magistrska naloga
Mojca Turinek (Avtor), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor), Aleš Ferčič (Komentor)


Magistrska naloga z naslovom »Zloraba položaja ali zaupanja pri gospodarski dejavnosti z vidika gospodarskega prava« tako po pojmovni kot vsebinski plati opredeljuje posamezne oblike ravnanj storilcev tega kaznivega dejanja, ki je inkriminirano v 240. členu Kazenskega zakonika (KZ-1), s posebnim poudarkom na tistih ločnicah in segmentih, ki ob upoštevanju temeljnega ustavnega načela svobodne gospodarske pobude pomenijo prehode iz povsem legalnega in legitimnega načina gospodarskega poslovanja, do dejanj, ki pomenijo zlorabo položaja, zaupanja, ki je na podlagi splošnih ali posebnih pooblastil dano osebam znotraj gospodarskih in z njimi izenačenih subjektov, prekoračitev pravic v razmerju do tretjih oseb ali opustitev dolžnosti, h katerim so posamezniki zavezani na podlagi samega zakona, drugega predpisa, akta pravne osebe ali pravnega posla glede razpolaganja s tujim premoženjem ali koristmi, njihovega upravljanja ali zastopanja. Skozi predstavitev lastnih praktičnih primerov, dilem sodne prakse, teoretičnih izhodišč in primerjalno pravne dogmatike avtorica v delu izpostavlja pomen pravočasne prepoznave elementov protipravnosti v posameznih poslovnih dogodkih in njihovih posledicah ter pravilne in zakonite uporabe gospodarskih institutov, osvetljenih z vidika posebnosti institutov splošnega dela kazenskega zakonika v smeri pravilne pravne kvalifikacije kaznivega dejanja. Odgovarja na vprašanja o upravičenosti kritike teorije o nedoločenosti obravnavanega kaznivega dejanja, njegove potrebnosti v kazenskem zakoniku ter z vidika opredeljenosti opisa dejanja kot tihe blanketne norme opozarja na temeljno načelo enotnosti pravnega reda. Ob označitvi dejanja kot posebnega delikta so pojasnjene ločnice med (so)storilstvom in udeležbo s poudarkom na institutih nepravega opustitvenega dejanja, opustitvene pomoči, poskusa pri sostorilstvu, posebnosti posrednega storilstva ter dejanskega in kolegijskega organa v povezavi s pravnimi učinki privolitve in njene zakonitosti. Opredeljuje se do pravne kontinuitete trenutno veljavnega opisa dejanja v primerjavi z njegovimi predhodniki ter ob opustitvi klavzule o subsidiarnosti postavlja razmejitve do kaznivega dejanja poneverbe, stečajnih in korupcijskih kaznivih dejanj ter pranja denarja, pri tem pa opozarja na uporabo interesne formule in pomen načela dvojne kaznivosti. Delo razrešuje tudi dileme v zvezi z neuravnoteženostjo med ravnanjem in posledico temeljne oblike kaznivega dejanja ter ob poudarjenih elementih premoženjskega delikta opozarja na odvečnost inkriminacije njegove privilegirane oblike, motivirane s pridobitvijo nepremoženjske koristi. Za postavitev mej področja kriminalnosti pri podjetniških odločitvah, ugotavljanje koristoljubnega ali oškodovalnega namena storilca ter obstoja katere od zatrjevanih oblik zmot ponuja razlago pravila razumne poslovne presoje, podaja kriterije za opredelitev gospodarske dejavnosti v okviru negospodarskih subjektov ter (ne)dopustnosti razpolaganj s premoženjem v vodilnih pravnoorganizacijskih oblikah družb ter ob podani civilistični razlagi pojma pojasnjuje razlike med fiktivnimi posli v korporacijskem in kazenskopravnem smislu. Prikazane so tudi posebnosti upravljanja in možnosti uresničitve zakonskih znakov obravnavanega dejanja v času ustanavljanja družbe, njene finančne krize in prenehanja ter v okviru koncernskih razmerij.

