diplomska naloga
Suzana Bratec (Avtor), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Samo Drobne (Član komisije za zagovor), Božo Koler (Član komisije za zagovor)


Možnosti uporabe oglaševanih cen nepremičnin pri posamičnem vrednotenju nepremičnin

Ključne besede

geodezija;diplomska dela;VSŠ;oglaševana cena;pogodbena cena;razlika;stanovanjska hiša;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [S. Bratec]
UDK: 332.64(043.2)
COBISS: 5948001 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1855
Št. prenosov: 382
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Possibilities of using the advertised real estate prices within the individual rea estate valvation
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the thesis is analysis of advertising prices, selling prices and differences between advertising and selling price of residential houses in municipality of Šentjur pri Celju, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Podčetrtek, Kozje, Dobje and Štore, for residential houses that were advertised and sold during time range of one year between 1.4.2010 to 1.4.2012. In first part of the thesis, is the analysis of advertised prices. The data has been obtained from various classifieds, websites and newspapers. Shown are changes in prices during the time of advertisements. In the main section of the thesis is analysis of residential houses obtained from the registry of real estate properties. The obtained results were then compared, and the conclusion of that is, that the differences between advertised and contractual price for the apartment houses have greatly increased. Such differences can be attributed to conditions of the real-estate market during the time of reccession. Sellers set prices in such a manner, that they check out prices for similar advertised real estates and due to that they sometimes set unreasonably high price for their real-estate. By using method of comparison in pairs we observed small changes of this ratio. Analysis has shown that the differences between advertised and contractual price of residental houses differ by 0,36 to 0,85 percent. Results of analysis show, that price assessors must be careful when using data from existing advertisements, especially when using advertising prices. When adjusting advertising prices of real estate properties to similar existing advertisements, the price assesors need to take into account similarity and reliability of the advertisement on all levels, including region, local community and the individual real estate property itself.
Sekundarne ključne besede: geodesy;advertising price;selling price;difference;dwelling house;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XVI, 58 str., [7] str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Possibilities of using the advertised real estate prices within the individual rea estate valvation
Ključne besede (ePrints): Oglaševana cena;pogodbena cena;razlika;stanovanjska hiša
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Advertising price;selling prise;difference;dwelling house
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je analiza oglaševanih cen, prodajnih cen in razlika med oglaševano in prodajno ceno stanovanjskih hiš v občinah Šentjur pri Celju, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Podčetrtek, Kozje, Dobje ter Štore za stanovanjske hiše, ki so bile oglaševane oziroma prodane v obdobju enega leta od 1.4.2010 do 1.4.2011. V prvem delu naloge je narejena analiza cen oglaševanih stanovanjskih hiš. Podatki so pridobljeni iz raznih oglasnikov, internetnih strani in časopisov. Prikazano je spremljanje cen za stanovanjske hiše v času samega oglaševanja. V osrednjem delu naloge je narejena analiza cen stanovanjskih hiš pridobljena iz evidence trga nepremičnin. Dobljene rezultate sem nato primerjala med seboj po lokalnih skupnostih in ugotovila, da so se razlike med oglaševano in pogodbeno ceno za stanovanjske hiše bistveno povečale. Analiza je pokazala, da se razmerje med pogodbeno in oglaševano ceno stanovanjske hiše gibljejo med 0,36 in 0,85. Takšne razlike pa lahko pripišemo razmeram na trgu v času recesije. Prodajalci oblikujejo cene tako,da pregledajo nepremičninske oglase za primerljive nepremičnine in na njihovi osnovi določijo ceno svoje nepremičnine ter tako včasih določijo nerazumljivo visoko ceno nepremičnine. S pomočjo metode v parih smo dobili manjši interval spreminjanja tega razmerja. Razmerje med prodajno in oglaševano ceno se giblje na intervalu od 0,63 do 0,87. Rezultati analize kažejo, da morajo cenilci pri uporabi podatkov iz oglasov, še predvsem pri uporabi oglaševanih cen, biti previdni. Pri prilagajanju oglaševanih na prodajne cene nepremičnin morajo upoštevati primerljivost vzorca oglaševanih nepremičnin s prodanimi nepremičninami na vseh ravneh, tako na ravni regije, lokalne skupnosti kot tudi na ravni posamične nepremičnine.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The purpose of the thesis is analysis of advertising prices, selling prices and differences between advertising and selling price of residential houses in municipality of Šentjur pri Celju, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Podčetrtek, Kozje, Dobje and Štore, for residential houses that were advertised and sold during time range of one year between 1.4.2010 to 1.4.2012. In first part of the thesis, is the analysis of advertised prices. The data has been obtained from various classifieds, websites and newspapers. Shown are changes in prices during the time of advertisements. In the main section of the thesis is analysis of residential houses obtained from the registry of real estate properties. The obtained results were then compared, and the conclusion of that is, that the differences between advertised and contractual price for the apartment houses have greatly increased. Such differences can be attributed to conditions of the real-estate market during the time of reccession. Sellers set prices in such a manner, that they check out prices for similar advertised real estates and due to that they sometimes set unreasonably high price for their real-estate. By using method of comparison in pairs we observed small changes of this ratio. Analysis has shown that the differences between advertised and contractual price of residental houses differ by 0,36 to 0,85 percent. Results of analysis show, that price assessors must be careful when using data from existing advertisements, especially when using advertising prices. When adjusting advertising prices of real estate properties to similar existing advertisements, the price assesors need to take into account similarity and reliability of the advertisement on all levels, including region, local community and the individual real estate property itself.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Advertising price;selling prise;difference;dwelling house
ID: 8312531