diplomsko delo
Patricija Kragl (Avtor), Dragan Potočnik (Mentor), Anton Ožinger (Komentor)


Naslov diplomskega dela je Osnovna šola Brežice med leti 1917 in 1971. Namen dela je predstaviti začetke šolstva v Brežicah in delovanje šole v letih od 1917 do 1971, in vse to primerjati z razvojem šolstva na Slovenskem. V tem obdobju je prišlo do večjih sprememb v sami lokaciji šole, šolskega sistema in obeleževanju praznikov na šoli. Zanimalo me je tudi, katere dejavnosti so potekale na šoli in kako je potekalo šolsko leto. Predstavila sem občino Brežice, v kateri se nahaja šola. Opisala kratko zgodovino Brežic in kako je ta vplivala na razvoj šolstva v našem mestu. Prvi zametki šolstva v našem kraju so se začeli v 2. polovici 16. stoletja, in sicer po zaslugi grofa Jurija Frankopana, ki je zgradil samostan, v katerem je bila šola za dečke meščanskih rodbin. Šolo sem podrobneje opisala v času po 1. svetovni vojni, ko so ukinili nemško šolo in je nastala štirirazredna deška in dekliška šola; v obdobju med obema vojnama so šolsko poslopje zavzeli Nemci. Pouk se v tem obdobju ni izvajal. Po 2. svetovni vojni je bil obisk boljši kot po 1. svetovni vojni. Ljudje so se zavedali, da je izobrazba pomembna. Pouk je bil organiziran v 10 oddelkih. Leta 1958 je izšel pomemben zakon o uvedbi osemletke. Današnjo šolo tako kot v preteklosti obiskuje veliko otrok iz sosednjih krajev. Šolo so leta 2008 obnovili. Prenovili so sanitarije, na predmetno stopnjo so namestili omarice in stene pobarvali z živimi barvami. Zvonec, ki oznanja konec pouka, je zamenjala prijetna glasba, nad katero so učenci navdušeni. V diplomskem delu sem uporabila tri raziskovalne metode: deskriptivno, komparativno in zgodovinsko metodo. Uporabila sem tudi postopek zbiranja podatkov, predvsem na podlagi zapisanih kronik.

Ključne besede

osnovne šole;izobraževanje;OŠ Brežice;zgodovina šolstva;šolska kronika;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [P. Kragl]
UDK: 37:93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 20696840 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2469
Št. prenosov: 278
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The title of my diploma thesis is The primary school OŠ Brežice in the years between 1917 and 1971. The purpose of the thesis is to introduce the beginnings of educational system in Brežice, the operation of the school in the years between 1917 and 1971 as well as to compare it with the development of educational system on the Slovenian territory. During that period some bigger changes were noticed in the location of the school, the school system itself and in the school celebrations. Furthermore, I wanted to find out what activities the school provided and what happened during the school year. The municipality Brežice, where the school is situated, is presented in the thesis. There is a short history introduction of Brežice and its influence on the development of educational system. The very beginnings of education system in our town happened in the second half of the sixteenth century due to the count Jurij Frankopan who built a monastery where the school for boys from bourgeois families was located. The thesis brings a detailed presentation of the school after the first world war when the German school was abolished and replaced by 4-class school for boys and girls. Between the two wars the school building was occupied by the Germans. There were no classes during that time. After the second world war attendence was better than after the first world war. People realized that education was vital. Classes took part in 10 sections. Nowadays, as it was also in the past, the school is visited by a lot of children from nearby villages. The renovation of the school was in 2008. They renovated the toilets, placed lockers for higher classes and painted the walls with bright colours. The bell which announces the end of lessons has been replaced by nice music. The children love it. Three research methods were used in the thesis: descriptive, comparative and historical. Data collection was used as well, especially on the basis of written chronicles.
Sekundarne ključne besede: school;education;education system;Osnovna šola Brežice;zgodovina šolstva;school chronicle;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: 78 f.
ID: 8727434