diplomska naloga
Rok Kržan (Avtor), Jože Lopatič (Mentor)


Analiza in ocena ustreznosti obstoječega montažnega objekta po evropskem standardu

Ključne besede

gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;montažna betonska konstrukcija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [R. Kržan]
UDK: 006(4):624.012.45:624.074(043.2)
COBISS: 4786273 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1850
Št. prenosov: 435
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Analysis and compliance assessment of an existing precast building according to european standards
Sekundarni povzetek: In my thesis paper I analysed an existing prefabricated reinforced concrete structure built in 1999. I ran two analyses, which differ in their geometric design. I analysed the structure staticly according to the new European standard and compared the results with the results of the analysis done according to the Yugoslav regulations PBAB in force at the time. The load- bearing construction of the prefabricated hall is made of reinforced concrete and constructed from vertical and horizontal elements which form the frame. The analysis of internal forces was done on a 3D model in the TOWER programme. I ran two different models of the load- bearing construction, compared the internal forces and calculated the significance of creating accurate models, which is to say I looked at what gets neglected and what the consequences of using simplified models are. I created a did detailed dimensioning for the column, ribbed slab, load-bearing structure with variable height and for the flat slab. The results show that simplified models can have devastating consequences for the columns as the internal forces calculated on accurate models are much greater and consequently so is the necessary amount of longitudinal reinforcement. The cause of much greater internal forces is primarily due to the different behaviour of a model, which depends on the centre of rigidity and the distribution of forces on individual elements. The results of the ribbed slab bear comparison; for the flat slab, however, there is no data on the reinforcement needed.
Sekundarne ključne besede: civil engineering;graduation thesis;precast concrete structures;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XV, 134 str., pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Analysis and compliance assessment of an existing precast building according to european standards
Ključne besede (ePrints): Montažna betonska konstrukcija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Precast concrete structures
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi sem analiziral obstoječ montažni armiranobetonski objekt zgrajen leta 1999. Analizo sem naredil za dva primera, ki se razlikujeta v zasnovi geometrije. Konstrukcijo sem statično analiziral po novem evropskem standardu in rezultate primerjal z rezultati analize po tedaj veljavnih jugoslovanskih predpisih PBAB. Nosilna konstrukcija enoladijske montažne hale je armirano-betonska in je sestavljena iz vertikalnih in horizontalnih elementov, ki tvorijo okvir. Analizo notranjih sil sem opravil s programom TOWER na 3D modelu. Obdelal sem dva različna modela nosilne konstrukcije, primerjal notranje sile ter ugotavljal, kakšen pomen ima natančno modeliranje oziroma kaj zanemarimo in kakšne posledice prevzamemo pri golih poenostavljenih modelih. Podrobno dimenzioniranje sem opravil za steber, rebrasto ploščo, nosilec s spremenljivo višino ter ravno ploščo. Ugotovil sem, da so pri poenostavljenih modelih posledice lahko katastrofalne za stebre, kajti izračunane notranje sile po natančnem modeliranju so veliko večje in s tem posledično tudi potrebna količina vzdolžne armature. Vzrok za veliko večje notranje sile je predvsem zaradi drugačnega obnašanja modela, ki je odvisen od središča togosti ter porazdelitve obtežbe na posamezne elemente. V rebrasti plošči so rezultati primerljivi medtem ko v ravni plošči ni nobenih podatkov o potrebni armaturi.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In my thesis paper I analysed an existing prefabricated reinforced concrete structure built in 1999. I ran two analyses, which differ in their geometric design. I analysed the structure staticly according to the new European standard and compared the results with the results of the analysis done according to the Yugoslav regulations PBAB in force at the time. The load- bearing construction of the prefabricated hall is made of reinforced concrete and constructed from vertical and horizontal elements which form the frame. The analysis of internal forces was done on a 3D model in the TOWER programme. I ran two different models of the load- bearing construction, compared the internal forces and calculated the significance of creating accurate models, which is to say I looked at what gets neglected and what the consequences of using simplified models are. I created a did detailed dimensioning for the column, ribbed slab, load-bearing structure with variable height and for the flat slab. The results show that simplified models can have devastating consequences for the columns as the internal forces calculated on accurate models are much greater and consequently so is the necessary amount of longitudinal reinforcement. The cause of much greater internal forces is primarily due to the different behaviour of a model, which depends on the centre of rigidity and the distribution of forces on individual elements. The results of the ribbed slab bear comparison; for the flat slab, however, there is no data on the reinforcement needed.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Precast concrete structures
ID: 8310797