diplomska naloga


Subjektivne teorije vzgojiteljic predšolskih otrok

Ključne besede

aktivno učenje;subjektivne teorije;vzgojitelji;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Gorenjak]
UDK: 373.2:37.011.3-051(043.2)
COBISS: 9378377 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1935
Št. prenosov: 502
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Subjective theories of educators of preschool children
Sekundarni povzetek: Penetration of democratization to all aspects of our society as well as comprehension of a child and childhood has had an influence on the changes in education, expressed in The Curriculum for Kindergartens (1999). The realization of the concept of preschool education in practice, however, depends on subjective and personal comprehension of a child through the history from a shortened adult over a child - object of rights and today a child - subject of rights. There is a brief presentation of the international legally binding document about child's rights The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) as well as the changes in attitude towards children which had an influence on its formation. The research discusses the matching of the subjective theories of educators of preschool children with the principles of the Slovenian national curriculum which promotes democratization and because of this the following principles are introduced: the principle of choice, the principle of multiculturalism and the principle of active learning and playing. There is also a detailed presentation of the subjective theories of educators of preschool children and the findings about the subjective theories of Slovenian educators of preschool children. Based on the analysis of the gained results I can conclude that the standpoints of the educators of preschool children largely match with the principles of choice and multiculturalism and that the educators in general support the democratic concept of preschool education. At the same time the results also show the need of more profound learning about being different. Ignorance about this topic (in our case homosexuality) can induce prejudice and intolerance to being different. The results also confirm the correct comprehension of the principle of active learning and of course the principle of playing, as introduced in the concept of preschool education. Based on the gained results I can conclude that the matching between the standpoints of educators of preschool children and the principles of the curriculum indicates the increase in the quality of work in kindergartens included in the sample and educators' commitment to a democratic concept of preschool education.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school education;curriculum;rights of the child;predšolska vzgoja;kurikulum;pravice otroka;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Višješolska diplomska naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 41 f.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Subjective theories of educators of preschool children
Ključne besede (ePrints): pojmovanje otroka
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): comprehension of a child
Povzetek (ePrints): Prodor demokratizacije na vsa področja naše družbe in tudi na pojmovanje otroka in otroštva je vplival na spremembe v vzgoji in izobraževanju, izražene v Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999). Kako pa bo nov koncept predšolske vzgoje zaživel, uresničil cilje vzgoje in izobraževanja v pedagoški praksi, pa je v veliki meri odvisno od subjektivnih ali osebnih pojmovanj vzgojiteljev o otroku, vzgoji, zgodnjem učenju ter splošno o demokratizaciji. V teoretičnem delu naloge je predstavljena sprememba pojmovanja otroka skozi zgodovino od pomanjšanega odraslega, preko otroka – objekta pravice in danes, otroka – subjekta pravice. Na kratko je predstavljen mednarodno pravno zavezujoč dokument o otrokovih pravicah Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah (1989) in spremembe v odnosu do otrok, ki so vplivale na njen nastanek. Ker raziskava obravnava ujemanje subjektivnih teorij vzgojiteljic predšolskih otrok z načeli slovenskega nacionalnega kurikula, ki spodbujajo demokratizacijo, so v nadaljevanju predstavljeni načelo izbire, načelo multikulturalizma ter načelo aktivnega učenja in igre. Podrobneje so predstavljene tudi subjektivne teorije vzgojiteljic in znotraj tega ugotovitve o subjektivnih teorijah slovenskih vzgojiteljic. Na osnovi analize dobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključim, da se stališča vzgojiteljic v veliki meri ujemajo z načeloma izbire in multikulturalizma in da vzgojiteljice na splošno podpirajo demokratični koncept predšolske vzgoje. Istočasno pa rezultati kažejo na potrebo po bolj poglobljenem učenju o drugačnosti, saj nepoznavanje te teme (v našem primeru istospolne usmerjenosti) lahko izzove predsodke in netoleranco do drugačnosti. Rezultati potrjujejo tudi pravilno razumevanje načela aktivnega učenja in seveda načela igre, kot sta opredeljena v konceptu predšolske vzgoje. Na osnovi dobljenih podatkov lahko zaključim, da ujemanje med stališči vzgojiteljic in načeli kurikuluma nakazuje porast kakovosti dela v vrtcih v vzorcu in zavzemanje vzgojiteljic za demokratičen koncept predšolske vzgoje.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Penetration of democratization to all aspects of our society as well as comprehension of a child and childhood has had an influence on the changes in education, expressed in The Curriculum for Kindergartens (1999). The realization of the concept of preschool education in practice, however, depends on subjective and personal comprehension of a child through the history from a shortened adult over a child - object of rights and today a child - subject of rights. There is a brief presentation of the international legally binding document about child's rights The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) as well as the changes in attitude towards children which had an influence on its formation. The research discusses the matching of the subjective theories of educators of preschool children with the principles of the Slovenian national curriculum which promotes democratization and because of this the following principles are introduced: the principle of choice, the principle of multiculturalism and the principle of active learning and playing. There is also a detailed presentation of the subjective theories of educators of preschool children and the findings about the subjective theories of Slovenian educators of preschool children. Based on the analysis of the gained results I can conclude that the standpoints of the educators of preschool children largely match with the principles of choice and multiculturalism and that the educators in general support the democratic concept of preschool education. At the same time the results also show the need of more profound learning about being different. Ignorance about this topic (in our case homosexuality) can induce prejudice and intolerance to being different. The results also confirm the correct comprehension of the principle of active learning and of course the principle of playing, as introduced in the concept of preschool education. Based on the gained results I can conclude that the matching between the standpoints of educators of preschool children and the principles of the curriculum indicates the increase in the quality of work in kindergartens included in the sample and educators' commitment to a democratic concept of preschool education.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): comprehension of a child
ID: 8310734