupils. I tried to identify all crucial methods that are important for work with them. Next I focused on the artistic talent which represents the main topic of my diploma thesis. I presented the characteristics of artistically gifted pupils, their discovery and identification, artistic development, methods of work at school and additional possibilities for artistically gifted pupils outside of school. In the empirical part I focused on implementation of learning process of art education with differentiation of artistically gifted pupils. I was interested in methods of work with artistically gifted pupils to keep them active, curious and motivated. I implemented three leassons in the first class of primary school. I started with identifiying four pupils who, based on their artistic makings, stood out as most artistically gifted. Then I prepared additional ativities for them during the normal class hours and analized how this additional activities influenced their motivation for learning, their originality and their self dependence when solving the artistic tasks. This enabled me to understand in more detail the effect of additional activities on artistically gifted pupils and possibilities of their additional engagement during lessons. The general impression regarding the effects of the additinal activities is positive since the pupils that were involved in the project responded actively and were succesfull in solving the artistic tasks. The results of my research showed that additional activities have a positive effect on artistically gifted pupils and also on other pupils in the same class. These activities also improved the overal quality of the art lessons. I also interviewed academic painter Ivan Rob about his experience as artistically gifted pupil in primary school and about his opinion on artistic talent. Through studying the literature and implementing the additional activities in class my goal was to gain a complete view of the field of artistical talent of the pupils and to introduce some possibilities for additional engagement of artistically gifted pupils and to motivate teachers to think about implementing additional activities for pupils during art lessons.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): talent
ID: 8308170