doktorska disertacija
Leta 1246 je v boju padel avstrijsko-štajerski vojvoda Friderik II., zadnji moški pripadnik rodbine Babenberžanov, ki je vojvodini Štajerski do tedaj vladala več kot pol stoletja, vojvodini Avstriji pa celo 270 let. Triindvajset let po Friderikovi smrti je umrl tudi Ulrik III., zadnji koroški vojvoda iz rodbine Spanheimov, ki je poleg koroškega vojvodskega naslova v svojih rokah držal tudi velike dele takratne Kranjske. Konec obeh dinastij je na širšem področju Vzhodnih Alp v hipu sprožil boj za njuno dediščino, ki je z daljšimi in krajšimi prekinitvami trajal vse do leta 1311 (oziroma celo 1335). Tekmecev je bilo (predvsem za nekdanja babenberška ozemlja) več. V največ primerih so s političnega prizorišča izginjali eden za drugim in niso imeli realnih možnosti, da bi se v Avstriji ali na Štajerskem zadostno utrdili ter tam prevzeli oblast. Še najuspešnejša med vsemi sta bila ogrski kralj Bela IV. in češki kralj Otokar II. Přemysl, ki pa jima je uspelo, da sta s svojim avtoritativnim vladanjem štajersko plemstvo popolnoma odvrnila od sebe, tako da se je to v obeh primerih obrnilo proti njima. Nazadnje so se v večjem delu regije utrdili Habsburžani. Temelj za njihov uspeh so bile politične poteze, ki sta jih vlekla Rudolf I. in njegov sin Albreht I. Brez njunih uspehov poznejša habsburška moč vsekakor ne bi bila mogoča. Rudolf in Albreht sta bila zaradi razmer, ki so se v njunem času (1273-1308) ponujale, prisiljena delovati bolj popustljivo od svojih predhodnikov, saj za seboj nista imela ogromne vojaške sile in sta se bila prisiljena po vojaško pomoč vedno znova obračati na Štajerce. V času izumrtja štajerske vojvodske dinastije Babenberžanov lahko med najbolj pomembne rodbine iz področja današnje avstrijske Štajerske štejemo grofe Pfannberške ter gospode Stubenberške, Ortske, Wildonske, Stadeške in Liechtensteinske. Člani teh rodbin so imeli sredi 13. stoletja na Štajerskem še največ politične in vojaške moči ter so opravljali več deželnih in dvornih služb. Na področju današnje slovenske Štajerske je bila samo rodbina gospodov Ptujskih tista, ki se je v istem času lahko kosala z zgoraj omenjenimi. Tekom druge polovice 13. stoletja se je nekaj tako krških kot salzburških ministerialnih rodbin s področja današnje slovenske Štajerske skušalo izviti izpod oblasti svojega (nad)škofa ter se priključiti deželni zvezi štajerskega ali koroškega vojvode. Predvsem so se v tej smeri trudili izvorno salzburški ministeriali Ptujski ter krški ministeriali iz rodbin Kunšperških in Ranšperško-Lemberških. Med slednjimi sta izstopala predvsem Nikolaj Lemberški in Henrik I. Helfenberški. Čeprav sta slednja dva predvsem v šestdesetih letih imela veliko uspehov, pa njun trud slednjič ni obrodil dolgoročnih sadov. Le Ptujski so se uspeli popolnoma izviti izpod oblasti salzburških nadškofov, kar pa je bil rezultat dela več generacij. Za kaj tako dolgotrajnega Ranšperško-Lemberški in Kunšperški enostavno niso imeli moči. Zaradi tako popolnega uspeha gospodov Ptujskih se bralcu morda zazdi, da so bili salzburški in krški (nad)škofje druge polovice 13. stoletja skoraj popolnoma brez moči in svojih ministerialov niso bili sposobni kontrolirati. Temu ni tako. Ptujski so bili dejansko edini, ki jim je (spričo lastne vojaške moči) uspelo "uiti" izpod nadzora salzburških nadškofov in se tesno povezati s štajerskimi vojvodami. Vse druge salzburške in krške ministerialne rodbine česa takega niso bile zmožne. Medtem ko so se gospodje Ptujski za svojo vključitev v štajersko deželno zvezo morali truditi več desetletij, je to Žovneškim uspelo hitro in brez krčevitega nasprotovanja katerega izmed knezov, saj so bili svobodnega izvora. V štajersko deželno zvezo je aprila 1308 vstopil šele Ulrik II. Žovneški. Medtem se drugi člani njegove rodbine (Ulrik I., Leopold III., Gebhard III.) v preteklosti niso skoraj nikoli hoteli vmešavati v štajersko politiko. Tako so se uspeli izogniti nadoblasti oholega bana Štefana in vzkipljivega Otokarja Přemysla.
