magistrsko delo
Lilijana Peklar (Author), Željko Knez (Mentor), Jurij Krope (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo podaja bistvene podatke o vrstah sprememb v živilih in pogojih, ki jih indicirajo - s poudarkom na segmentu piva. Delo vsebuje informacije in primerjave (prednosti in slabosti) med dvema vrstama embalaže za pivo (steklena in PET embalaža). Glavni vplivi, ki so bili preučevani tekomštudije so migracije plinov (kisik in ogljikov dioksid), odpornost materiala na zunanje vplive (svetloba, vlaga, transport,...) ter eventualne sekundarne migracije iz materiala v živilo. Poleg klasičnih fizikalno-kemijskih metod raziskovanja je bila na testiranih vzorcih izvedena tudi senzorična ocena končnega proizvoda, v odvisnosti od časa skladiščenja invrste embalaže. Prvi del študije obravnava prvotna testiranja z različnimienoslojnimi PET embalažami (različni aktivni in pasivni dodatki) in inertno stekleno embalažo. Kar pa ni ustrezalo zahtevam glede ohranjanja kvalitete piva. Nato so v delu navedeni rezultati primerjav med stekleno in večslojno PET embalažo, ki se je glede na določene zahteve, pokazala za ustrezno. V zadnjem delu študije je izvedena primerjava med novo vrsto enoslojne PET embalaže (cenovno sprejemljivejša od večslojne), z dodano aktivno in pasivno zaščito, večslojno plastenko in stekleno embalažo. Novo izbrana plastenka se je v primerjavi s stekleno in večslojno PET embalažo, izkazala kot dobra aktivno pasivna zaščita za produkt (migracije v okviru zahtevanih meja). S stališča organoleptike pa je bilo pivo v testirani embalaži, po preteku štirih mesecev, ocenjeno slabše kot pivo v stekleni embalaži. Organoleptične razlike med pivi so se postopoma zmanjševale in so bile ob koncu roka uporabnosti minimalne, oziroma jih ni bilo ali pa so se celo obrnile v prid piva v enoslojni PET embalaži.


barierne tehnologije;migracijski procesi;pivo;embalažni materiali;permeabilnost;vplivi na obstojnost živil;rok uporabnosti živil;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [L. Peklar]
UDC: 664:641.87
COBISS: 14057238 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5201
Downloads: 502
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Beer in PET packaging
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis provides essential data about the variety of modifications with food products and conditions inducting them, emphasising the segment on beer segment. The thesis includes information on and comparisons (advantages and disadvantages) between two kinds of beer package (glass made and PET). Themost significant influences subjected to research performed by the study are the gas migration (oxygen and carbon dioxide), residence of materials to outside influences (light, humidity, transport.) and eventual secondary migrations from the material into the food product. Beside usual physically-chemical research methods, the sensorial evaluation of the end product was also performed with tested samples, depending on the storage time and kind of package. The first chapter of the study illustrates initial testing processes performed with single-layer PET packages (various passive and active additives) and the inertial glass package. No satisfying figures were gained with this kind of PET package according to beer quality maintenance. The following chapter deals with figures of comparison between the glass and multi-layer PET packages, which managed to prove themselves suitable to meet particular requirements. The final part of the thesis discusses about the comparison between the new single-layer PET package (more reasonable in price than the multi-layer one), implemented by active and passive protection, a multi-layer PET bottle and glass package. In comparison with a standard glass bottle and the multi-layer PET package, the new bottle proved itself a good active-passive protection to the product (migration within required norms). From the organoleptic point of view, however, the beerin the testing package was found to be of worse quality after the four-month period of time. Organoleptic differences between beers gradually tended to lessen to become minimal by the end of the date of durability or were impossible to be unveiled or they even acted in favour of the beer in thesingle-layer package.
Secondary keywords: barrier technologies;processes of migration;beer;package materials;PET;permeability;influences onto durability of products;Shelf Life;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XIII, 152 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;chemical technology;chemical and related industries;kemijska tehnologija;kemijske in sorodne industrije;production and preservation of solid foodstuffs;proizvodnja in konzerviranje živil;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;home economics;domestic science;housekeeping;gospodinjstvo;stanovanje;food;cooking;dishes;živila;kuhanje;jedi;
ID: 1011151