diplomsko delo


Učitelj in pedagoške spremembe

Ključne besede

spremembe v procesu izobraževanja


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Zajamšek]
UDK: 373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9298249 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 939
Št. prenosov: 169
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Teacher and the pedagogical changes
Sekundarni povzetek: In the theoretical part of my thesis Teacher and the pedagogical changes I focused on the types of changes, change implementation process, and the methods of incorporating and evaluating changes in the educational system. I also described teachers' professional work in this world of changes, their tasks, roles, and professional growth. With their lifelong learning and by implementing changes in their own pedagogical work, teachers provide favourable conditions for the students to obtain high quality knowledge, and the ability of solving problems and finding their way through different unpredictable situations. In the empirical part I wanted to find out how primary school class teachers accept changes in the educational system and to what extent they are active in the implementation of their own changes in the educational practice. The research showed that teachers are mainly acquainted with the changes by the school management, or by lecturers at the educational courses. Primary school teachers’ believe that changes are necessary, but they claim that there are too many of them. The number of teachers who think that changes are stimulative, and the number of those who perceive changes as obligations or problems, are rather equal. The majority of the respondents claim to have enough support for the implementation of changes, mainly from their colleagues. The implementation of the changes in their own pedagogical practice is impeded by the fact that the proposed or offered changes have not yet been tested. Several teachers believe it would be reasonable to implement changes which were known before: eight-year classes in the primary school, obligatory homeworks, the evaluation of behaviour, unexpected oral examination, numerical grading in the first triad etc. Their opinion is that the quality of learning, discipline at classes, and the teachers’ social position in the past were much better. A positive change is considered to be the implementation of the IKT. The results of the research also show that teachers observe such changes in the educational system even before their implementation. However, the majority of respondents are not familiar with the current change proposals. They are mainly concerned with the increased norms for students, extended educational requirements for teachers, and the integration of children with special needs without the presence of properly educated personnel, but approve the numerical grading in the third class. Teachers regularly implement changes in their own practice every year. The majority of these changes is related to the different stages of providing new knowledge, and practicing. The basic aim of their implementation is to raise students’ motivation, and learning abilities to a higher level. At this point, teachers often encounter problems because of the unfavourable material and financial conditions for the education of students and the work of the teachers, which is due to the large number of students in classes, and lower motivation. The majority of respondents share the opinion that with the implementation of changes they avoid the monotony and dullness in their own classes.
Sekundarne ključne besede: educational reform;teaching profession;knowledge;attitude;reforma vzgoje in izobraževanja;učiteljski poklic;znanje;stališče;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: XIV, 90 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Teacher and the pedagogical changes
Ključne besede (ePrints): spremembe v procesu izobraževanja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): education process changes
Povzetek (ePrints): V teoretičnem delu diplomska dela Učitelj in pedagoške spremembe sem se posvetila vrstam sprememb, procesu uvajanja sprememb, načinu vpeljevanja in evalvaciji sprememb v šolstvu. Opisala sem tudi učiteljevo poklicno delovanje v svetu sprememb, njegove naloge, vloge in poklicno rast. V spreminjajoči se družbi učitelj z vseživljenjskim učenjem in uvajanjem sprememb v lastno pedagoško delo učencem zagotavlja pogoje za pridobivanje kakovostnega znanja, ki ga uporabijo za reševanje problemov in delovanje v različnih nepredvidljivih situacijah. