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Št. zadetkov: 103
Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci
Oznake: estrification;limited reactions;kinetic studies;
Equilibrium limited reactions
Leto: 2012 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: meritve gostote;parcialne molske prostornine;presežne molske prostornine;izotermična stisljivost;notranji tlak;n-heptan;n-oktan;density measurements;partial molar volume;excess molar volume;isothermal compressibility;isobaric thermal expansivity;internal pressure;n-heptane;n-octane;
The densities of n-heptane, n-octane and their binary mixtures were measured at 298.15, 323.15 and 348.15 K and within the pressure range 0.1 to 40 MPa using a vibrating tube densimeter. The reliability of this technique has been verified in our previous works. The partial molar volumes, excess mola ...
Leto: 2007 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: tokoferoli;volumetrične lastnosti;gostota;superkritični CO2;tocopherol;volumetric properties;densities;supercritical carbon dioxide;
The densities of ▫$/alpha$▫-tocopherol in supercritical carbon dioxide were measured from (308.15 to 333.15) K and within the pressure range (10 to 40) MPa using avibrating tube densimeter. The reliability of this technique has been verified in our previous work. The dependence of densities of ▫$/al ...
Leto: 2007 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: karoten;volumetrične lastnosti;gostota;superkritični CO2;carotene;volumetric properties;densities;supercritical carbon dioxide;
The densities of ▫$/beta$▫-carotene-supercritical carbon dioxide mixtures were measured at (308.15, 313.15, 323.15, and 333.15) K and within the pressure range (10 to 40) MPa using a vibrating tube densimeter. The reliability of this technique has been verified in our previous work.
Leto: 2007 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: laboratorijske vaje;materiali;kemijska tehnologija;
Materiali : navodila za opravljanje laboratorijskih vaj na 1. stopnji bolonjskega visokošolskega strokovnega programa Kemijska tehnologija
Leto: 2011 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: kemija;kemijska tehnologija;vaje za visoke šole;
Gradiva : navodila za opravljanje laboratorijskih vaj na 1. stopnji bolonjskega univerzitetnega programa Kemija in kemijska tehnologija
Leto: 2012 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: etanol;vodne raztopine etanola;meritve gostote;gostomer z nihajočo U cevko;parcialni molski volumni;izotermična stisljivost;razteznostni koeficient;kubični ekspanzijski koeficient;notranji tlak;ethanol;ethanol-water mixtures;density measurements;vibrating U tube densimeter;partial molar volumes;isothermal compressibility;isobaric expansibility;cubic expansion coefficient;internal pressure;
The densities of ethanol and ethanol-water mixtures were measured with a vibrating tube densimeter at 25.0, 50.0 and 75.0°C in the pressure range from 0.10 to 40.00 MPa. Densities were correlated using an empirical model. Partial molar volumes, excess molar volumes, isothermal compressibilities, cub ...
Leto: 2005 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: koenzim Q10;meritve gostote;parcialni molski volumni;izotermična stisljivost;razteznostni koeficient;notranji tlak;superkritični CO2;density measurements;partial molar volume;isothermal compressibility;isobaric thermal expansivity;internal pressure;supercritical carbon dioxide;
The densities of coenzyme Q10 in supercritical carbon dioxide were measured at 308.15, 313.15, 323.15 and 333.15 K and in the pressure range from 10 to 40 MPa with the vibrating tube densimeter. The reliability of the technique has been verified in our previous works and in the present work it was c ...
Leto: 2007 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: chemical kinetics;mass transfer;saponification;heterogeneous system;
The saponification of an aromatic ester with an aqueous sodium hydroxide was studied within a heterogeneous reaction medium in order to determine the overall kinetics of the selected system. The extended thermo-kinetic model was developed compared to the previously used simple one. The reaction rate ...
Leto: 2015 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Video in druga učna gradiva
Oznake: kemijska tehnika;reakcijska tehnika;laboratorijske vaje;
Kemijska reakcijska tehnika II
Leto: 2019 Vir: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo (UM FKKT)
Št. zadetkov: 103
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