Ključne besede
rodbine;ministeriali;plemstvo;uboštveni redovi;viteški redovi;Štajerska (Slovenija);Disertacije;Politična zgodovina;;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2015 |
Tipologija: |
2.08 - Doktorska disertacija |
Organizacija: |
UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta |
Založnik: |
M. Bele] |
UDK: |
94(497.4-18)"12"(043.3) |
Št. ogledov: |
1909 |
Št. prenosov: |
382 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Slovenian Styria in the second half of the 13th century |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
In 1246, the Austrian-Styrian Duke Frederick II, the last male member of the Babenberg House, who had reigned over the Duchy of Styria for more than half a century and over the Duchy of Austria even 270 years, died in a fight. Twenty-three years after Frederick's death also Ulrich III of Spanheim, the last Duke of Carinthia, died, who apart from the Carinthian ducal title had also held a large part of Carniola in his hands. The end of the two dynasties immediately triggered a fight for their heritage in the wider area of the Eastern Alps, which with longer and shorter interruptions lasted until 1311 (or even 1335). There were many competitors. In most cases, they disappeared from the political scene one after another without any realistic chances to sufficiently strengthen their positions in Austria and Styria and to take over power there. The most successful of all were the Hungarian King Bela IV and the Bohemian King Ottokar II Přemysl, who due to their authoritarian reign managed to completely turn the Styrian nobility away from them; moreover, the Styrian nobility turned against them in both cases. Finally, in the large part of the region the Habsburgs strengthened their position. Their success was based on the political moves made by Rudolph I and his son Albert I. Rudolph and Albert were due to the circumstances in their time (1273-1308) forced to act more lenient than their predecessors, as they lacked a huge military force to back them up, for which reason they were forced to ask the Styrians for it. At the time of the extinction of the Styrian Babenberg ducal dynasty the Counts of Pfannberg and the Lords of Stubenberg, Ort, Wildon, Stadeck and Liechenstein were considered among the most important families of today's Styria. In the middle of the 13th century the members of these families had a maximum of political and military power in Styria, and performed several state and court services. In the area of today's Slovenian Styria the family of the nobles of Ptuj was the only one to be able to compete with the above mentioned families. During the second half of the 13th century in the area of today's Slovenian Styria the ministerial families of Gurk and Salzburg were trying to break free from the power of their (Arch) bishop and join the state association of the Duke of Styria or the Duke of Carinthia. In particular, the originally Salzburg ministeriales of Ptuj, and the Gurk ministeriales from the families of Kunšperk and Ranšperk-Lemberg were active in this direction. Among the latter Nicholas of Lemberg and Henry I of Helfenberg were particularly prominent. Although the latter two had a lot of success mainly in the sixties, their efforts were not productive in the long run. Only the ministeriales of Ptuj managed to completely break free from the power of the Archbishops of Salzburg, which was to be contributed to the endeavours of several generations. The families the Kunšperk and Ranšperk-Lemberg simply lacked the power for such persistence. Because of the complete success of the Lords of Ptuj, the reader may feel that the (Arch) bishops of Salzburg and Gurk of the second half of the 13th century were almost completely without power, and were not able to control their ministeriales, which was not the case. The Lords of Ptuj were actually the only ones who (due to their own military power) managed to "get" out of control of the Archbishops of Salzburg and to get closely associated with the Dukes of Styria, which all the other Salzburg and Gurk ministerial families were not able to achieve. While the Lords of Ptuj had to try hard to get included in the Styrian state association for many decades, the Lords of Žovnek managed it quickly and without any convulsive opposition of any lord, as they were originally free. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Styria;political history;families;ministeriales;nobility;mendicant orders;knightly orders;13th century;dissertations; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Doktorsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Strani: |
159 str. |
ID: |
9127224 |