Ključne besede

zloraba položaja ali zaupanja;delictum proprium;sostorilstvo;udeležba;posredni storilec;dejanski organ;namerni delikt;blanketna napotitev;načelo enotnosti pravnega reda;gospodarska dejavnost;gospodarski subjekti;preddružba;razpolaganje s premoženjem gospodarske družbe;fiktivni posli;finančna pomoč;pravilo razumne poslovne presoje;tvegani posli;zloraba v času prenehanja družbe;stečajni upravitelj;stek (čistih) gospodarskih kaznivih dejanj;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Turinek]
UDK: 343.5:347.133.8(043.3)
COBISS: 5189419 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2209
Št. prenosov: 171
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Abuse of position or trust in economic activity from the point of view of business law
Sekundarni povzetek: The master's thesis entitled “Abuse of position or trust in economic activity from the point of view of business law“ defines conceptual and contentual aspects of individual types of actions by perpetrators of this criminal offence, which is incriminated in Art. 240 of the Penal Code (KZ-1), with a special emphasis on the dividing lines and segments representing – in consideration of the basic constitutional principle of the free economic incentive - transfers from an entirely legal and legitimate business operation to actions representing abuse of position and trust, given to persons within economic entities or entities levelled with them on the basis of general or special powers of attorney, enabling them to transgress the rights in relation to third persons or be derelict in their duties which they are bound to fulfil on the basis of the law itself, another regulation, an instrument of a legal person or legal business relating to disposing of somebody else’s property or benefits, the management or representation thereof. By means of presentation of her own practical cases, dilemmas of court practice, theoretical starting points and in comparison with the legal doctrine, the authoress points out the significance of timely recognition of elements of illegality in individual business events and their consequences and of correct and legal implementation of economic institutes, examined from the point of view of speciality of institutes of the general part of the Penal Code in the sense of correct legal qualification of a criminal offence. The thesis answers the questions about the justness of the criticism of theory about the indefiniteness of the criminal offence being dealt with, its necessity in the Penal Code, and from the aspect of the definition of the description of the offence as a silent blanket norm the basic principle of the unity of the legal order is pointed out. Defining an action as a special offence the dividing lines between (co-)perpetration and participation are explained, putting an emphasis on the institutes of undue omissive offence, failure to render assistance, attempt at co-perpetration, the particularities of indirect perpetratorship and of the actual and collegiate authority in connection with legal effects of consent and its lawfulness. The authoress takes a stand regarding the legal continuity of the currently valid description of the action in comparison with its predecessors; abandoning the subsidiarity clause she sets the dividing points regarding the criminal offence of embezzlement, bankruptcy and corruption criminal offences and money laundering, pointing out the implementation of the interest formula and the meaning of the double culpability principle. The thesis also solves dilemmas in connection with the imbalance between an action and the consequence of the basic form of a criminal offence and, considering the emphasized elements of a property offence, it calls attention to the redundancy of the incrimination of its privileged form, motivated by the acquisition of non-property benefit. To set the limits of the criminality sphere in business decisions, to establish the perpetrator's purpose to profiteer or impair and the existence of any of the forms of professed mistakes, the thesis offers an explanation of the principle of a reasonable business judgement, sets the criteria to define economic activity within non-economic entities and the (in)admissibility of disposing of the property of various legal forms of company organization, and explains the difference among fictive business activities in corporative and criminal sense, also stating the civil-like explanation of the concept. The specialities of management and the possibilities of realizing the legal signals of the processed action during the period of establishing the company, its financial crisis and liquidation and within corporation relationships are also presented.
Sekundarne ključne besede: abuse of position or trust;delictum proprium;co-perpetration and participation;indirect perpetrator;actual authorities;deliberate offence;blanket referral;the principle of the unity of legal order;economic/business activity;economic entities;pre-incorporated company;disposing of the property of a business company;fictive business;financial aid;the principle of reasonable business judgement;hazardous business;abuse during the liquidation of a company;bankruptcy trustee;merger of economic criminal offences;master thesis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 2019-11-09
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 174 str.
ID: 9147283