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem želela raziskati, kako učitelji razrednega pouka sprejemajo spremembe v šolstvu in v kolikšni meri so aktivni pri vpeljevanju lastnih sprememb v pedagoško prakso. Raziskava je pokazala, da učitelje s spremembami v šolstvu največkrat seznani vodstvo šole ali predavatelji na izobraževanju. Po mnenju učiteljev razrednega pouka so spremembe sicer potrebne, vendar ocenjujejo, da jih je preveč. Deleža učiteljev, ki spremembe v šolstvu sprejemajo kot spodbudo, in tistimi, ki spremembe v šolstvu sprejemajo kot obveznost ali problem, sta dokaj enakovredna. Večina anketirancev ocenjuje, da ima pri vpeljevanju sprememb zadosti podpore, največkrat so je deležni od sodelavcev. Nepreizkušenost predlaganih oz. ponujenih sprememb jih večkrat ovira pri uvajanju le-teh v lastno pedagoško prakso. Kar nekaj učiteljev meni, da bi bilo smiselno ponovno vpeljati »spremembe«, ki so jih v naši šolski praksi že poznali, osemletko, obveznost izdelave domačih nalog, ocenjevanje vedenja, nenapovedano spraševanje, številčno ocenjevanje v prvi triadi ...¬, saj so bili takrat, po njihovem mnenju, večja kakovost učenčevega znanja, večja disciplina pri pouku in boljši družbeni položaj učitelja. Kot pozitivno spremembo navajajo uvedbo IKT. Raziskava je pokazala, da učitelji razrednega pouka spremembam v šolstvu začnejo slediti pred njihovo uveljavitvijo, vendar kljub temu večina anketiranih predlogov trenutnih sprememb ne pozna. Najbolj jih skrbijo povečan normativ učencev v razredu, povečana učna obveznost učitelja, integracija otrok s posebnimi potrebami brez ustreznega strokovnega kadra. Veselijo pa se vrnitve številčnih ocen v 3. razred. Učitelji razrednega pouka v lastno prakso vsako leto sproti vnašajo spremembe, največkrat vezane na etapo obravnavanja novega znanja in utrjevanja znanja, temeljni razlog za njihovo vpeljevanje pa je dvig motivacije učencev za delo in učenje in s tem višji nivo znanja. Pri tem pogosto naletijo na ovire, ki se čutijo zaradi slabšanja materialnih in finančnih pogojev za izobraževanje in delo učiteljev ter učencev, zaradi nižje motivacije otrok, velikega števila učencev v razredu. Večina anketiranih učiteljev meni, da mora učitelj vsako leto uvesti kakšno novost, sicer postane njegovo poučevanje monotono in dolgočasno.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In the theoretical part of my thesis Teacher and the pedagogical changes I focused on the types of changes, change implementation process, and the methods of incorporating and evaluating changes in the educational system. I also described teachers' professional work in this world of changes, their tasks, roles, and professional growth. With their lifelong learning and by implementing changes in their own pedagogical work, teachers provide favourable conditions for the students to obtain high quality knowledge, and the ability of solving problems and finding their way through different unpredictable situations. In the empirical part I wanted to find out how primary school class teachers accept changes in the educational system and to what extent they are active in the implementation of their own changes in the educational practice. The research showed that teachers are mainly acquainted with the changes by the school management, or by lecturers at the educational courses. Primary school teachers’ believe that changes are necessary, but they claim that there are too many of them. The number of teachers who think that changes are stimulative, and the number of those who perceive changes as obligations or problems, are rather equal. The majority of the respondents claim to have enough support for the implementation of changes, mainly from their colleagues. The implementation of the changes in their own pedagogical practice is impeded by the fact that the proposed or offered changes have not yet been tested. Several teachers believe it would be reasonable to implement changes which were known before: eight-year classes in the primary school, obligatory homeworks, the evaluation of behaviour, unexpected oral examination, numerical grading in the first triad etc. Their opinion is that the quality of learning, discipline at classes, and the teachers’ social position in the past were much better. A positive change is considered to be the implementation of the IKT. The results of the research also show that teachers observe such changes in the educational system even before their implementation. However, the majority of respondents are not familiar with the current change proposals. They are mainly concerned with the increased norms for students, extended educational requirements for teachers, and the integration of children with special needs without the presence of properly educated personnel, but approve the numerical grading in the third class. Teachers regularly implement changes in their own practice every year. The majority of these changes is related to the different stages of providing new knowledge, and practicing. The basic aim of their implementation is to raise students’ motivation, and learning abilities to a higher level. At this point, teachers often encounter problems because of the unfavourable material and financial conditions for the education of students and the work of the teachers, which is due to the large number of students in classes, and lower motivation. The majority of respondents share the opinion that with the implementation of changes they avoid the monotony and dullness in their own classes.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): education process changes
ID: 8310635