diplomsko delo
Darja Kogovšek (Avtor), Irena Lesar (Mentor)


Usposobljenost razrednih učiteljev za poučevanje učencev z disleksijo

Ključne besede

razredni učitelji;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Kogovšek]
UDK: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9497417 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1018
Št. prenosov: 292
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Competence of primary school teachers to teach students with dislexia
Sekundarni povzetek: The teacher is an expert in the provision of educational work, that should be qualified to teach also students with dyslexia. Teacher's knowledge of the causes and forms of dyslexia and ways of educating students with dyslexia is important to effectively adapt teaching methods. Therefore a major part of this thesis work is devoted to those aspects. There are also other factors exposed (family, school environment, collaboration with parents), which significantly contribute to providing the best possible conditions for teaching students with dyslexia. More discussions on dyslexia can be found only in recent years, so the question arises about the possibilities of quality knowledge in education as well as in programs of continuing training. For this purpose a qualitative analysis of old and new (Bologna) study program has been made. It showed that the faculty devotes too little time to training future teachers to teach children with dyslexia. A Catalog of continuing education and training for professionals in education offers very few opportunities to acquire knowledge in this area. The empirical part of the thesis shows findings of survey, which gave responses of the 81 teachers and 7 pupils gained through group interviews. Most teachers has already taught students with dyslexia and the majority has expressed that at the time of their study they had not acquired enough knowledge about dyslexia. In this context, it is also reasonable to note that the majority of teachers have desire for additional education. Teachers with experience of teaching students with dyslexia did not significantly differ in their knowledge of the strong and weak areas of learning. Also teachers with higher titles didn't significantly differ in knowledge of inclusion and strategies of teaching students with dyslexia concept. The most obvious conclusion during interviews was that students who are familiar with the causes of their problems, are much less burdened and more skilled in various learning strategies.
Sekundarne ključne besede: dyslexia;primary school;disleksija;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: IX, 105 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Competence of primary school teachers to teach students with dislexia
Ključne besede (ePrints): disleksija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): dyslexia
Povzetek (ePrints): Učitelj je strokovnjak za opravljanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela, torej bi moral biti usposobljen tudi za poučevanje učencev z disleksijo. Ker je za učinkovito prilagajanje pedagoškega dela pomembno učiteljevo poznavanje vzrokov in pojavnih oblik disleksije ter načina učenja teh učencev, je velik del teoretičnega dela diplomskega dela namenjen prav tem vidikom. Izpostavljeni pa so tudi drugi dejavniki (družina, šolsko okolje, sodelovanje s starši), ki pomembno prispevajo k zagotavljanju čim boljših pogojev za učenje učencev z disleksijo. O disleksiji je mogoče zaslediti več razprav šele v zadnjih letih, zato se postavlja vprašanje o možnostih pridobivanja kakovostnega znanja v času študija kot tudi v programih nadaljnjega usposabljanja. V ta namen je bila narejena kvalitativna analiza starega in novega (bolonjskega) študijskega programa, ki je pokazala, da se na fakulteti posveti premalo časa izobraževanju bodočih učiteljev za poučevanje učencev z disleksijo. Tudi Katalog nadaljnjega izobraževanja in usposabljanja strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju nudi zelo malo možnosti za pridobitev znanja na tem področju. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so prikazane ugotovitve analize odgovorov 81-ih učiteljev na anketni vprašalnik in odgovorov 7-ih učencev, pridobljenih s pomočjo skupinskih intervjujev. Večina učiteljev je že poučevala učenca z disleksijo in hkrati jih je večina izpostavila, da v času študija ni pridobila dovolj znanja o disleksiji. V tem kontekstu je tudi razumljiva ugotovitev, da ima večina učiteljev željo po dodatnem izobraževanju. Učitelji z izkušnjo poučevanja učenca z disleksijo se niso pomembno razlikovali v poznavanju njihovih močnih in šibkih področij učenja od učiteljev, ki te izkušnje nimajo. Tudi pri učiteljih z višjim nazivom ni bilo pomembnih razlik v poznavanju koncepta inkluzije ter strategij poučevanja učencev z disleksijo. V intervjujih pa je najočitnejša ugotovitev, da so učenci, ki poznajo vzroke in ime svojim težavam, precej manj obremenjeni in bolj vešči različnih strategij učenja.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The teacher is an expert in the provision of educational work, that should be qualified to teach also students with dyslexia. Teacher's knowledge of the causes and forms of dyslexia and ways of educating students with dyslexia is important to effectively adapt teaching methods. Therefore a major part of this thesis work is devoted to those aspects. There are also other factors exposed (family, school environment, collaboration with parents), which significantly contribute to providing the best possible conditions for teaching students with dyslexia. More discussions on dyslexia can be found only in recent years, so the question arises about the possibilities of quality knowledge in education as well as in programs of continuing training. For this purpose a qualitative analysis of old and new (Bologna) study program has been made. It showed that the faculty devotes too little time to training future teachers to teach children with dyslexia. A Catalog of continuing education and training for professionals in education offers very few opportunities to acquire knowledge in this area. The empirical part of the thesis shows findings of survey, which gave responses of the 81 teachers and 7 pupils gained through group interviews. Most teachers has already taught students with dyslexia and the majority has expressed that at the time of their study they had not acquired enough knowledge about dyslexia. In this context, it is also reasonable to note that the majority of teachers have desire for additional education. Teachers with experience of teaching students with dyslexia did not significantly differ in their knowledge of the strong and weak areas of learning. Also teachers with higher titles didn't significantly differ in knowledge of inclusion and strategies of teaching students with dyslexia concept. The most obvious conclusion during interviews was that students who are familiar with the causes of their problems, are much less burdened and more skilled in various learning strategies.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): dyslexia
ID: 8311135