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Št. zadetkov: 2
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: matematika;teorija grafov;tranzitivna permutacijska grupa;2-zaprta grupa;polregularni avtomorfizem;točkovno tranzitivni grafi;mathematics;graph theory;transitive permutation group;2-closed group;square-free degree;semiregular automorphism;vertex-transitive graph;
It is shown that a minimal normal subgroup of a transitive permutation group of square-free degree in its induced action is simple and quasiprimitive, with three exceptions related to ▫$A_5$▫, ▫$A_7$▫, and PSL(2,29). Moreover, it is shown that a minimal normal subgroup of a 2-closed permutation grou ...
Leto: 2007 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani (RUL)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: matematika;teorija grafov;tranzitivna permutacijska grupa;2-zaprta grupa;polregularni avtomorfizem;točkovno tranzitivni grafi;mathematics;graph theory;transitive permutation group;2-closed group;semiregular automorphism;vertex-transitive graph;
It is shown that a vertex-transitive graph of valency ▫$p+1$▫, ▫$p$▫ a prime, admitting a transitive action of a ▫$\{2,p\}$▫-group, has a non-identity semiregular automorphism. As a consequence, it is proved that a quartic vertex-transitive graph has a non-identity semiregular automorphism, thus giv ...
Leto: 2007 Vir: Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani (RUL)
Št. zadetkov: 2
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