diplomsko delo
Lara Trbižan (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Primer rolanja kot dodatne športne vsebine


rolanje;rolarski elementi;zaščitna oprema;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Trbižan]
UDC: 796.691(043.2)
COBISS: 9282889 Link will open in a new window
Views: 881
Downloads: 392
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: In-line skating as an example of additional sporting content in primary school
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis presents in-line skating as an example of additional sporting content in third grade primary school. First part introduces theoretical background of in-line skating that a teacher should be familiar with before the start of an in-line skating class. The theory is supported by visual images as well, as these are of great help to the teacher. Second part of the diploma thesis includes teaching preparations for teaching in-line skating and analysis of carried out lessons. In-line skating course consists of 10 lessons, and it can be performed as part of the regular Physical Education (PE) classes. Lessons were attended by twenty-two third graders, ten girls and twelve boys, from the Miroslav Vilhar primary school PE Department. Lesson analysis showed that every one of the ten teaching preparations can be carried out in one lesson. The results showed that lessons were performed properly and all the set goals were achieved. Chosen in-line skating elements introduced to the children throughout the lessons proved suitable and appropriate. To conclude, as part of the regular PE lessons, the pupils were introduced to a new sport that will help them improve their healthy lifestyle even more.
Secondary keywords: physical education;extra-curricular activities;primary school;športna vzgoja;interesne dejavnosti;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: XIII, 179 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): In-line skating as an example of additional sporting content in primary school
Keywords (ePrints): rolanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): in-line skating
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno rolanje kot primer dodatne športne vsebine v tretjem razredu. V prvem delu je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje rolanja, ki ga mora učitelj poznati pred pričetkom njegovega poučevanja. Teoretična osnova je podkrepljena še s slikovnim gradivom, ki je učitelju v veliko pomoč. Drugi del diplomskega dela vsebuje učne priprave za poučevanje rolanja in analize izvedenih učnih ur. Sklop desetih učnih ur predstavlja tečaj rolanja, ki ga je mogoče izpeljati v času rednega pouka športne vzgoje. Pri učnih urah je sodelovalo 10 tretješolk in 12 tretješolcev, ki obiskujejo športni oddelek na Osnovni šoli Miroslava Vilharja. Z analizo učnih ur smo ugotovili, da je vsako izmed desetih učnih priprav mogoče izvesti v eni šolski uri. Rezultati so pokazali, da so bile učne ure korektno izvedene in da so bili zastavljeni učni cilji doseženi. Izkazalo se je, da je bila izbira elementov rolanja, ki so jih učenci spoznali v sklopu učnih ur, ustrezna in primerna. Zaključimo lahko z mislijo, da so učenci v sklopu rednega pouka spoznali šport, ki jih je navdušil, ukvarjanje z njim pa bo pripomoglo k dodatnemu izboljšanju njihovega zdravega življenjskega sloga.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma thesis presents in-line skating as an example of additional sporting content in third grade primary school. First part introduces theoretical background of in-line skating that a teacher should be familiar with before the start of an in-line skating class. The theory is supported by visual images as well, as these are of great help to the teacher. Second part of the diploma thesis includes teaching preparations for teaching in-line skating and analysis of carried out lessons. In-line skating course consists of 10 lessons, and it can be performed as part of the regular Physical Education (PE) classes. Lessons were attended by twenty-two third graders, ten girls and twelve boys, from the Miroslav Vilhar primary school PE Department. Lesson analysis showed that every one of the ten teaching preparations can be carried out in one lesson. The results showed that lessons were performed properly and all the set goals were achieved. Chosen in-line skating elements introduced to the children throughout the lessons proved suitable and appropriate. To conclude, as part of the regular PE lessons, the pupils were introduced to a new sport that will help them improve their healthy lifestyle even more.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): in-line skating
ID: 8310459