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Katja Lekše (Author), Nataša Šegatin (Reviewer), Tomaž Polak (Mentor)


Meso je v naši prehrani glavni vir beljakovin, esencialnih aminokislin, mineralov in vitaminov B kompleksa. Kunčje meso ima s prehranskega vidika, zaradi svoje relativno majhne zamaščenosti, ugodno sestavo in sodi med dietno hrano. Hkrati pa nima izrazite arome. Sončnično olje vsebuje veliko enkrat nenasičenih maščobnih kislin in ima pozitivno razmerje med n-3 in n-6 maščobnimi kislinami. V ta namen smo izdelali kunčje hrenovke z dodatkom slanine in/ali sončničnega olja ter brez dodatka fosfata. Dobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da so s senzoričnega vidika sprejemljivejše hrenovke s slanino. Izključitev fosfata pa pomeni rahlejšo, manj gumijasto teksturo, hkrati pa je proces oksidacije hitrejši. Zaključimo lahko, da je kunčje meso primerno za predelavo v mesne izdelke, predvsem dobre rezultate daje v kombinaciji z rastlinskimi olji, saj se takšen izdelek približuje optimalni maščobno-kislinski sestavi in s tem ugodno vpliva na zdravje potrošnika.


mesni izdelki;kunčje meso;kunčja hrenovka;kemijska sestava;sončnično olje;slanina;maščobne kisline;senzorične lastnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Lekše]
UDC: 637.523:636.92:543.61:543.9
COBISS: 4835960 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2680
Downloads: 374
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Rabbit meat frankfurters production
Secondary abstract: Meat is a major source of proteins, essential amino-acids, minerals and complex B vitamins. From nutritional point of view has rabbit meat relatively low fat and is rich in proteins. Because of that it is considered as diet food. There is also no distinct aroma of rabbit meat. Sunflower oil has high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and has good influence on the n-3/n-6 ratio. In the present study rabbit frankfurters with pork back fat and/or sunflower oil were made, one sample was also without phosphate. Due to sensory evaluation test the frankfurters are better with pork back fat added. Without phosphate texture was more gentle and less ruby but oxidation process was faster. It can be concluded that rabbit meat is suitable for meat products, especially with vegetable oils included. Products can rich optimal fatty acid ratio and influence on human health.
Secondary keywords: meat products;rabbit meat;frankfurters;chemical composition;sunflower oil;pork fat;fatty acids;sensory properties;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: VI, 24 f.
ID: 10910311