magistrsko delo
Osnovni namen naloge je bil analizirati vsebnost biogenih aminov v fermentiranih mokah volčjega boba, fižola in soje med spontano fermentacijo ter ob dodatku komercialne starter kulture Livendo LV1. Moke stročnic, ki smo jih fermentirali s starter kulturo, vsebujejo manj biogenih aminov, ki nastanejo z dekarboksilacijo aminokislin v primerjavi z vzorci, kjer je potekala spontana fermentacija. V večini primerov je vsebnost biogenih aminov po 48-urni fermentaciji večja kot po 24-urni fermentaciji. Kadaverin in putrescin se med fermentacijo akumulirata v vseh treh vrstah stročnic. V primeru spontane fermentacije moke volčjega boba se po 48 urah tvori veliko putrescina (3533 mg/kg), v primeru dodane starter kulture pa se po 48 urah akumulira le 8 mg/kg putrescina. V spontano fermentiranih mokah stročnic smo določili še tiramin (16-568 mg/kg), triptamin (6-232 mg/kg), feniletilamin (7-14 mg/kg), v enem vzorcu pa tudi histamin (77 mg/kg). Vsebnost poliaminov spermina in spermidina se s fermentacijo ni spremenila. V splošnem ima fermentirana moka volčjega boba največje vsebnosti gama-aminobutanojske kisline (2834 - 3833 mg/kg) in fenolnih antioksidantov (109 - 142 mmol troloks/kg), vsebuje pa tudi največ prostih aminoskupin (154 - 277 mmol aminoskupin/kg moke), ki se tvorijo s hidrolizo, v primerjavi s fermentirano moko fižola oziroma soje.
biogeni amini;spermin;spermidin;gama-aminobutanojska kislina;kislo testo;mlečnokislinska fermentacija;fižol;soja;volčji bob;stročnice;starter kulture;proteoliza;fenolni antioksidanti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[T. Ferlan] |
UDC: |
664.641.2:635.65:547.233 |
Views: |
15 |
Downloads: |
7 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Transformation of biogenic amines during the lactic acid fermentation of legume flours |
Secondary abstract: |
The main purpose of the study was to analyze the content of biogenic amines in lupine, bean and soybean flour during spontaneous fermentation and during fermentation with the commercial starter culture LivendoTM LV1. Legume flours fermented with selected starter culture contain less biogenic amines formed by decarboxylation of amino acids, compared to spontaneous fermentation. In most cases, the content of biogenic amines after 48 hours of fermentation is higher than after 24 hours of fermentation. Cadaverine and putrescine accumulate in all three types of legumes during fermentation. In the case of spontaneously fermented lupine flour large amounts of putrescine (3533 mg/kg) are formed and much lower contents after fermentation with starter (8 mg/kg). Tyramine (16-568 mg/kg), tryptamine (6-232 mg/kg), phenylethylamine (7-14 mg/kg), and in one sample also histamine (77 mg/kg) were determined in spontaneously fermented legume flours. The content of the polyamines spermine and spermidine did not change with fermentation. In general, fermented lupine flour has the highest content of gamma-aminobutanoic acid (2834 - 3833 mg/kg), phenolic antioxidants (109 - 142 mmol trolox/kg) and free amino groups formed by protein hydrolysis (154 - 277 mmol AS/kg flour) compared to fermented bean or soybean flour. |
Secondary keywords: |
biogenic amines;spermine;spermidine;gamma aminobutyric acid;sourdough;lactic acid fermentation;bean;soybean;lupine;pulses;starter culture;proteolysis;phenolic antioxidants; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 45 str., [9] f. pril.) |
ID: |
18102391 |