(magistrsko delo)
Beti Zafran (Author), Cirila Hlastan-Ribič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljen problem nezadostnega uživanja sadja in zelenjave pri otrocih v Ljubljanski regiji. Nezadosten vnos je predstavljen z vidika spola, s kulturnega, z izobraževalnega vidika ter socialno-ekonomskega statusa in vpliva zaužite količine sadja in zelenjave na telesno težo otrok. Metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metoda dela. Raziskovalna inštrumenta sta validirana anketna vprašalnika za starše in otroke. Vsebujeta kombinirane tipe vprašanj in za otroke vključujeta metodo jedilnika prejšnjega dne (24-hour recall) ter metodo pogostosti uživanja posameznih živil (food frequency questionnaire). Rezultati. Na podlagi vzorčnih podatkov sklepamo, da povprečen enajstletni otrok v Ljubljanski regiji ne zaužijejo dovolj sadja v primerjavi s prehranskimi priporočili, čeprav kar 40% otrok ni zaužilo vsaj 150 g sadja in 18,7% otrok v opazovanem dnevu ni zaužilo sadja. Veliko premalo v primerjavi s priporočenimi vrednostmi pa otroci pojejo zelenjave. Povprečni dnevni primanjkljaj zelenjave znaša 175 g od priporočene količine 250 g. Skoraj 35 % otrok v opazovanem dnevu ni pojedlo zelenjave. V vzorcu enajstletnih otrok ni povezanosti med indeksom telesne mase in količino zaužitega sadja in zelenjave, pač pa obstaja šibka pozitivna povezanost med zaužito dnevno količino sadja in dnevno količino zelenjave (Spearmanov rho = 0,310). V primerjavi s fanti, deklice zaužijejo povprečno 17g več zelenjave. Za polovico otrok (dečkov in deklic) v vzorcu lahko rečemo, da pojejo manj kot 40 g zelenjave dnevno. Razlike v dnevnih količinah zelenjave med spoloma so mejno statistično značilne. Socialnoekonomske lastnosti družin opazovanih otrok ne vplivajo na količine zaužitega sadja in zelenjave. Sklep. Rezultati so pomemben prispevek k povečanju znanja o količini zaužitega sadja in zelenjave pri otrocih. Nova spoznanja so lahko temelj za zdravstveno-vzgojno delo pri preventivnem delu s šolarji na področju povečevanja vnosa sadja in zelenjave, skladno s strateškimi usmeritvami za preusmeritev pozornosti od bolezni k zdravju.


sadje in zelenjava;otroci;nezadosten vnos;zdravstvena vzgoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [B. Zafran]
UDC: 613.2-616-083
COBISS: 1729188 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2778
Downloads: 293
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis presents the problem of insufficient fruit and vegetables consumption with children in the Ljubljana region. Insufficient consumption is presented in the terms of gender, cultural and educational aspect, socio-economic status and also in the affect of insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption on the children weight. Research methodology. The quantitative method of research was used. The research instruments are validated surveys for parents and children. They include combined type of questions and contain a 24 hour recall of the menu and a food consumption frequency questionnaire for the kids. Results. Based on the sampled data we conclude that an average eleven year old child in the Ljubljana region consumes enough fruit compared with the dietary recommendations. However 40% of the children consumed less than 150 g of fruit, and 18.7% of children have not consumed fruit during the observation day. Compared to the recommended values children eat far too little vegetables. An average daily deficit of consumed vegetables is 175 g below the recommended quantity of 250 g. Almost 35% of the children have not eaten vegetables during the observation day. In the sample of 11 year old children there is no connection between the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the quantity of the consumed fruit and vegetables, but there is a weak relation between the quantity of consumed fruit and the quantity of consumed vegetables (Spearman’s rho=0,310). Compared to the boys, the girls consume on average 17g more vegetables. One can say, that half of the children (boys and girls) in the sample, eat less than 40 g of vegetables a day. The difference between the daily consumed quantities of vegetables relative to sexes is statistically marginally characteristic. The socio-economic status of the observed children families doesn’t have an effect on the consumed quantity of fruit and vegetables. Conclusion. The results are an important contribution to increase the knowledge about the children’s consumption of fruit and vegetables. New recognitions could be the foundation for health education to increase the fruit and vegetables consumption of children, in accordance to strategic orientations to divert the attention from sickness to health.
Secondary keywords: fruit and vegetables;children;insufficient consumption;health education;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IX, 109 str.., 26 str. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;hygiene generally;personal health and hygiene;higiena splošno;osebno zdravje in higiena;dietetics;nutrition principles applied to feeding and foods;dietetika;prehrambna načela glede na hranjenje in vrsto hrane;
ID: 15202
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