magistrsko delo


Pogoj za uspešen nastop podjetja je jasno opredeljena politika, smotri in cilji podjetja. Ugotoviti je potrebno tržno pozicijo podjetja, kar pomeni, da je potrebno upoštevati vse dejavnike konkurenčnosti podjetja, vpliv države, pravne okvire ter vse možne spremembe, ki bi lahko nastale na različnih področjih delovanja podjetja. V magistrskem delu se bom omejila na področje poprodaje, in sicer na poprodajne aktivnosti, ki nastopijo v trenutku prodaje izdelkov na nekem tržišču. Poprodaja z vsemi aktivnostmi je lahko zelo pomembna konkurenčna prednost podjetja na domačem in tujem tržišču, saj omogoča vzdrževanje odnosov med prodajalci in kupci, ki so posledica medsebojnih stikov in izmenjav informacij po sklenjenem prodajnem poslu. To sodelovanje pomeni zaupanje, ki lahko privede do novih poslov. Pričakovanja kupcev morajo biti zadovoljena, kajti le tako jih bomo obdržali. Nekoč je veljalo, da so rezervni deli kot podpora delovanju gospodinjskega aparata le “nujno zlo”, kateremu ni bilo potrebno posvečati veliko pozornosti. Sedaj vemo, da lahko v močni konkurenci preživijo le tista, ki nudijo popolno podporo. Sem pa sodijo tudi poprodajne storitve. Uporabniki aparatov želijo imeti na razpolago poprodajno podporo v celotni življenjski dobi aparata. Želijo imeti rezervni del takoj, ko ga potrebujejo. Podjetje pa mora skrbeti, da so njihove potrebe zadovoljene kakovostno in hitro. Ker so zahteve kupcev drugačne kot pred leti, je potrebno spreminjati način mišljenja in tudi organizacijo poprodaje. Čas je izredno pomemben, zato so vse bolj pomembna mednarodna logistična podjetja, ki kakovostno in hitro opravljajo storitve. Držati se moramo zahtev, kot so “just in time supply” ali “danes naročeno, jutri dobavljeno”. Namen mojega magistrskega dela je prikazati pomen poprodajnih storitev in rezervnih delov proizvodnega podjetja, ki deluje na mednarodnem tržišču. Tudi z analizo rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil poslan servisnim managerjem mednarodnega podjetja, utemeljujemo pomen poprodajnih storitev. Ni pomemben le izdelek, ampak tudi storitev, ki jo izdelek potrebuje v življenjski dobi. Poprodajne storitve so enako pomembne, kot vsi ostali deli procesa proizvodnega podjetja. Nikakor ne more biti proizvodno podjetje dolgoročno uspešno, če nimajo vsi podsistemi enakovreden pomen.

Ključne besede

prodaja;poprodajna logistika;storitve;kakovost;zadovoljstvo uporabnikov;gospodinjski aparati;rezervni deli;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Antloga Kapitler]
UDK: 658.8(043.2)
COBISS: 12483868 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1384
Št. prenosov: 188
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂimportance of after sales services by the sale of household appliances
Sekundarni povzetek: The condition for the successful performance of the company is clearly defined policy, aims and goals of the company. It is necessary to find the market position of the company, where all factors of competitiveness of the company, the impact of the state, legal frameworks, and any possible changes that may arise in different areas of company operation, shall be taken into the consideration. In Master’s thesis I will concentrate on aftersales, on the after-sales activities which occur at the time of the sale of products in a market. Aftersales with all activities could be very important competitive advantage on domestic and foreign market, because it allows to maintain the relationships between sellers and buyers, which is a consequence of the interaction and exchange of information after sales transaction is completed. This cooperation means that there is a trust that can lead to new business. Expectations of our customers shall be satisfied, because only on that way we can keep them. Once it was valid that the spare parts as a support to the functioning of the household appliance have been only "necessary evil", and there was not necessary to pay a lot of attention. Now, we know that the strong competition could only survive the companies that offer full support. And in this support also the after-sales service is included. The users of appliances want to have after-sales support available for the entire lifetime of the appliance. They want to have a spare part as soon as they need it. And the company shall ensure that their needs are satisfied quality and fast. As customer requirements are different as they were some years ago, it is necessary to change the way of thinking and aftersales organization. The time is very important, therefore, the importance of international logistics companies, that provide quality and fast services, grows. We must consider the requirements, such as "just-in-time supply" or "ordered today, delivered tomorrow". The purpose of my Master’s thesis is to show the importance of after-sales service and spare parts of a manufacturing company, which operates on the international market. We justify the importance of after-sales service also by analyzing the results of a questionnaire, which was sent to the service managers of international company. It is important not only the product but also the service that the product needs in a lifetime. The after-sales services are of the same importance as all other parts of process of the manufacturing company. The manufacturing company could not be successful on the long term, if all subsystems are not of equally importance.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Business Logistics;Service;Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction;After-sales Service;Spare parts Logistics.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: VI, 115 str.
ID: 9136977
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa
, delo diplomskega projekta
, delo diplomskega seminarja