Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Learning about the rabbit in kindergarten |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The present diploma thesis presents the biology of hares and rabbits and key differences between them. It describes the importance of living creatures for the child's development, the concept of learning by experience and the importance of children's books for the child's development.
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to analyse the accuracy of information in children's books that present hares and rabbits. The thesis aims to explore the importance of learning by experience in pre-school age.
Children's books and other sources often make terminological errors and, for example, use the term ‘hare’ under photos where a rabbit was depicted. Our aim is to determine which errors occur in children's books and how often. The aim of the thesis is to learn what the child's mental images of rabbits are before a planned activity, and how the latter may influence the child's knowledge through guided observation and learning by experience.
Research for the present thesis was performed in May 2012 and included 34 children between the ages of 3,5 and 6 who are enrolled in the pre-school unit of Trstenik, which is part of the Kranj pre-school system.
The analysis of children's books was done using the Cobiss programme in the Kranj City Library in April 2012. All children's books which present rabbits or hares were surveyed and checked for the correct use of the terms hare and rabbit. The analysis found that the most frequent terminological error was in the photo captions, which mistakenly referred to a photo of a rabbit as a photo of a hare. In some works, the hare was described as an animal that lives in the farm or is a pet, and some stated that hares dig underground tunnels and are blind and furless when delivered, which only applies to rabbits.
The influence of learning by experience on a pre-school child was studied through the drawings of a rabbit – which the children were asked to draw before learning by experience and after it –, and through the children's answers to questions asking where rabbits live and how, and what they eat.
The analysis of the results of learning by experience found that upon having a first-hand experience with a rabbit, the children remembered many details and were emotionally very engaged. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
pre-school child;science education;experiential learning;picture book;predšolski otrok;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;izkustveno učenje;slikanica; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Strani: |
33 str., [9] str. pril. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Learning about the rabbit in kindergarten |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
zajci |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
hares |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena biologija kuncev in zajcev ter bistvene razlike med njima. Predstavljen je tudi pomen živih bitji za otrokov razvoj, obrazloženo je izkustveno učenje in pomen otroških slikanic za otrokov razvoj.
Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati pravilnost informacij v otroških slikanicah, ki obravnavajo kunce in zajce. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno tudi spoznavanju pomena izkustvenega učenja v predšolski dobi.
V otroških slikanicah in drugi literaturi velikokrat naletimo na strokovne napake – fotografija kunca je na primer podnaslovljena z izrazom zajec. Naš cilj je ugotoviti, katere strokovne napake se v slikanicah pojavljajo in kako pogosto. Cilj diplomskega dela je tudi ugotoviti, kakšne so otrokove predstave o kuncu pred kakršno koli načrtovano dejavnostjo v vrtcu in kako z vodenim opazovanjem in izkustvenim učenjem vplivamo na le-te.
Z načrtovano dejavnostjo, ki vključuje obisk kunca v igralnici, želim dokazati, da bo otroku veliko bolj jasno, kako izgleda kunec, kakšne so njegove prehranjevalne in življenjske navade ter kakšna je pravzaprav razlika med kuncem in zajcem.
V raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla maja 2012, je bilo vključenih 34 otrok, starih od 3,5 do 6 let, obiskujejo pa enoto Ježek na Trsteniku, ki spada pod okrilje Kranjskih vrtcev.
Analizo otroških slikanic sem izvedla s pomočjo programa Cobiss (Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi) v Mestni knjižnici Kranj v aprilu 2012. Iz vseh knjižnih del, ki so namenjeni predšolskim otrokom, sem izbrala tiste, ki obravnavajo kunce ali zajce.
Preverila sem, ali so v vseh otroških slikanicah pravilno uporabljeni izrazi za zajca in kunca. Ugotovila sem, da je najpogostejša strokovna napaka v tem, da je ob fotografiji kunca pripis zajec. V nekaj delih je zajec označen kot žival, ki živi na kmetiji ali kot domači ljubljenček, ali pa zajcu pripisujejo lastnost, da si koplje podzemne rove in je ob kotenju slep ter neodlakan, kar pa velja za kunca
Vpliv izkustvenega učenja na predšolskega otroka sem izvedla tako, da so otroci pred in po izkustvenem učenju risali kunca in odgovorili na vprašanji, kje in kako kunec živi ter s čim se prehranjuje.
Skozi obdelavo rezultatov izkustvenega učenja sem ugotovila, da si otroci ob doživljanju živali in neposredni izkušnji zapomnijo mnogo detajlov in so zelo čustveno angažirani. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The present diploma thesis presents the biology of hares and rabbits and key differences between them. It describes the importance of living creatures for the child's development, the concept of learning by experience and the importance of children's books for the child's development.
The purpose of the diploma thesis is to analyse the accuracy of information in children's books that present hares and rabbits. The thesis aims to explore the importance of learning by experience in pre-school age.
Children's books and other sources often make terminological errors and, for example, use the term ‘hare’ under photos where a rabbit was depicted. Our aim is to determine which errors occur in children's books and how often. The aim of the thesis is to learn what the child's mental images of rabbits are before a planned activity, and how the latter may influence the child's knowledge through guided observation and learning by experience.
Research for the present thesis was performed in May 2012 and included 34 children between the ages of 3,5 and 6 who are enrolled in the pre-school unit of Trstenik, which is part of the Kranj pre-school system.
The analysis of children's books was done using the Cobiss programme in the Kranj City Library in April 2012. All children's books which present rabbits or hares were surveyed and checked for the correct use of the terms hare and rabbit. The analysis found that the most frequent terminological error was in the photo captions, which mistakenly referred to a photo of a rabbit as a photo of a hare. In some works, the hare was described as an animal that lives in the farm or is a pet, and some stated that hares dig underground tunnels and are blind and furless when delivered, which only applies to rabbits.
The influence of learning by experience on a pre-school child was studied through the drawings of a rabbit – which the children were asked to draw before learning by experience and after it –, and through the children's answers to questions asking where rabbits live and how, and what they eat.
The analysis of the results of learning by experience found that upon having a first-hand experience with a rabbit, the children remembered many details and were emotionally very engaged. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
hares |
ID: |
8310827 |