primerjava pravljice in risanke
Manca Pirc (Avtor), Igor Saksida (Mentor)


Med besedilom in vizualno podprto pripovedjo

Ključne besede

motivacija;medijska vzgoja;bralna vzgoja;bralni razvoj;Animateka;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Pirc]
UDK: 373.3:82-343:791.228(043.2)
COBISS: 10057545 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1194
Št. prenosov: 356
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Between the text and visual supported narrative – comparison of fairy tale and cartoon
Sekundarni povzetek: Fairy tales are an important part of a child's integrated development, as well as the only literary form that guides the child to discover his own identity and shows him which experiences he may need for further development of his character. Although we may not realize what a great influence have fairytales on both, children and adults. However, more and more children interferes with the visualy supported stories, so we need to give the child education by both reading and media and also assist in choosing quality cartoons as well developing critical thinking and evaluation. The first, theoretical part of the thesis, describes some important concepts related to the topic. In the beginning the concept of a fairy tale is described in which its significance, impact on children and the focus population is covered. We mentioned what motivation is and its role in the reading process. Further on a child's reading development is described, being said something about how children experience a fairy tale that could seriously affect their life hence is extremely important for the normal development of a child. We identified a cartoon and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages that arise. We mentioned and introduced Animateka (International Animated Film Festival) and Elephant Programme, which aimes at the youngest participants. In the second part of the thesis we compared cartoon and a fairy tale while cooperating with scholars from Oskar Kovačič primary school. At first we read a fairy tale of Peter Pan and after we watched animated movie. With the fairy tale of Thumbelina we did the opposite, first we watched tha animated movie and after listened to the story. We observed differences in the experience of watching and listening. We noticed that with reading children were motivated by dramatization which raised their level of interest. The cartoon is a matter of satisfaction and joy to a child in any way, with just being colourful and animated. In the third part of the thesis we have made an animated movie in a collaboration with scolars and Animateka.
Sekundarne ključne besede: primary school;fairy tale;cartoons;osnovna šola;pravljica;risanke;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: II, 73 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Med besedilom in vizualno podprto pripovedjo – primerjava pravljice in risanke
Ključne besede (ePrints): pravljica
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): fairy tale
Povzetek (ePrints): Pravljice so pomemben del otrokovega celostnega razvoja, so pa tudi edina književna oblika, ki otroka usmerja k odkrivanju lastne identitete in mu pokaže, katere izkušnje potrebuje za nadaljnji razvoj značaja. Čeprav se morda ne zavedamo, imajo pravljice zelo velik vpliv tako na otroke kot tudi odrasle. Vendar pa vedno več otrok posega po vizualno podprtih pripovedih, zato moramo otroku nuditi tako bralno kot tudi medijsko vzgojo in mu s tem pomagati pri izbiri kvalitetnih risank, razvoju kritičnega mišljenja in vrednotenja. V prvem, teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge, smo opisali nekaj pomembnih pojmov v povezavi s temo. Najprej smo opredelili pojem pravljica, znotraj katerega smo zajeli njen pomen, vpliv na otroke, kateri populaciji ljudi je namenjena. Omenili smo, kaj je motivacija in kakšno vlogo igra pri bralnem procesu. V nadaljevanju smo opisali tudi bralni razvoj otroka, povedali nekaj o tem, kako otroci doživljajo pravljice, da lahko resno vplivajo na otrokovo življenje in da so za normalen razvoj otroka še kako pomembne. Opredelili smo tudi risanko, nekaj povedali o prednostih in slabostih, ki se pojavljajo. Omenili in predstavili pa smo tudi Animateko (mednarodni festival animiranega filma) in program Slon, ki je namenjen najmlajšim udeležencem. V drugem delu diplomske naloge smo primerjali risanko in pravljico ter sodelovali z učenci Osnovne šole Oskarja Kovačiča. Najprej smo brali pravljico Peter Pan, nato pa gledali posneto vizualno pripoved. Pri pravljici o Palčici smo najprej gledali risanko in nato poslušali še pravljico. Opazovali smo razlike pri doživljanju ob gledanju in poslušanju. Ugotovili smo, da je pri branju, kar se tiče motivacije, pomembna dramatizacija, saj otrokom dvigne raven zanimanja. Risanka pa otroku tako ali tako nudi neko zadovoljstvo in veselje, le da je pisana in da ima premikajoče se sličice. V tretjem delu diplomske naloge smo z učenci v sodelovanju z Animateko snemali še risanko.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Fairy tales are an important part of a child's integrated development, as well as the only literary form that guides the child to discover his own identity and shows him which experiences he may need for further development of his character. Although we may not realize what a great influence have fairytales on both, children and adults. However, more and more children interferes with the visualy supported stories, so we need to give the child education by both reading and media and also assist in choosing quality cartoons as well developing critical thinking and evaluation. The first, theoretical part of the thesis, describes some important concepts related to the topic. In the beginning the concept of a fairy tale is described in which its significance, impact on children and the focus population is covered. We mentioned what motivation is and its role in the reading process. Further on a child's reading development is described, being said something about how children experience a fairy tale that could seriously affect their life hence is extremely important for the normal development of a child. We identified a cartoon and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages that arise. We mentioned and introduced Animateka (International Animated Film Festival) and Elephant Programme, which aimes at the youngest participants. In the second part of the thesis we compared cartoon and a fairy tale while cooperating with scholars from Oskar Kovačič primary school. At first we read a fairy tale of Peter Pan and after we watched animated movie. With the fairy tale of Thumbelina we did the opposite, first we watched tha animated movie and after listened to the story. We observed differences in the experience of watching and listening. We noticed that with reading children were motivated by dramatization which raised their level of interest. The cartoon is a matter of satisfaction and joy to a child in any way, with just being colourful and animated. In the third part of the thesis we have made an animated movie in a collaboration with scolars and Animateka.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): fairy tale
ID: 8328008
Priporočena dela:
, primerjava pravljice in risanke
, primerjava pravljice in risanke
, primerjava pravljice in risanke
, primerjava pravljice in risanke