Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Implementation of inner differentiation and individualization in the first triad of primary school |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The goal of effective school is emphasised in this master’s degree through differentiation and individualization as propositions of effective classes. Realization and consideration of individual pupils’ characteristics in fact demand the teacher to have adequate competences required through suitable education.
The research which was carried out among teachers working in the first triad of primary school in twelve different statistic regions of Slovenia has proved that inner differentiation and individualization are fulfilled at different subjects, at various stages of education and at different frequencies. The form, scale, instructions and writing time of written assessments and tests are adjusted as well. Work is mostly adjusted to average pupils’ abilities. The individual approach and frontal teaching are still most frequently used by teachers. Most of them apply a combination of various teaching methods. However, less emphasis is placed on the introduction of modern teaching approaches (project work, cooperative learning) and consideration of individual’s styles of perception. It has been found out that teachers still find it important to assign the same activities, same homework to all pupils and that teachers know and consider too little Gardner’s findings on manifold abilities of learning and thinking. However, an encouraging conclusion of the research is that most teachers are satisfied with the cooperation with school counsellors and communal planning of inner differentiation and individualization implementation. It has been found out that differentiated activities are included in individual lessons by teachers, who are slightly less attentive about adjustment of learning goals and subject matter. According to research findings, most teachers feel satisfied with their profession, are suitably professionally trained and self-confident in their work. 90,5 % of teachers believe that are very well or well trained to perform inner differentiation and individualization. Most teachers think they do not have problems with implementing inner differentiation and individualization, whereas a third of teachers claim to face difficulties when applying inner differentiation and individualization. They state as problems time management, number of classes, pupils’ heterogeneousness and lack of extra professional counselling. Less than half of teachers believe that trainings for inner differentiation and individualization are too theoretical and as such less applicable for everyday use.
The survey results will be of use at early and later stages of teacher training on the field of inner differentiation and individualization. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
differentiated teaching;individualized teaching;educational innovation;primary school;diferenciran pouk;individualiziran pouk;pedagoška inovacija;osnovna šola; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Strani: |
154 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Implementation of inner differentiation and individualization in the first triad of primary school |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
učinkovit pouk |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
effective classes |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
V magistrski nalogi želimo prikazati pomen učinkovitega pouka ter izpostaviti diferenciacijo in individualizacijo kot postavki učinkovitega pouka. Prepoznavanje in upoštevanje individualnih značilnosti učencev namreč zahtevata, da ima učitelj ustrezne kompetence, ki jih pridobi z ustreznim izobraževanjem.
Raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med učitelji, ki poučujejo v prvem triletju osnovne šole iz 12 različnih statističnih regij Slovenije, je pokazala, da se notranja diferenciacija in individualizacija izvajata različno pogosto pri posameznih predmetih in v posameznih fazah pouka. Večina učiteljev pogosto ugotavlja predznanje posameznih učencev in to tudi upošteva, pouk prilagaja individualnim potrebam posameznikov, prilagaja nazornost pouka, pripravlja dodatne učne aktivnosti za posameznike. Prav tako prilagajajo obliko, obseg, navodila in čas pisnih preverjanj ter ocenjevanj znanja. Najpogosteje prilagajajo delo povprečnim učencem. Učitelji se še vedno najpogosteje poslužujejo individualne in frontalne učne oblike. Večina pa se jih poslužuje kombiniranja različnih učnih metod. Manj poudarka pa dajejo vpeljevanju sodobnih pristopov poučevanja (projektno učno delo, sodelovalno učenje) in upoštevanju posameznikovih stilov zaznavanja. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji še vedno dajejo velik poudarek na zaposlitvi učencev z enakimi aktivnostmi, na posredovanju enakih domačih nalog za vse učence in da učitelji premalo poznajo in upoštevajo Gardnerjeva spoznanja o mnogoterih zmožnostih učenja in mišljenja. Spodbudna pa je ugotovitev raziskave, da večina učiteljev po lastni presoji dobro ocenjuje sodelovanje z ostalimi strokovnimi delavci šole ter z njimi načrtuje izvajanje notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije. Ugotovili smo, da imajo učitelji v pripravah na posamezno učno uro vključene diferencirane dejavnosti, nekoliko manj pa so usmerjeni v prilagajanje ciljev in vsebin. Glede na ugotovitve raziskave se večina učiteljev čuti zadovoljne v svojem poklicu, dovolj strokovno usposobljene in samozavestne pri svojem delu. 90,5 % učiteljev meni, da so prav dobro ali dobro usposobljeni za izvajanje notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije. Večina učiteljev ocenjuje, da nima težav pri izvajanju notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije, medtem ko ena tretjina učiteljev navaja, da se pri izvajanju notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije sooča s težavami. Pri tem izpostavljajo težave s časom pri načrtovanju učnega procesa in izvajanju pouka, kot problem navajajo tako številčnost razredov in raznolikost učencev kot tudi pomanjkanje dodatne strokovne pomoči.
Slaba polovica učiteljev ocenjuje, da so izobraževanja na temo notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije preveč teoretično zasnovana in imajo kot taka za učitelje majhno aplikativno vrednost.
Izsledki raziskave bodo uporabni pri začetnem in nadaljnjem izobraževanju učiteljev na področju izvajanja notranje diferenciacije in individualizacije. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The goal of effective school is emphasised in this master’s degree through differentiation and individualization as propositions of effective classes. Realization and consideration of individual pupils’ characteristics in fact demand the teacher to have adequate competences required through suitable education.
The research which was carried out among teachers working in the first triad of primary school in twelve different statistic regions of Slovenia has proved that inner differentiation and individualization are fulfilled at different subjects, at various stages of education and at different frequencies. The form, scale, instructions and writing time of written assessments and tests are adjusted as well. Work is mostly adjusted to average pupils’ abilities. The individual approach and frontal teaching are still most frequently used by teachers. Most of them apply a combination of various teaching methods. However, less emphasis is placed on the introduction of modern teaching approaches (project work, cooperative learning) and consideration of individual’s styles of perception. It has been found out that teachers still find it important to assign the same activities, same homework to all pupils and that teachers know and consider too little Gardner’s findings on manifold abilities of learning and thinking. However, an encouraging conclusion of the research is that most teachers are satisfied with the cooperation with school counsellors and communal planning of inner differentiation and individualization implementation. It has been found out that differentiated activities are included in individual lessons by teachers, who are slightly less attentive about adjustment of learning goals and subject matter. According to research findings, most teachers feel satisfied with their profession, are suitably professionally trained and self-confident in their work. 90,5 % of teachers believe that are very well or well trained to perform inner differentiation and individualization. Most teachers think they do not have problems with implementing inner differentiation and individualization, whereas a third of teachers claim to face difficulties when applying inner differentiation and individualization. They state as problems time management, number of classes, pupils’ heterogeneousness and lack of extra professional counselling. Less than half of teachers believe that trainings for inner differentiation and individualization are too theoretical and as such less applicable for everyday use.
The survey results will be of use at early and later stages of teacher training on the field of inner differentiation and individualization. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
effective classes |
ID: |
8310907 |