projekt Žabec in tujec
Sonja Bernik (Avtor), Nada Turnšek (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo temelji na izvedenem projektu medkulturne vzgoje v vrtcu z naslovom Žabec in tujec, osnovanem na istoimenski knjigi, avtorja Max Velthuijsa. Namen projekta je, da skozi projektno delo otrokom zagotovimo pozitivne izkušnje, povezane s prepoznavanjem podobnosti in razlik med njimi, ter otroke postavimo v situacije, v katerih doživijo raznolikost kot prednost. Na ta način ustvarjamo temelje kulturne strpnosti. V projekt je bila vključena skupina devetnajstih otrok, v kateri smo izvajali projekt medkulturne vzgoje; dejavnosti so potekale v skupini enkrat tedensko 2–3 ure. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge so pojasnjeni ključni pojmi, kot sta večkulturna in medkulturna družba, opredeljene so podlage za uresničevanje medkulturnega kurikuluma: človekove in otrokove pravice, ter navedene določbe iz Kurikuluma za vrtce. V okviru poglavja interkulturna pedagogika so opisana področja interkulturnega delovanja. V zaključku je opisan induktivni pristop k razvoju prosocialnih zmožnosti. Empirični del projekta je sestavljen iz šestih delov. Otroci se skozi zgodbo o Žabcu in tujcu srečajo z odklonilnim odnosom do drugih in drugačnih, oblikovanem na predsodku, stereotipu in strahu. Skozi različne dejavnosti (npr. obnavljanje in nadaljevanje zgodbe, razlaganje in vrednotenje odnosov v zgodbi, …) so se otroci soočili s presojanjem in delovanjem z lastnega vidika, učili so se potrpežljivosti, si medsebojno pomagali in bili drug do drugega solidarni. Skozi proces so razvijali sposobnosti sožitja, strpnosti in sprejemanja drugega kot drugačnega. Otroci so spoznavali razlike in podobnosti med seboj; cenili izkušnje drugih in delili svoje izkušnje z ostalimi v skupini. Evalvacija dejavnosti projekta je temeljila na sprotnih evalvacijskih tehnikah, kot so dnevniški zapisi, analize videogradiv, zapisi razgovora z mentorico in zapisi razgovora s študentkami. Evalvacija projekta je pokazala ustvarjalnost otrok pri nastajanju zgodbe, ilustracij in lutkovne predstave. Otroci so v vseh zgodbah rešili spor po nenasilni poti in ustvarili sporazum. Kritično so presodili nastale zgodbe in podali mnenja na zastavljena vprašanja s strani študentk. Aktivno so se vključili v vzporedno dejavnost Žabec spoznava »tuje« okolje, svoj dan z žabcem so predstavili skupini in med seboj primerjali svoje izkušnje. Otroci so bili skozi projekt Žabec in tujec pozitivno naravnani k razmišljanju o drugačnosti kot prednosti in ne slabosti, obenem pa jim je bila to igra.

Ključne besede

induktivni pristop;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Bernik]
UDK: 373.2.016:316.7(043.2)
COBISS: 10693449 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2793
Št. prenosov: 191
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Intercultural education: the project frog and the stranger
Sekundarni povzetek: This diploma thesis was written based on a project of intercultural education Frog and the Stranger in kindergarten, which is based on the eponymous book by Max Velthuijs. The purpose of this project is to provide children with positive experiences associated with the identification of similarities and differences between them. Namely, children were put into situations where they experienced diversity as an advantage and this way the bases of cultural tolerance can be formed. The project of intercultural education included a group of nineteen children, who were enrolled into group activities once a week between 2 to 3 hours. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the key concepts, such as multicultural and intercultural society, as well as defines the basis of intercultural curriculum realization: human and children's rights and the provisions of the curriculum for kindergartens. The chapter of intercultural pedagogy describes the areas of interculturality. In conclusion, the inductive approach to the development of pro-social skills is described. The empirical part consists of six parts. Children learned the story of Frog and the Stranger where they saw a negative attitude towards the others and the different, based on prejudices, stereotype and fear. Children tried various activities (e.g. summarizing and continuation of the story, description and assessment of the relationships in the story, etc.) which helped them to assess and act from their own point of view, they learned patience and solidarity and helped each other. Through this process, they developed the ability of co-existence and tolerance, as well as accepting others as different. The children learned about the differences and similarities between them, and finally, they appreciated the experiences of others and shared their experiences with other members of the group. The evaluation of the project's activities was based on the regular evaluation techniques, such as log records, analysis of the video material, recordings of the interview with the mentor and the records of the interview with the students. The project evaluation showed the creativity of children in experimental creation of stories, illustrations and puppet shows. In all stories, children found a non-violent conflict resolution and made all decisions by consensus. They critically assessed the stories and gave opinions on the questions raised by the students. They actively participated in the parallel activity Frog is getting to know the »foreign« environment, presented their day with the frog to the group and compared their experiences with each other. Throughout the project Frog and the Stranger, children had a positive attitude to the diversity and thought of it as an advantage rather than disadvantage, while at the same time, they experienced all this as a game.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;intercultural education;predšolski otrok;medkulturna vzgoja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 104 str., [3] str. pril.
ID: 8966509