diplomsko delo
Katja Kajič (Avtor), Alenka Polak (Mentor)


Spretnosti timskega dela pri socialnih pedagogih

Ključne besede

timsko delo;socialni pedagogi;kompetence;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Novo mesto
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Kajič]
UDK: 37.091.312(043.2)
COBISS: 9761609 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 633
Št. prenosov: 162
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The teamwork skills of social pedagogues
Sekundarni povzetek: Contemporary pedagogical approaches are based on team work. Team work is when a group is focused on a particular goal and members of the group work together with the purpose of fulfilling the goal. In the pedagogical field this means that at least two pedagogical workers are focused on the same students at the same time. For team work to be successful certain competences are needed. In the widest definition competences can be defined as knowledge, skills and strategies. For a competence to develop one must first function in a certain environment. Namely, one must first function in a team for team work skills to develop. However, functioning in a team alone is not enough for the development of team work skills. Education and team work training are important as well. In my research I wanted to study how developed team work skills are in students of social pedagogy and in employed social pedagogues. I was also interested in which factors according to respondents affect the development of team work skills the most. Data was gathered with a questionnaire that had been solved online by the respondents. The questionnaire had been solved by 61 respondents, 29 of which are students and 32 employed social pedagogues. The results have shown that students of social pedagogy and employed social pedagogues have developed team work skills to a very similar degree. The most distinct are skills of honouring agreements, conforming to team members, finding common solutions, being open to criticism and expression opposing views. The least distinct are skills of being acquainted with technical discoveries from the field of team work, expressing observations, disagreements and dissatisfactions in a team. According to students of social pedagogy the development of team work skills is most affected by team work experiences, working in a team and feedback from the other members of the team. According to employed social pedagogues the most vivid factors in the development of team work skills are feeling safe in a team, clear instructions about the purpose of a team and the responsibilities of its members. Students of social pedagogy have evaluated reading technical literature, illustrations of team work by professors and assistants and lectures on team work as least influential factors. Employed social pedagogues have evaluated that team work skills are least affected by cooperation when preparing a seminar paper, lectures on team work and reading technical literature.
Sekundarne ključne besede: primary school;skill;osnovna šola;spretnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 44 str., [8] str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The teamwork skills of social pedagogues
Ključne besede (ePrints): socialni pedagog
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): social pedagogues
Povzetek (ePrints): Sodobni pedagoški pristopi temeljijo na timskem delu. O timskem delu govorimo, kadar je skupina usmerjena na določen cilj in člani skupine sodelujejo z namenom doseganja tega cilja. Na pedagoškem področju to pomeni, da se najmanj dva pedagoška delavca hkrati usmerjata na iste učence. Za uspešno timsko delo potrebujemo določene kompetence. V najsplošnejši definiciji lahko kompetence opredelimo kot znanja, spretnosti in strategije. Da se določena kompetenca razvije, moramo najprej delovati v določenem okolju. Za razvijanje spretnosti timskega dela moramo torej najprej delovati v timu. Zgolj delovanje v timu pa ni dovolj za razvijanje spretnosti timskega dela. Pomembno je tudi izobraževanje in usposabljanje za timsko delo. V svoji raziskavi sem želela preučiti, kako razvite imajo spretnosti timskega dela študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposleni socialni pedagogi. Zanimalo me je tudi, kateri dejavniki po mnenju vprašanih najbolj vplivajo na razvijanje spretnosti timskega dela. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki so ga anketiranci reševali preko spletne ankete. Vprašalnik je rešilo 61 anketirancev, od tega 29 študentov in 32 zaposlenih socialnih pedagogov. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposleni socialni pedagogi zelo podobno razvite spretnosti timskega dela. Najbolj izražene so spretnosti spoštovanja dogovorov, prilagajanja članom tima, iskanja skupnih rešitev, odprtosti za kritiko ter izražanja, tudi nasprotujočih si mnenj. Najmanj razvite so pri anketirancih spretnosti pridobivanja strokovnih spoznanj s področja timskega dela, spretnosti izražanja opažanj, nezadovoljstva ter nestrinjanja v timu. Na razvijanje spretnosti timskega dela po mnenju študentov socialne pedagogike najbolj vplivajo izkušnje s timskim delom, nato delovanje v timih ter povratne informacije ostalih članov. Po mnenju zaposlenih socialnih pedagogov so najmočnejši dejavniki razvijanja spretnosti timskega dela občutek varnosti v timu, jasna navodila, kaj je namen tima ter jasne odgovornosti posameznih članov tima. Kot najmanj vplivne dejavnike so študenti socialne pedagogike ocenili branje strokovne literature, zglede timskega dela profesorjev in asistentov ter predavanja o timskem delu. Zaposleni so ocenili, da na spretnosti timskega dela najmanj vplivajo sodelovanje pri pripravi skupne seminarske naloge, predavanja o timskem delu ter branje strokovne literature.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Contemporary pedagogical approaches are based on team work. Team work is when a group is focused on a particular goal and members of the group work together with the purpose of fulfilling the goal. In the pedagogical field this means that at least two pedagogical workers are focused on the same students at the same time. For team work to be successful certain competences are needed. In the widest definition competences can be defined as knowledge, skills and strategies. For a competence to develop one must first function in a certain environment. Namely, one must first function in a team for team work skills to develop. However, functioning in a team alone is not enough for the development of team work skills. Education and team work training are important as well. In my research I wanted to study how developed team work skills are in students of social pedagogy and in employed social pedagogues. I was also interested in which factors according to respondents affect the development of team work skills the most. Data was gathered with a questionnaire that had been solved online by the respondents. The questionnaire had been solved by 61 respondents, 29 of which are students and 32 employed social pedagogues. The results have shown that students of social pedagogy and employed social pedagogues have developed team work skills to a very similar degree. The most distinct are skills of honouring agreements, conforming to team members, finding common solutions, being open to criticism and expression opposing views. The least distinct are skills of being acquainted with technical discoveries from the field of team work, expressing observations, disagreements and dissatisfactions in a team. According to students of social pedagogy the development of team work skills is most affected by team work experiences, working in a team and feedback from the other members of the team. According to employed social pedagogues the most vivid factors in the development of team work skills are feeling safe in a team, clear instructions about the purpose of a team and the responsibilities of its members. Students of social pedagogy have evaluated reading technical literature, illustrations of team work by professors and assistants and lectures on team work as least influential factors. Employed social pedagogues have evaluated that team work skills are least affected by cooperation when preparing a seminar paper, lectures on team work and reading technical literature.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): social pedagogues
ID: 8311673
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