magistrsko delo
Saša Štukl (Author), Maja Hmelak (Mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela Posamezni vidiki postavljanja meja in pravil pri predšolskem otroku z vidika staršev in vzgojiteljev v vrtcu "Otona Župančiča" Slovenska Bistrica je raziskati značilnosti in načine postavljanja meja in pravil pri predšolskem otroku in obenem prikazati razlike in podobnosti med vzgojiteljicami in starši na primeru vrtca "Otona Župančiča" Slovenska Bistrica. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pomen družine in vloge staršev za razvoj predšolskega otroka, prav tako smo razložili vlogo in pomen meja in pravil za otroka v predšolskem obdobju, razčlenili smo strategije za doseganje spoštovanja postavljenih meja in pravil ter na koncu opredelili vlogo vzgojiteljev in ostalih strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu pri postavljanju meja. V empiričnem delu smo z raziskavo, ki temelji na deskriptivni in kavzalno-neeksperimentalni metodi pedagoškega raziskovanja, prikazali ugotovitve, da vzgojiteljice postavljajo pravila skupaj z otroki, medtem ko starši otrok ne vključujejo, obenem pa smo ugotovili, da so vzgojiteljice bolj dosledne pri mejah in pravilih kot starši.


magistrska dela;avtoriteta;doslednost;kazen;meje;pravila;predšolski otrok;vloga vrtca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Štukl]
UDC: 373.2:37.011.3-051 (043.2)
COBISS: 23218952 Link will open in a new window
Views: 824
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Individual aspects of setting rules and boundaries to preschool children from the perspective of parents and preschool teachers in kindergarten Oton Župančič Slovenska Bistrica
Secondary abstract: The main purpose of this Master's thesis, titled Individual Aspects of Setting Rules and Boundaries to Preschool Children From the Perspective of Parents and Preschool Teachers in Kindergarten Oton Župančič Slovenska Bistrica, is to examine various characteristics and different approaches of setting boundaries and rules to preschool children; simultaneously, we demonstrated differences and similarities between preschool teachers and parents at the Oton Župančič kindergarten in Slovenska Bistrica. The theoretical part defines the importance of family and the parents' role in preschool children development; we also explained the function and the meaning of setting boundaries and rules to children in their kindergarten years. Diverse strategies for convincing children to respect the boundaries and the rules were analyzed. Additionally, we explained the role of kindergarten teachers and other professional workers have in setting these boundaries. The empirical part involves descriptive and causal non-experimental method of pedagogical research. We analyzed the results and concluded that preschool teachers set boundaries in collaboration with children, while parents tend to not include their children into the process of setting the boundaries. The results also showed that in comparison to the parents, preschool teachers are more consistent in upholding the agreed upon boundaries and rules.
Secondary keywords: master theses;authority;consistency;sentence boundaries;rules;pre-school children;role of kIndergarten;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: IV, 66 f., 4 f. pril.
ID: 10837722