diplomsko delo
Irena Starič (Avtor), Mira Krajnc Ivič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavlja nastanek in razvoj slovenskega knjižnega jezika in knjižne norme ter Toporišičevo poimenovanje zvrstnosti slovenskega jezika, ki mu sledi sodobnejša opredelitev socialnih zvrsti slovenskega jezika, kot je sociolekte imenoval Andrej E. Skubic (2005). V empiričnem delu predstavlja in analizira značilnosti slovenskega jezika v izbranih sodobnih mladinskih literarnih delih (Desa Muck: Lažniva Suzi, Dušan Dim: Distorzija in Janja Vidmar: Pink), predvsem leksikalne in semantične posebnosti in zanimivosti posameznih sociolektov glavnih protagonistov. Skozi delo skušamo razbrati, kakšen je danes jezik sodobne slovenske mladinske literature, kakšen je odnos med knjižnim in neknjižnim jezikom in kolikšen je vpliv govorjenega na zapisani jezik. V analizi jezikovne ravni se osredotočamo predvsem na leksiko in skladnjo v izbranih sociolektih, ob tem upoštevamo tudi časovno, sociološko in geografsko raven izbrane mladinske literature. Razložiti skušamo rabo sociolektov v izbrani mladinski literaturi na začetku 21. stoletja tudi z vidika učno-vzgojne in estetske umetnostne literature.

Ključne besede

slovenščina;sleng;evfemizem;vulgarizem;sociolekt;knjižno-pogovorni jezik;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [I. Starič]
UDK: 811.163.6ʼ27(043.2)
COBISS: 19560200 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1773
Št. prenosov: 281
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Social dialects in selected contemporary Slovene youth literature
Sekundarni povzetek: The language used in literature, in youth literature as well, is becoming more and more diverse and alive, such as we use and hear every day and lately we read it more and more often. The theoretical part presents the development of Slovene literary language, the literary norm and Mr. Toporišič' naming of the Slovene language categories followed by the contemporary definition of the social categories-social dialects as Mr. Andrej E. Skubic (2005) named them. Skubic (2005) also writes that linguists find "the prestigious written genres as the only important types of texts" that would represent the neutral literary language. At the same time he states that most of the language used daily is not neutral, literary and standard but there are more and more non standard language elements in literature every day. Those elements have convinced the poets, playwrights and writers and we will pay attention to them as well. In the empirical part we present and analyse characteristics of the Slovene language in the chosen contemporary youth literature (Desa Muck: Lažniva Suzi/Susy, the lying girl; Dušan Dim: Distorzija/The Distortion; and Janja Vidmar: Pink/Pink). We concentrate on the lexical and semantic particularities of social dialects of main protagonists. We are trying to make out what the written language of Slovene contemporary youth literature is like, how much the spoken language influences the written one and vice versa. We try to explain as well as understand the chosen social dialects from the point of view of the learning, educational and aesthetic literature.
Sekundarne ključne besede: language;written – spoken language;slang;euphemism;disphemism;vulgarism;socialdialect;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Strani: 74 f.
ID: 8725662