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Urška Ličef (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Sodelovanje staršev in šolskih delavcev v primeru otroka z motnjami senzornega procesiranja


motnje senzornega procesiranja;ADHD;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Ličef]
UDC: 376.1-056.47(043.2)
COBISS: 9439049 Link will open in a new window
Views: 992
Downloads: 619
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cooperation of parents and school staff in case of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder
Secondary abstract: Sensory Processing Disorder (hereinafter SPD) occurs in the form of inadequate response to sensory stimuli, problems with discrimination or problems with integration sensory stimuli. SPD can co-occur in children with Attention Deficient/Hyperactivity Disorder (hereinafter ADHD). ADHD has three main characteristics: a lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Children with SPD and/or ADHD can respond differently to the same sensory stimuli that occur in different environments. That is why the thesis presents the importance of good cooperation between parents and school staff, which helps to understand children and provides appropriate assistance for them. The used multiple case study involves three primary school pupils with ADHD (according to the definition of school professionals), their parents, classroom teachers and special aid teachers. All participants filled out a survey rating scales designed for the purpose of this survey, which evaluated responses to sensory stimuli of each individual student. In addition observations were made in the classrooms of each child and interviews with all participants in the survey. The results for selected children with ADHD show a partial trend in the occurrence of auditory processing, motor planning and organization areas of SPD. It is also shown that the observations of parents and teachers differ, confirm the need for communication and cooperation between them. Pupils require sensory integration in order to respond appropriately in different environments. For this purpose this thesis also includes a collection of exercises that will improve the sensory processing of the child. Options for further work are identified in a form of long-term studies where the impact of parents-school cooperation and changes in different environments on pupils’ sensory response can be more completely analysed.
Secondary keywords: backward child;hyperactivity;parent-school relation;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;hiperaktivnost;odnos med starši in šolo;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: XI, 127 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Cooperation of parents and school staff in case of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder 
Keywords (ePrints): SPD
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): SPD
Abstract (ePrints): Motnja senzornega procesiranja (ang. Sensory Processing Disorder; v nadaljevanju SPD) se pojavlja v obliki neprimernega odzivanja na čutne dražljaj ali kot težave z diskriminacijo ali integracijo le-teh. SPD se lahko sočasno pojavlja pri otrocih z motnjo pomanjkljive pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo (ang. Atention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; v nadaljevnju ADHD). Slednja motnja ima tri poglavitne simptome, ki se lahko pojavljajo istočasno pri eni osebi: pomanjkljiva pozornost, hiperaktivnost in impulzivnost. Ker obstaja možnost, da se učenci s SPD in ADHD različno odzivajo na enake senzorne dražljaje v različnih okoljih, je v diplomskem delu predstavljen tudi pomen dobrega sodelovanja staršev in šolskih delavcev za boljše razumevanje otroka ter nudenje ustrezne pomoči. V uporabljeni multipli študiji primera so bili obravnavani trije učenci razredne stopnje z ADHD (glede na opredelitev šolske strokovne službe), njihovi starši, razredni učitelji in učitelji strokovne pomoči. Vsi udeleženci raziskave so izpolnili ocenjevalne lestvice, oblikovane za potrebe te raziskave, v katerih so ocenili odzivanje na posamezne senzorne dražljaje izbranih učencev. Poleg tega so bile opravljene hospitacije pri pouku in intervjuji s sodelujočimi v raziskavi. Rezultati kažejo le delno pojavljanje skupnih znakov senzornih težav na področjih slušnega procesiranja in motoričnega planiranja ter organizacije v primeru izbranih otrok z ADHD. Izkazalo se je tudi, da se opažanja staršev in učiteljev razlikujejo, kar potrjuje potrebo po komunikaciji in sodelovanju med njimi. Učenci za lažje delovanje v različnih okoljih potrebujejo senzorno integracijo, v ta namen je na koncu zbranih nekaj vaj za izboljšanje procesiranja čutnih dražljajev. Možnosti za nadaljnje delo se kažejo v obliki dolgoročne študije o vplivu sodelovanja staršev in šolskih delavcev ter sprememb v različnih okoljih na učenčevo senzorno odzivanje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Sensory Processing Disorder (hereinafter SPD) occurs in the form of inadequate response to sensory stimuli, problems with discrimination or problems with integration sensory stimuli. SPD can co-occur in children with Attention Deficient/Hyperactivity Disorder (hereinafter ADHD). ADHD has three main characteristics: a lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Children with SPD and/or ADHD can respond differently to the same sensory stimuli that occur in different environments. That is why the thesis presents the importance of good cooperation between parents and school staff, which helps to understand children and provides appropriate assistance for them. The used multiple case study involves three primary school pupils with ADHD (according to the definition of school professionals), their parents, classroom teachers and special aid teachers. All participants filled out a survey rating scales designed for the purpose of this survey, which evaluated responses to sensory stimuli of each individual student. In addition observations were made in the classrooms of each child and interviews with all participants in the survey. The results for selected children with ADHD show a partial trend in the occurrence of auditory processing, motor planning and organization areas of SPD. It is also shown that the observations of parents and teachers differ, confirm the need for communication and cooperation between them. Pupils require sensory integration in order to respond appropriately in different environments. For this purpose this thesis also includes a collection of exercises that will improve the sensory processing of the child. Options for further work are identified in a form of long-term studies where the impact of parents-school cooperation and changes in different environments on pupils’ sensory response can be more completely analysed.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): SPD
ID: 8310865