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Št. zadetkov: 4
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Oznake: epileptogeneza;epileptični napadi;imunski odziv;prognostični dejavniki;možgani;vnetje;generalizirani epileptični napadi;krvna plazma;citokini;hematoencefalna bariera;prepustnost;slikanje z magnetno resonanco;disertacije;
Vnetni profil v krvi pri bolnikih po epileptičnem napadu
Leto: 2018 Vir: Medicinska fakulteta (UL MF)
Pregledni znanstveni članek
Background Acute myopathy or neuropathy is a common complication in criticallyill patients in intensive care unit. This complication is relativelyobvious in patients with primary non-neurological disorder. However,such complication is difficult to notice in patients with primary neurological disorde ...
Leto: 2009 Vir: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: nega starostnikov;nega na domu;družina;negovalci;Slovenija;
In countries with prevalent family care and less developed care services, it is important to understand the ways families cope with the care needs of their frail family members as part of policy learning to make care systems more sustainable. Filial care is a vital element of family care, yet is sig ...
Leto: 2020 Vir: Fakulteta za družbene vede (UL FDV)
Izvirni znanstveni članek
Oznake: citizens;welfare attitudes;welfare regimes;conditionality;
The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows that citizens’ support for family policies is diverse across different welfare regimes with respect to four countries belonging to distinct regimes: the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway and Slovenia. Usi ...
Leto: 2022 Vir: Fakulteta za družbene vede (UL FDV)
Št. zadetkov: 4
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