diplomsko delo
Vzdrževanje mostov je lahko zamudno in zahtevno delo, zato ga je smiselno opravljati s plezajočim robotom. Ker dodatna teža robotu predstavlja večjo breme, želimo minimizirati ožičenje z brezžično komunikacijo, v našem primeru bluetooth komunikacijo. Namen tega dela je bil, ugotoviti, kako lahko bluetooth komunikacijo uspešno izvedemo na plezajočem robotu in če je bluetooth komunikacija optimalna rešitev za robota za plezanje.
V teoretičnem uvodu smo predstavili robota in opredelili bluetooth protokol. V praktičnem delu smo spoznali kinematični model robota za plezanje in razčlenili potrebo po prenosu podatkov pri različnih gibih robota. Pregledali smo bluetooth vmesnike na tržišču in izbrali najustreznejšega za potrebe robota za plezanje. Bluetooth komunikacijo smo izvedli in preizkusili s pomočjo treh mikrokrmilnikov dsPIC33FJ64MC802 in s pomočjo treh različnih Bluetooth modulov HC-05, RN-42 in RN4871. Pri izvedbi brezžične bluetooth komunikacije smo poskušali zagotoviti dovolj veliko hitrost prenosa podatkov pri najmanjšem številu potrebnih bluetooth modulov (najnižjih stroških). Ugotavljali smo ali zmoremo s pomočjo Bluetooth komunikacije pošiljati podatke vsakemu krmilniku osi robota in prijemalu robota v času, ki je krajši od 1 tisočinke sekunde. Prenos je bil daljši, kot smo načrtovali (30 mili sekund) in je imel domet, ki je bil večji od pričakovanega (več kot 10m za bluetooth 2. razreda). Ugotovili smo, da je izvedba bluetooth komunikacije mogoča. A za to da najdemo boljšo rešitev so potrebni dodatni preizkusi.
plezajoči roboti;vzdrževanje mostov;bluetooth komunikacija;univerzalni asinhronski sprejemnik-oddajnik;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Publisher: |
D. Virtič Pal |
UDC: |
004.896:007.52(043.2) |
Views: |
1051 |
Downloads: |
105 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Bluetooth controlled climbing robot for maintenance of bridges |
Secondary abstract: |
Maintenance of bridges can be time consuming and demanding, so it is worthwhile to perform it with a climbing robot. Because the extra weight to the robot represents a bigger burden, we want to minimize wiring with wireless communication, in our case bluetooth communication. The purpose of this work was to determine how bluetooth communication can be successfully performed on a climbing robot, and if bluetooth communication is the optimal solution for the climbing robot.
In the theoretical introduction, we introduced a robot and defined a bluetooth protocol. In the practical part, we learned about the kinematic model of climbing robot and the need to transfer data for different movements of the robot. We've reviewed bluetooth interfaces on the market and chose the most suitable for climbing robot needs. Bluetooth communication was performed and tested with three microcontrollers dsPIC33FJ64MC802 and three different Bluetooth modules HC-05, RN-42 and RN4871. In the implementation of wireless bluetooth communication, we tried to provide enough data transfer speed with the minimum number of required bluetooth modules (lowest cost). We have been able to determine whether or not we can send data to each robot axis controller and robot robot controller via Bluetooth communication for a time less than 1 thousandth of a second. The transmission was longer than we planned (30 milli seconds) and had a range that was higher than expected (more than 10m for bluetooth 2nd grade). We have found that bluetooth communication is possible. But to find a better solution, additional tests are needed. |
Secondary keywords: |
climbing robot;maintenance of bridges;bluetooth communication;UART;universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter;MESH;PTP; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mehatronika |
Pages: |
VIII, 139 str. |
ID: |
10941958 |