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Št. zadetkov: 3
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Oznake: bolezni rastlin;glivične bolezni;genom;geni;patologija;molekularne metode;gostiteljske rastline;patogene glive;molekularna biologija;
Plant fungal pathogens
Leto: 2012 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: verticillium nonalfalfae;molekulske osnove imunosti;molekularna imunologija;glivične bolezni;hmelj;bolezni rastlin;
During fungal infections, plant cells secrete chitinases, which digest chitin in the fungal cell walls. The recognition of released chitin oligomers via lysin motif (LysM)-containing immune host receptors results in the activation of defense signaling pathways. We report here that Verticillium nonal ...
Leto: 2019 Vir: Biotehniška fakulteta (UL BF)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: Solanum lycopersicum;symptomatology;
Cross-protection or enhanced symptom display in greenhouse tomato co-infected with different Pepino mosaic virus isolates
Leto: 2010 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani (RUL)
Št. zadetkov: 3
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