magistrsko delo
Nataša Lampret (Avtor), Sergej Flere (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo ugotavljali, ali obstajajo razlike v šolski uspešnosti med fanti in dekleti v slovenskih srednjih šolah ter na katerih področjih oziroma pri katerih predmetih se kažejo. Preverjali smo, ali prihaja med dekleti in fanti do razkoraka med šolskimi ocenami in uspehom v razredu ter med (standardiziranimi) izpiti, kot sta matura in poklicna matura. Zanimalo nas je, ali se slovenski fantje in dekleta stereotipno odločajo pri izbiri šolskih predmetov in ali se razlike med spoloma v šolski uspešnosti s starostjo spreminjajo. Ugotavljali smo, ali socializacija (predvsem odnos s starši in njihov nadzor) in samokontrola dijakov in dijakinj vplivata na njihove izobraževalne dosežke. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili odnos in povezanost med razlikami, neenakostjo, enakostjo in enakopravnostjo. Nato smo razdelali pojem spola, razložili razlike med biološkim in družbenim spolom ter ugotavljali, kako se oblikujejo spolne vloge in kakšen pomen imajo v osebnem in družbenem življenju moških in žensk. Pojasnili smo, kako se meri šolska (ne)uspešnost in kakšne so lahko njene posledice, pri čemer smo posebno pozornost namenili šolskemu osipu, prav tako pa smo analizirali, katere programe in vrste srednješolskega izobraževanja izbirajo fantje in dekleta in ugotavljali, ali se to povezuje s študijskimi in poklicnimi izbirami. Posebno pozornost smo namenili proučevanju razlik v šolskem uspehu glede na spol v tujih in domačih študijah in mednarodnih primerjavah izobraževalnih dosežkov PISA in TIMSS. V empiričnem delu smo analizirali rezultate splošne in poklicne mature v obdobju od leta 2010 do 2015 iz baze podatkov na RIC-u. Primerjali smo ocene, ki so jih dosegli kandidati obeh matur, z ocenami v zaključnem letniku srednje šole glede na spol. Dosežke fantov in deklet smo primerjali v celoti in po posameznih predmetih, vseh obveznih in nekaterih izbirnih - tistih, ki naj bi se tradicionalno povezovali z moškimi in ženskimi področji. Prav tako smo izvedli raziskavo o tem, ali obstajajo razlike v šolski uspešnosti med fanti in dekleti v slovenskih srednjih šolah, med dijaki zaključnih letnikov srednjega strokovnega in gimnazijskega izobraževanja. Slovenski srednješolci in srednješolke se v šolski uspešnosti razlikujejo. V razredu so večinoma uspešnejša dekleta, na splošno in po posameznih predmetih, pa tudi pri izbirnih predmetih, za katere smo menili, da so predvsem fantovska izbira, so dekleta dokazala, da so velikokrat uspešnejša. Pri maturitetnih izpitih so se bolje odrezali fantje. Ugotovili smo, da so si dekleta bližje s starši, predvsem z mamo, in da jih starši tudi v večji meri nadzorujejo kot fante. Dijaki in dijakinje so zadovoljni s šolo; zadovoljni so s pridobljenim znanjem, s podajanjem znanja in z odnosom učiteljev do njih. Prav tako je naša raziskava pokazala, da so tako fantje kot dekleta motivirani za šolsko delo, da se zavedajo, da je šolanje njihova obveza in da so rezultati v razredu in na maturi odraz njihovega prizadevanja in truda.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;šolski uspeh;izobraževalni dosežki;razlike med spoloma;spolni stereotipi;srednješolci;srednješolke;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Lampret]
COBISS: 22630920 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1407
Št. prenosov: 168
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Academic achievement differences between boys and girls in Slovene Secondary Schools
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master’s thesis, we have tried to establish whether there are any academic achievement differences between boys and girls in Slovene secondary schools and in which areas or at which subjects they can be observed. We have examined if there are any differences between boys and girls and their school grades, their overall achievement at school as well as their achievement at (standardized) examinations, such as the General and the Vocational Matura national examinations. What is more, we have also been interested if boys and girls choose their school subjects stereotypically and whether the differences in the academic achievement between boys and girls change with age. Furthermore, we have tried to establish if the socialization (mostly the relationship with the parents and their control) and self-control influence the academic achievement. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, we have defined the relationship and the connection between the differences, the equality and the inequality. We have also elaborated the concept of gender and explained the differences between sex and gender. In addition, we have established how gender roles are formed, and what their meanings in men and women’s personal and social lives are. We have also explained how the academic achievement (or lack of it) is measured and what its consequences might be wherein we have carefully examined the dropout rate. We have analysed which programmes and types of secondary education are chosen by boys and which are chosen by girls and we have tried to establish if the choices made are connected to boys and girls’ professional or academic choices. In addition, the gender-based differences in foreign and domestic studies as well as in the PISA and the TIMSS international comparison of the academic achievement have been studied carefully. In the empirical part of the master’s thesis, we have analysed the general matura examination and the vocational matura examination results’ between 2010 and 2015, which were gathered by the National Examinations Centre (RIC). We have analysed and compared the candidates’ grades at the national examinations and the grades achieved at the end of their final year at school. In addition, we have compared boys and girls’ achievement in general as well as their achievement at all the obligatory and some optional subjects, especially those, which are believed to be traditionally linked to male and female areas of expertise. Additionally, we have conducted a research to determine whether there are differences in academic achievement between boys and girls in Slovene secondary schools and whether there are differences between the final year students in general upper-secondary and upper-secondary technical education. As a result, we have established that there are the academic achievement differences between Slovene secondary school students. Our research has shown that girls are not only more successful at school in general and at specific school subjects but also at optional subjects, which are believed to be mostly preferred by boys, whereas boys are more successful at general and vocational matura examinations. We have also discovered that girls feel closer to their parents, especially to their mothers, and that they are more controlled by their parents compared to boys. According to our research, boys and girls are satisfied with schools they go to, the obtained knowledge, the teachers’ explanations and attitudes towards students. In addition, our research has demonstrated that both, boys and girls are motivated for learning and are aware that studying is their own obligation. They understand that their academic achievements at school as well as at the national examinations are the result of their work and effort.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;academic achievement;educational attainment;gender differences;gender stereotypes;secondary school students;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Strani: 128 str.
ID: 9175332